Wanna Know Why Trump Won? Here Is Part of the Reason…

This poll explains in part why Trump won…

The DAILY WIRE explains the rejection by normal people of Leftist ideals:

A new poll from CATO Institute demonstrates in living color just why President Trump won the 2016 election. According to the poll, 71% of Americans “believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have.” Only 28% of Americans think political correctness has bettered society.

That’s an amazing statistic, and shows just why the Left was bound to fail in 2016. They continue to maintain that intersectionality is a path to glory — that a philosophy that prizes shutting down certain viewpoints based on ethnicity and class will help them cobble together a winning coalition. But broad majorities of Americans reject that view. What’s more, Americans who reject that view seem most likely to keep their views to themselves, possibly skewing political polls: 73% of Republicans and 58% of independents say they self-censor in order to avoid political blowback.

President Trump ran on an anti-PC platform. He won on that platform. This poll shows why.


But there is some good news: people aren’t quite as offended as they seem to be on others’ behalf. A vast majority of blacks and Latinos don’t find typical “microaggressions” particularly offensive.

This means that if Americans saw each other as individuals, rather than as stereotypes of political views they hated, they’d be more likely to calm down and engage rather than increasing the vitriolic tenor of today’s politics. But that would mean moving beyond reactionary politics — and that would, in turn, require the Left to stop promoting the regime of political correctness and intersectionality. That seems unlikely, given the poll result that 61% of Democrats say it’s hard for them to be friends with Trump voters. But the more Democrats alienate Trump voters, the more they’re setting up Trump’s re-election effort.

Dr. Michelle Cretella Drops “Trans” Truth Bomb

THE BLAZE posts on this excellent response to a question at a Heritage Foundation panel. MOONBATTERY says this of Dr. Cretella: “Dr. Cretella is President of the American College of Pediatricians. No doubt social engineers are out for her head”.

“Facts First” – CNN (Yes, Please)

CNN recently cobbled together a quick add trying to fool people into thinking they are The Bea’s Knees. Here is part of THE FEDERALIST’S take:

The first ad in CNN’s “Facts First” initiative features nothing but an apple with a voiceover lecturing you about the need to embrace facts. “This is an apple,” an amiable man tells us. “Some people might try to tell you that it’s a banana. They might scream banana, banana, banana, over and over and over again. They might put BANANA in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a banana. But it’s not. This is an apple.”

This reflects the smug and didactic disposition of many in a political media that treats a vocation as if it were a religious crusade. Considering the numerous mistakes and misleading stories CNN has produced over the past several years, you’d think that they’d be a tad less sanctimonious.

For one thing, there will always be people ready to believe fake news and conspiracy theories that buttress their worldview. This is not unique to any outlook or era. In 2006, 51 percent of Democrats believed President George W. Bush knew of or abetted the 9/11 attacks. In 2010, 41 percent of Republicans, including Donald Trump, believed Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States. These days, 52 percent of Democrats believe Russia “tampered with the vote totals” and made Trump president. (I guess CNN has something to do with the latter, considering that on more than occasion it has made the misleading sensationalistic claim that Russia “hacked the election.”)

But you know what can be just as dangerous as fake news? Bad stories perpetuated by big institutional news organizations that have become too biased to notice………

So I thought two spoofs (one mine) would be fitting:

Child Abuse – Child Changes Mind On Sex Change (UPDATED)

See my page on TRANSGENDERISM where many change their mind after receiving counseling.

The DAILY CALLER has more:

…..Gender dysphoria is considered by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to be a “mental disorder,” while the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes it as a “mental illness.”

“You wish you could just change everything about you, you just see any girl and you say I’d kill to be like that,” Mitchell says in the interview.

Mitchell received support from his mother to begin transitioning, and after taking hormones, he began to grow breasts.

“In the beginning of 2017, teachers at school began to refer to him as a girl which triggered Mitchell to question if he had made the right decision,” the independent added.

After reflecting on the decision to become a girl, Mitchell decided that he no longer wanted to be a girl.

“I began to realize I was actually comfortable in my body. Every day I just felt better,” Mitchell said.

Mitchell has stopped taking female hormones as he attempts to go back to being a boy and is expected to have surgery to remove the breasts he grew during his time as a girl.

GAY PATRIOT chimes in as only VtheK can:

Maybe the caring adults in this kid’s life should have sought out mental health resources to help learn to love and accept his physical body. Gender dysphoria is, after all, a condition of the mind, not the body.

Especially among children, whom adults don’t trust to make any serious life choices unless there is a sexual proclivity attached to them. Adults don’t trust children to take an Ibuprofen tablet when they have a headache; but they are allowed unrestricted access to abortions and body altering hormones.

