Dennis Prager goes over a recent Samantha Bee attack on Prager University. Her attack begins with the obligatory opening salvo on Fox News (AMERICAN THINKER), and then Bee proceeded to mock free speech, Christian values and Prager U celebrity guests such as Mike Rowe, before cautioning that PragerU is in danger of “legitimizing” conservative ideas (WESTERN JOURNAL) . In fact, she says PragerU is “actually dangerous”… something that may have been her ultimate downfall, because, as is the way, people on Twitter had some thoughts they were more than happy to share (see LOUDER w/CROWDER). All this has led to over $25,000 in donations raised more than $25,000 since Bee’s segment aired on Thursday (WESTERN JOURNAL: Ibid.) You may remember Samantha Bee as the paragon of virtue who once called Ivanka Trump a “feckless c**t” on national television, and another time mocked a young man’s supposed “Nazi haircut” before learning he was a brain cancer patient (LEGAL INSURRECTION). Instead of acknowledging the organization’s popular content and attempting to refute it with dialogue or logical arguments, the triggered host resorted to name-calling and toilet humor. Bee’s attack is a testament to PragerU’s growing influence (WASHINGTON EXAMINER).