This poll explains in part why Trump won…
The DAILY WIRE explains the rejection by normal people of Leftist ideals:
This poll explains in part why Trump won…
The DAILY WIRE explains the rejection by normal people of Leftist ideals:
THE BLAZE posts on this excellent response to a question at a Heritage Foundation panel. MOONBATTERY says this of Dr. Cretella: “Dr. Cretella is President of the American College of Pediatricians. No doubt social engineers are out for her head”.
CNN recently cobbled together a quick add trying to fool people into thinking they are The Bea’s Knees. Here is part of THE FEDERALIST’S take:
“Some people might try to tell you that it’s a banana.” #FactsFirst
— CNN (@CNN) October 23, 2017
So I thought two spoofs (one mine) would be fitting:
See my page on TRANSGENDERISM where many change their mind after receiving counseling.
The DAILY CALLER has more:
GAY PATRIOT chimes in as only VtheK can:
Before getting to the excellent commentary by the Chicks’ on the Right, I wanted to note something. What I found Interesting was when I did an initial YouTube search on “Ria Cooper,” the above man, I came across this video of a skin condition where a black woman is turning white through “loss of pigmentation” — her cells turning off the ability to produce melanin. (Known as Vitiligo.) In today day-n-age — maybe as with others — what is lost is that we are all one race, the human race.
And the differences themselves between the ethnicities is small, like fat around the eyes or lips (Asian or black), melanin in the cells being produced being on or off in varying degrees (white to black), etc. CULTURE is the biggest separator of ethnicity.
HOWEVER, the difference between male and female is much deeper, genetically and physiologically speaking. If you have a uterus/womb, lactate around birth, xx vs. xy chromosome, a vagina, etc. These are HUGE differences that make the comparison between “races” child’s play. Yet here we are in a culture that says a baby in the womb is not a person till the day before delivery, but that says men can give birth. That say a white woman cannot merely decide to be black, but that says a man can be “woman of the year.”
Crazy times.
CHICKS ON THE RIGHT comment on the issue via that MIRROR’S story on this:
These are three great short commentaries on the issue at Google which will soon creep into YouTube policies. The first commentary is the Simpson’s almost prophetic dealing with this a decade ago:
Before continuing let me post and expand (with extra links) on a GAY PATRIOT post that tackles this insanity — and yes, Christian’s being forced to bake cakes via the weight of the state but other’s not being forced to bake cakes for other situations is telling.
(Even selling blueberries is deemed hate!) CEO’s being fired for contributing to tradition marriage causes, the lamenting of alternative news choices, adoption agencies no longer able to adopt out children to loving families, etc — all causes me to say unless something changes, we [conservatives] will be rounded up into ghettos:
(Louder w/Crowder) Following Google’s viral debacle and the firing of James Damore’s “anti-woman manifesto”, we decided to do some digging to find out just how “diverse” Google’s leadership actually is! Hint: they’re all hard core liberal SJW activists!
If Google Ads uses an algorithm to tell if the person shopping online is a female or male… is that sexist? Gender imperialism?
(Black Pigeon Speaks)
“Men can get periods too!” claims HuffPost. Their viral article has sparked outrage and controversy across the inter-webs. But we shan’t jump to conclusion! Join us as we investigate their claim and all its implications.
THE CHICKS discuss the conflict and confusion that has risen with transgender people.
BONUS! Misandry on display…. oh, NEVER-MIND.
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Abortion | Pro-Life
FETUS (Latin) That which is born, an offspring (usu of beast occ. of human being, ect) b (sg. collect.) the young (of an animal), the children (of a parent). c the young born at one time, brood, litter. d the young while still in the womb – Oxford Latin Dictionary
Christian Concerns
Same-Sex Marriage
Please Visit:
Please Visit: The Studies
Please Visit: Biological Integrity
Various Topics
Really, there is more — BTW, I use “really,“ loosely.
Great question Uncle Hotep! How would you even quantify that?…
Agender Androgyne Androgynous Bigender Cis Cisgender Cis Female Cis Male Cis Man Cis Woman Cisgender Female Cisgender Male Cisgender Man Cisgender Woman Female to Male FTM Gender Fluid Gender Nonconforming Gender Questioning Gender Variant Genderqueer Intersex Male to Female MTF Neither Neutrois Non-binary Other |
Pangender Trans Trans* Trans Female Trans* Female Trans Male Trans* Male Trans Man Trans* Man Trans Person Trans* Person Trans Woman Trans* Woman Transfeminine Transgender Transgender Female Transgender Male Transgender Man Transgender Person Transgender Woman Transmasculine Transsexual Transsexual Female Transsexual Male Transsexual Man Transsexual Person Transsexual Woman Two-Spirit |
First of all, I have been posting on these varying aspects for some time: Transageism; Transgender; Transhuman; Transmisogynist; Transracial; Transspecies; Transterrestrial. The following is a great example of the Left cannibalizing itself. It is an attack on Journals, which are suppose to allow (esp. in philosophy), varying viewpoints to be “hashed out.” It is an attack on freedom of speech. It is an attack on science, and, it is an attack on truth. If some genes being turned off or on producing melanin is “absolute,” but a uterus, XX vs. XY chromosomes, a vagina, different pelvis’ (which you can tell the gender from), different skulls (which you can tell the gender from), on, and on… is fluid, as well as this:
a uterus, more than 21 percent of the entire human genome, which is composed of about 30,000 genes, code for gender-specific traits; XX vs XY chromosomes, a vagina, different pelvis’ (which you can tell the gender from), different skulls (which you can tell the gender from), on, and on
…then this intolerant witch hunt is ultimately an attack on reality. It is codifying lunacy!
Rebecca Tuvel, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Rhodes College, is a modern day example of a witch-hunt — according to the NEW YORK MAGAZINE. And the funny thing is, the Puritans are Leftists in this story:
NATIONAL REVIEW has an excellent article as well