Transgenderism, uniquely among identity disorders, is treated by indulging the delusions of the person that their body is something other than it really is. We don’t treat people who feel they should be disabled by disabling them. We don’t treat anorexic people by helping them starve. We don’t treat people who think they’re Joan of Arc by burning them at the stake.

I think the  reason… the reason no one will admit to… is because unlike those other disorders, transgenderism is considered sexy and kinky. I have no proof, it’s just a feeling. Progressives identify with transsexuals because it seems like a kinky fetish. They’re into that.

And there are real world consequences to treating transgender dysmorphia like a disorder of the body instead of the mind. Suicide rates among post-operative transgendered people attest to this. But the point is, progressive societies are less concerned with helping people with body identity disorders than they are about feeling good about their feelings… and getting turned on.

“I’m A Woman. There’s No Turning Back [again]” ~ He Said

  • When a Man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything. – G. K. Chesterton

Before getting to the excellent commentary by the Chicks’ on the Right, I wanted to note something. What I found Interesting was when I did an initial YouTube search on “Ria Cooper,” the above man, I came across this video of a skin condition where a black woman is turning white through “loss of pigmentation” — her cells turning off the ability to produce melanin. (Known as Vitiligo.) In today day-n-age — maybe as with others — what is lost is that we are all one race, the human race.

And the differences themselves between the ethnicities is small, like fat around the eyes or lips (Asian or black), melanin in the cells being produced being on or off in varying degrees (white to black), etc. CULTURE is the biggest separator of ethnicity.

HOWEVER, the difference between male and female is much deeper, genetically and physiologically speaking. If you have a uterus/womb, lactate around birth, xx vs. xy chromosome, a vagina, etc. These are HUGE differences that make the comparison between “races” child’s play. Yet here we are in a culture that says a baby in the womb is not a person till the day before delivery, but that says men can give birth. That say a white woman cannot merely decide to be black, but that says a man can be “woman of the year.”

Crazy times.

CHICKS ON THE RIGHT comment on the issue via that MIRROR’S story on this:

….Meet Ria Cooper. I don’t even know what pronoun to use for this individual, because he/she has swapped his/her gender three different times already, and he/she is only 23.

Cooper was born a boy, so I’m going to stick with “he” from here on out.

Cooper first switched his gender at 15. Why Cooper’s parents allowed that to happen is beyond me. He should actually be the poster child for not allowing teens to switch genders, because holy smokes, he has changed his mind MULTIPLE times.

As I mentioned above, Cooper– who currently goes by Ria– was born a boy. A boy named Brad. He managed to convince everyone around him– even medical professionals– that he was a girl trapped in a boy’s body and became “Britain’s youngest sex-swap patient” at the tender age of 15.

Doctors gave him the works– puberty blockers, female hormones, you name it. And he lived happily ever after as a woman. He was finally his true self.

JUST KIDDING. His female identity didn’t really work out, so he decided to transition back to a dude and live as a gay man instead. He made that decision about three years later. Brad was back.

But now Brad is leaving again. Or– he’s already gone. He’s decided to give living as a woman another go. You see, Cooper didn’t switch back to being a man because he wanted to. He still knew he was a woman. He just didn’t want society to judge him, or something.

“I’ve always known I was female – it was everyone else who was confused, not me. I was wearing make-up and heels at the age of 12, there was no question,” he said, according to the Mirror.

“But I felt under so much pressure from society that six years later I caved in. I was torn. I knew exactly who I was, but I also wanted to conform and be ‘normal,’” he continued.

It’s your fault. You’re confused. You made him uncomfortable. You kept him from being his true self. This hasnothing to do with the fact that transforming your physical body does ZERO to address serious mental issues. This is a cultural problem caused by you, you transphobic scummy jackwagon.

Speaking of mental issues, during the first transition– when he was a woman the first time around– he struggled with depression, became a prostitute and tried to commit suicide. But please. Tell me again that this isn’t a mental issue.

But now? Now he’s “older and wiser” and knows “exactly” who he is.

“I’m Ria and I’m a woman. There’s no turning back,” he said.

Unless of course he turns back, like last time. That’s always an option…..

(read it all)


The Simpsons, Crowder, and Black Pigeon Tag-Team Google

These are three great short commentaries on the issue at Google which will soon creep into YouTube policies. The first commentary is the Simpson’s almost prophetic dealing with this a decade ago:

…Early in his radio career, Coughlin was a vocal supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. By 1934 he had become a harsh critic of Roosevelt, accusing him of being too friendly to bankers. In 1934 he established a new political organization called the National Union for Social Justice. He issued a platform calling for monetary reforms, the Nationalization of major industries and railroads, and protection of the rights of labor. The membership ran into the millions, but it was not well-organized at the local level. After hinting at attacks on Jewish bankers, Coughlin began to use his radio program to issue antisemitic commentary, and in the late 1930s to support some of the policies of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito. The broadcasts have been called “a variation of the Fascist agenda applied to American culture”. His chief topics were political and economic rather than religious, with his slogan being “Social Justice”, initially in support of, and later opposing, the New Deal. Many American bishops as well as the Vatican wanted him silenced, but after the outbreak of World War II in Europe in 1939 it was the Roosevelt administration that finally forced the cancellation of his radio program and forbade the dissemination through the mail of his newspaper [called], SOCIAL JUSTICE.

