I have to share GAY PATRIOTS comments on this:
The Tammy Faye Bakker comment had me rollin!
Jan Crouch |
Tammy Faye |
I have to share GAY PATRIOTS comments on this:
The Tammy Faye Bakker comment had me rollin!
Jan Crouch |
Tammy Faye |
1. Biology: We are not all the same.
2. GMO foods: They are healthy, not toxic.
3. Fat positivity: Being overweight is not something to encourage.
4. Gender: It is not subjective; it is not a social construct.
5. Nuclear power: This safe source of energy would be moonbats’ first choice if they took their own carbon rhetoric seriously.
Lauren Southern of TheRebel says that while the Left makes fun of the Right for being “anti-science,” but she proves that “progressives” also cling to unscientific beliefs. MORE
I updated my #4 in my cumulative case against SAME SEX MARRIAGE with the below. Find more at The New Atlantis sites:
A new giant study has been released showing a few things in the transsexual and homosexual arena that I have said for a very long time, and while the bullet pointed summary can be under a few different headings… I will place it here. These are the main points from the larger study “co-authored by two of the nation’s leading scholars on mental health and sexuality, the 143-page report discusses over 200 peer-reviewed studies in the biological, psychological, and social sciences, painstakingly documenting what scientific research shows and does not show about sexuality and gender” ~ THE STREAM (via Dr. Brown):
Dr. Frank Turek, Det. J. Warner Wallace and Dr. Mike Adams speak about the truth behind the Transgender Bathroom issue.
Gay Patriot has a great post on an issue that is seemingly ignored by the media in mass as well as the low-information general public. And that is that The Learning Channel is attempting “to show how normal and healthy it is to be a transgender teen.”
GP quotes a NewsBusters story noting that TLC says the “normal and healthy” life of a teen transgender is defined as “addicted to anti-depressants, emotionally unstable and generating massive drama for everyone around you.”
Continuing GP says:
The NewsBusters article goes on to point out how the family views discrimination:
It is the whiner generation raising a worse generation.
The transgender bathroom issue, flying in the face of biological reality and bullied through pressure from elites (see, for example, the corporations bullying North Carolina) is going to continue to open eyes. ~ American Thinker
Powerline has a story on the director of the Georgia ACLU bumbing up against reality:
These are “special rights” and not “equal rights” as the Constitution calls for… not a “hierarchy of rights,” who decides which right is more important? For instance, when you stop protecting life innocent life by saying getting an uninterrupted education for women (and not men), and you isolate gay persons rights into lobbyist groups… you see a conundrum in the following:
Gay Patriot notes the story by how an activist responds to this mother:
Powerline responds to that derogatory response by the tolerant leftist social justice warrior:
In his latest Firewall, Bill looks into the fallacies involved in the latest product of the Progressive Synthetic Injustice machine.
Earlier I highlighted a video where “College Kids Speak With a 6’5″ Chinese Woman,” but there are other videos in line with this thinking from The Family Policy Institute of Washington.
We took to the streets of Seattle to see if people actually oppose all discrimination, or if they just oppose *some* discrimination.
The Family Policy Institute of Washington asks Seattle residents if there are any limits to the way someone can self-identify.
Do college kids think there’s a difference between men and women? FPIW visited Seattle University to find out.
A lawyer calls into the Larry Elder Show and makes a great point about how far this Department of Justice stance on the North Carolina bathroom issue.
Here is a New York Times article talking about ANOTHER sweeping — unConstitutional — stomping on states rights that Trump agrees with:
American Thinker makes the point that Ted Cruz was correct on this issue and Donald Trump was woefully wrong:
(See their other story as well)
I think Hot Air hit the nail on the head when they said the following:
I touched on this previously in a post showing that if a person goes to church every week, they were much more likely to vote Cruz… if they are nominal church attendees — Trump is there man. Here are some numbers via Christianity Today:
Oh, and Franklin Graham ripped trump on NC bathroom law comment… he saw this chaos coming and removed himself from the Republican doles a while back: