9/11 Counter-Conspiracy Videos
After twenty years, conspiracy theories about what happened on 9/11 are STILL running wild. So we’re attempted to take five of the biggest theories, and get them debunked FOREVER.
Millions of people believe that the World Trade Center was demolished with explosives as part of a vast government conspiracy. One of the core pieces of evidence for this belief is the presence of millions of microscopic iron spheres in the WTC dust. It is falsely claimed these microspheres could only have come from the use of explosives, and so their presence proves controlled demolition. Why does this false belief persist after being debunked over a decade ago?I explain the misconceptions about iron microspheres that keep the belief alive, and how to discuss these misconceptions with 9/11 conspiracy theorists. I’ll show where the WTC microspheres probably came from. There will be a live demonstration of one method of making iron microspheres using materials from the hotel gift shop, along with quick descriptions of ten other methods the fire marshal won’t let me show. This talk took place at the CSICon 2018 in Las Vegas on October 20, 2018
A very good series of a point-by-point refutation by Chris Mohr’s rebuttal to Richard Gage’s 9/11 truth controlled demolition theory (Introduction to Richard Gage’s Blueprint for Truth Respectful Rebuttal.)
- Introduction to Richard Gage’s Blueprint for Truth
- What Initiated Tower Collapses
- Gage’s 10 Reasons
- Tall Steel Frame Building Fire Collapses
- Symmetrical, free fall collapse
- Lateral Ejection of Steel and Squibs
- Pulverized concrete
- Eyewitness Accounts of Explosions
- Molten Iron/Steel?
- Iron Microspheres in WTC Dust
- Sulfidized Steel
- (11a) Thermites in WTC Dust?
- (11b) Thermitics in Dust
- (12) Twin Towers Conclusion
A great series by Myles Power – Parts 1-thru-7:
- Free fall and how the towers collapsed
- Nano-thermite found in the WTC dust
- Thermate, thermite and glowing aluminium
- How did WTC7 collapse
- The BBC, Larry Silverstein and the Pentagon
- The psychology behind a 9/11 truther
- Flight 93 and my final thoughts
- Dylan Avery Debates Pat Curley on 9/11 Conspiracies [poor audio] | September 10, 2009 (RPT’s RUMBLE)
- 9/11 Debate: Jon Gold Vs. Pat Curley
- Democracy Now Debate: Loose Change Filmmakers vs. Popular Mechanics Editors of “Debunking 9/11 Myths” (RPT’s RUMBLE)
Some other video refuting specific past claims of Truthers:
- A 757 Doing What Truthers Say Is Impossible, Making a Low-Pass
- BBC Said WTC-7 Collapsed 20-Minutes Before it Did
- Bio: Founding Fathers of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth (there is a Mormon connection for the “cults” person)
- Bio: Short Bios of the Makers of “Loose Change”
- Bomb-Sniffing Dogs, Power-Downs, and Prepping the Buildings for Demolition
- “Cell Phone Calls Were Fake!” ~ Loose Change (Debunked)
- Controlled Demolitions: Are They Anything Like 9/11?
- Cruise Missile: Did One Hit the Pentagon?
- Explosions: Pre-Collapse Explosions?
- Explosions: Were There Plumes of Smoke Signifying Explosive Devices?
- Fire As Main Reason for Collapse
- Gravel at the Pentagon
- “In Plain Site” Rebutted
- Insurance Claims Surrounding 9/11
- Isolated Fires? The Chief Palmer Myth
- Marvin Bush (Dubya’s Brother) Never Controlled Security on 9/11 for the Trade Tower Complex
- Molten Steel Said To Be Evidence of Demolition
- NORAD’s “Stand Down” Order Debunked
- Norman Mineta on Dick Cheney
- Pod Like Anomalies On 767’s Belly
- Project for a New American Century (PNAC) — Myths Refuted
- Pull It: Is the Term “Pull It” Mean They Were to Blow Up WTC-7?
- Thermite: Did They Really Find Evidence of It?
- Twin Towers: Built To Withstand a 707?
- Twin Towers: Did the Twin Towers Really Fall in Only 9-Seconds
- Twin Towers: Were They the First Buildings to Collapse by Fire?
- Twin Towers: What About the Pre-9/11 Drill for a Plane Crash by the Pentagon?
- United 93 – 95% of Wreckage Recovered
- United 93: Crash Site Debris
- United 93: Did United Flight 93 Actually Land at Cleveland’s Hopkins Airport?
- Video Footage of Plane from the Pentagon
- Windsor Tower Fire — Does This Steel Framed Building Really Survive a Fire?
- WTC-7: Damage Inflicted to WTC-7 by the North Tower
- WTC-7: Did Tower #7 Really Free Fall in 6.6 Seconds?
- WTC-7: Tower #7 Isn’t Mentioned in the 9/11 Commission’s Report, Why?
So it recently came to my attention that about 2 months ago Korey Rowe uploaded an HD remake of ‘Loose Change 2nd Edition’ on YouTube. A second edition of the second edition… This was rather fortunate, as in the last year or so I’ve noticed that there are no copies of ‘Screw Loose Change’ online anymore. I have a copy on my computer but the quality is so poor I was considering for a while of remaking it. But upon viewing this HD Loose Change I noticed that the film was completely redone. There was clearer pictures, footage and animations, and even Dylan was brought back in to narrate it all again. But what most surprised me is that the content of it was a little different too. Only a couple of very minor ‘new’ things, most of the changes was the removal of a fair amount of claims. Still, stunned that someone would remake a 2005 conspiracy film in 2018 and not include any of the massive quantity of previously unreleased 9/11 information now available to the public, I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to not only remake Screw Loose Change with HD footage, but also add to it with the plethora of new information which is now available to us compared to when Mark originally produced it in 2006. So without further ado I present: Screw Loose Change – Not Freakin’ Again Edition: Remastered