(WIKI – emphasis added… see also pages 41-42 of D’Souza’s book)

Before continuing let me post and expand (with extra links) on a GAY PATRIOT post that tackles this insanity — and yes, Christian’s being forced to bake cakes via the weight of the state but other’s not being forced to bake cakes for other situations is telling.

(Even selling blueberries is deemed hate!) CEO’s being fired for contributing to tradition marriage causes, the lamenting of alternative news choices, adoption agencies no longer able to adopt out children to loving families, etc — all causes me to say unless something changes, we [conservatives] will be rounded up into ghettos:

I daresay that the reference is not only to the James Damore situation (which technically is not about free speech; it’s more about working conditions and the illegal, retaliatory firing of a whistleblower -but also to:

Youtube censoring conservatives and alt-media, bringing on left-wing extremist groups to do it;
the allegations of Google helping Hillary by biasing its search-term auto-completes, etc.

Anyway, Alphabet Inc. has a lot of ‘splainin to do.

And we’re fools if we think Google is not biased. I’ve noticed that other search engines are more complete, when it comes to indexing/returning GayPatriot articles.

(Louder w/Crowder) Following Google’s viral debacle and the firing of James Damore’s “anti-woman manifesto”, we decided to do some digging to find out just how “diverse” Google’s leadership actually is! Hint: they’re all hard core liberal SJW activists!

If Google Ads uses an algorithm to tell if the person shopping online is a female or male… is that sexist? Gender imperialism?

(Black Pigeon Speaks)

Cultural Issues

Jump to VIDEOS

  • “If you believe in equal rights, then what do ‘women’s rights,’ ‘gay rights,’ etc., mean? Either they are redundant or they are violations of the principle of equal rights for all.” — Thomas Sowell

Abortion | Pro-Life

FETUS (Latin) That which is born, an offspring (usu of beast occ. of human being, ect) b (sg. collect.) the young (of an animal), the children (of a parent). c the young born at one time, brood, litter. d the young while still in the womb – Oxford Latin Dictionary

Christian Concerns

Same-Sex Marriage


Please Visit: SexChangeRegret.com
Please Visit: The Studies
Please Visit: Biological Integrity


Various Topics


What Is The “Gender Wage Gap” Between All 58-Genders?

Really, there is more  BTW, I use really, loosely.

Great question Uncle Hotep! How would you even quantify that?…

Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans* Female
Trans Male
Trans* Male
Trans Man
Trans* Man
Trans Person
Trans* Person
Trans Woman
Trans* Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Transgender Man
Transgender Person
Transgender Woman
Transsexual Female
Transsexual Male
Transsexual Man
Transsexual Person
Transsexual Woman

Not A Puritan In Sight – Modern Day Witch Hunts

First of all, I have been posting on these varying aspects for some time: TransageismTransgenderTranshumanTransmisogynistTransracialTransspeciesTransterrestrial. The following is a great example of the Left cannibalizing itself. It is an attack on Journals, which are suppose to allow (esp. in philosophy), varying viewpoints to be “hashed out.” It is an attack on freedom of speech. It is an attack on science, and, it is an attack on truth. If some genes being turned off or on producing melanin is “absolute,” but a uterus, XX vs. XY chromosomes, a vagina, different pelvis’ (which you can tell the gender from), different skulls (which you can tell the gender from), on, and on… is fluid, as well as this:

a uterus, more than 21 percent of the entire human genome, which is composed of about 30,000 genes, code for gender-specific traits; XX vs XY chromosomes, a vagina, different pelvis’ (which you can tell the gender from), different skulls (which you can tell the gender from), on, and on

…In 2017, however, progressives argue there are dozens of human genders, including being gender-less or even “gender-fluid,” meaning a person’s gender changes periodically based on how he feels. They argue that gender isn’t tied to scientific study and research but instead to how someone “identifies.”

But a recent scientific study conducted by the Weizmann Institute of Science is tearing holes into the progressive narrative that sex and gender aren’t tied to science.

The study found that there are more than 6,500 unique genes in the human genome that express different traits depending on a person’s gender, either male or female, which explains the huge biological differences between men and women.

