Becuase the video is so unbelievable, I want to intro it with a couple comments from across the WWW:
Obnoxious protester, Zarna Joshi, had been getting in people’s faces and demanded to know their names. Joshi then saw a police supporter being interviewed by a news reporter, and she decided to harass him. When Joshi confronted the supporter, he identified himself to her as “Hugh Mongous.” And that’s when the world fell apart. The crazy really starts about two minutes in.
Rather than arrest Zarna Joshi for creating a disturbance and refusing to leave, the responding officers left her to run free and create more of a disturbance because: Seattle.
These are the sort of self-entitled obnoxious people that police officers are forced to deal with every day. When you think that you’ve had a bad day at work, just remember that you aren’t putting up with this kind of crazy.
This has a little of everything. It’s got social justice warriors. It’s got Black Lives Matter. It’s got PC culture. And it has a guy who called himself ‘Hugh Mungus.’ The nerve on the patriarchist!
Picture it: Seattle, 2016. SJWs and BLM are upset that the city wants to build a new police station. Because, naturally. The media chose to interview a guy – and a WHITE guy at that – whose daughter was a heroin addict instead of anyone from BLM. You know, someone whose opinion might be relevant.
And that’s where the antics ensue. Particularly at the 1:00 minute mark…
This is yet more proof that today’s SJW left is beyond parody. If I were to have created a sketch of a feminist freaking out and calling the cops over someone using the name “Hugh Mungus,” the comments sectionwould have excoriated me for creating such a straw man straw woman non-binary straw-person. If I then created a scenario in which she called the cops over “rape culture” but refused to cooperate with the cops because of “police brutality culture,” people would have accused me of debasing the argument to lazy parody. Yet here we are, 2016….