That means more than 21 percent of the entire human genome, which is composed of about 30,000 genes, code for gender-specific traits….


…then this intolerant witch hunt is ultimately an attack on reality. It is codifying lunacy!

Rebecca Tuvel, an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Rhodes College, is a modern day example of a witch-hunt — according to the NEW YORK MAGAZINE. And the funny thing is, the Puritans are Leftists in this story:

The biggest vehicle of misinformation about Tuvel’s articles comes from the “open letter to Hypatia” that has done a great deal to help spark the controversy. That letter has racked up hundreds of signatories within the academic community — the top names listed are Elise Springer of Wesleyan University, Alexis Shotwell of Carleton University (who is listed as the point of contact), Dilek Huseyinzadegan of Emory University, Lori Gruen of Wesleyan, and Shannon Winnubst of Ohio State University.


In the letter, the authors ask that the article be retracted on the grounds that its “continued availability causes further harm” to marginalized people. The authors then list five main reasons they think the article is so dangerously flawed it should be unpublished:

1. It uses vocabulary and frameworks not recognized, accepted, or adopted by the conventions of the relevant subfields; for example, the author uses the language of “transgenderism” and engages in deadnaming a trans woman;

2. It mischaracterizes various theories and practices relating to religious identity and conversion; for example, the author gives an off-hand example about conversion to Judaism;

3. It misrepresents leading accounts of belonging to a racial group; for example, the author incorrectly cites Charles Mills as a defender of voluntary racial identification;

4. It fails to seek out and sufficiently engage with scholarly work by those who are most vulnerable to the intersection of racial and gender oppressions (women of color) in its discussion of “transracialism”. We endorse Hypatia’s stated commitment to “actively reflect and engage the diversity within feminism, the diverse experiences and situations of women, and the diverse forms that gender takes around the globe,” and we find that this submission was published without being held to that commitment.

What’s remarkable about this letter is that, as Justin Weinberg noted in the Daily Nous, a philosophy website, each and every one of the falsifiable points it makes is, based on a plain reading of Tuvel’s article, simply false or misleading….

(read it all)

NATIONAL REVIEW has an excellent article as well

Every single time I think the academy has reached peak intolerance and peak insanity, it proves me wrong. There is no argument that is too stupid for academic radicals. There is no lie that these “scholars” aren’t willing to tell to advance their agenda.

Just ask liberal-feminist philosophy professor Rebecca Tuvel, the latest victim of the ritual “two minutes hate.” Her crime was serious: She had the audacity to write a paper exploring the arguments “for and against transracialism” and argued that “considerations that support transgenderism extend to transracialism.” In other words, she took the question that millions of Americans asked when Rachel Dolezal was exposed — if a man can “really” be a woman, why can’t a white person “really” be black? — and explored it through a liberal, feminist lens.

Judging from the reaction, you would have thought she burned a cross in the quad. A fully woke University of Tennessee professor named Nora Berenstain fired the first shots. Her (now-private) Facebook post reads like an Onion parody of political correctness. It’s worth quoting at length:

Tuvel enacts violence and perpetuates harm in numerous ways throughout her essay. She deadnames a trans woman. She uses the term “transgenderism.” She talks about “biological sex” and uses phrases like “male genitalia.” She focuses enormously on surgery, which promotes the objectification of trans bodies. She refers to “a male-to- female (mtf) trans individual who could return to male privilege,” promoting the harmful transmisogynistic ideology that trans women have (at some point had) male privilege. In her discussion of “transracialism,” Tuvel doesn’t cite a single woman of color philosopher, nor does she substantively engage with any work by Black women, nor does she cite or engage with the work of any Black trans women who have written on this topic.


Rather than defend Tuvel, Hypatia’s board of associate editors responded with one of the most craven and cowardly statements in the history of craven academic cowardice. It begins:

We, the members of Hypatia’s Board of Associate Editors, extend our profound apology to our friends and colleagues in feminist philosophy, especially transfeminists, queer feminists, and feminists of color, for the harms that the publication of the article on transracialism has caused.

“Harms”? Are “transfeminists, queer feminists, and feminists of color” really so delicate that they can’t withstand the publication of a paper they don’t even have to read?…


Academic freedom cannot and will not flourish if its alleged defenders reserve their outrage only for when their ideological allies fall victim to the online mob. If progressives feel they have to torch conservative straw men before mustering up the courage to defend free inquiry, then academic freedom has a dark future indeed. Conservatives will be walled out entirely, and progressive discourse will be jammed into ever-tighter ideological spaces as a brave few liberals fight a desperate rear-guard action against the true radicals.

One hopes that professor Tuvel’s ordeal will serve as yet another wake-up call, teaching professors that there is no safe space from social-justice warriors…..

(read it all)