Trump released a video on social media in which he called for protesters to cease violence and “go home in peace.”
He said, “You have to go home now, we have to have peace. We have to have law and order.”
Here were my first thoughts via the FB PAGE for this site:
Just some quick thoughts on the woman shot and killed today in the Capital. First and foremost, I am saddened for her family… her being: “Ashli Babbitt — a 14 year Air Force veteran, served four tours, was a high level security officer.” I suggest that every person who has not read Ann Coulter’s book, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America, read it. This “mob mentality” does not just exist on the Left, but when caught up in the energy of a large crowd, many will make a decision that alone, in a less stressful environment, wouldn’t make. We are human and are vulnerable at times to peer pressure.
Another thought is that I don’t care who you are — Antifa, Trump supporter, progressive, conservative, libertarian… whatever. If you storm the Capital you stand a high chance of being shot.
I also feel for the officer. I am sure he feels horrible. no one can shoot and kill someone who is unarmed and go home and tell their family, “oh yeah, today was a good day at work.”
Another thing I think that this situation has done is well stated by RED STATE:
….Unfortunately now in addition to people being hurt and this woman dying, they completely changed for the negative any attention that people maybe would have paid to the election concerns. Now some of the politicians are not going to object according to reports, because the left is trying to link the legitimate objections to the actions of the rioters.
Reportedly House Speaker Nancy Pelosi intends to continue the count tonight so we’ll have to see if people who were going to object stick to their principles or they just give up on it all……
….Which leads me to the second point about which I am confident. Today has forever changed the trajectory of the Trump movement.
Donald Trump created a movement that brought tens of millions of people forgotten by politics into the system, which brought electoral victory to a Republican Party that had become used to losing to the Obama-coalition, which brought so much progress and accomplishments to the economy and foreign relations. He brought into the movement an unprecedented multiracial and multiethnic coalition united not by skin color but by love of country.
That movement was embodied in Trump, a unique figure, who had all the obvious personality perculiarities that allowed him to withstand a withering attempt to sabotage his administration and him personally. For four years Trump kept things under control, with Twitter as his vent — he didn’t start wars, didn’t sic the FBI and IRS on political opponents, didn’t do any of the truly repressive things his predecessors did. If not for the relentless attempts to undermine his presidency, his term may have been fairly boring.
Yet things have not been kept under control since election day, and particularly in the past 2-3 weeks. I think a lot of his supporters would acknowledge that.
I had no problem with litigating election disputes, even if some of those disputes were suspect. Let the court process run its course, I advocated. But once that process had run out, and not a single judge, not even Trump appointed judges, upheld any challenges, it was time to move onto more productive action. I advocated on December 14, moving towards building a resistance movement, not engaging in futile and stupid actions that had zero or close to zero chance of success, such as proposing alternative electoral votes.
But that’s not what happened, instead unreliable commentators picked up on the notion that Mike Pence could just reject electoral votes, something completely contrary to the plain wording of the Constitution. Neither Pence, nor even any of the Republican Senators willing to challenge the result through the congressional statutory process, took the position that Pence had such power. Yet that notion became an obsession, so much so that even today Trump in his rally speech was demanding Pence take such action.
Anyone who thinks today was just another negative news cycle is deluding themselves just as people were deluded into thinking grand conspiracy theories or Pence could act as kingmaker deluded themselves. Today was different.
The issue will be whether the Trump coalition can hold together, and who can hold it together. Should Trump choose to be that leader, he will retain his core base, there are a lot of Trump supporters — maybe even the majority — for whom it’s just become too much now. It can’t continue the way it was, there has to be some new way of making an American-economy-first, worker-first, capitalism-and-liberty-first coalition stay together. It may be that there is no one other than Trump who can hold the coalition together, but if that’s the case, then the coalition will break apart because the center cannot hold after today……
Patriots enlist and defend their country. They work hard, do their best, raise good families. They help their neighbors. They perform civic duties. They grit their teeth and pay their taxes. Then they show up and vote. They compete, they win, or lose, but they do both with grace. These are some of the things patriots do.
They do not storm their own Capitol over a lost election. They do not bum rush members of Congress. They do not assault strangers. They do not push and shove police officers and trash federal buildings. These are things criminals do, and criminals of any political stripe deserve one thing: rule of law…..
May I add that patriots do not remove a United States Flag and throw it on the ground (BREITBART). But to reiterate, Trump called for the protests to be peaceful:
This morning, President @realDonaldTrump explicitly called for demonstrations and protests to be peaceful.
He was far more explicit about his calls for peace than some of the BLM and left-wing rioters were this summer when we saw violence sweep across this nation.
However, unlike BLM members calling for the death of police, and then members of BLM ambushing police and killing them. Or, Antifa and BLM violence resulting in more dead black people in a few short months than all unarmed black perps were shot by police in a year…. and destruction in the havoc in the lives of hard working people,
For at least 8 years, Democrats have remained silent as both far-left groups have wreaked havoc in cities across America. (100% Fed-Up)
Just to be clear, I am not condoning (if Lefties cannot pick up what I am laying down) the actions at the Capital by referencing the violent actions OF THE LEFT, I agree with RED STATE when they say:
…Curiously, several people took to Twitter to attempt to justify the scandalous… no, terroristic behavior of those protestors. Most of the tweets look something like this, with lots of callbacks to the BLM/Antifa protests over the summer throughout the world of social media. The general idea appears to be that this protest is understandable, or even justifiable, because the BLM/Antifa protests over the summer were also chaotic and destructive.
Nothing that happened on Wednesday is understandable or justifiable. It was a damn shame, and it is not something we should condone.
A lot of this talk stems from the idea that because the Democrats allowed their side to get away with so much, and because the media refused to hold them accountable, that this is naturally what comes next – it is a continuation of the argument that we should be playing by their rules.
This is something that we should absolutely reject. It is an embarassment and a violation of the very spirit of what we are supposed to be.
We are supposed to be better than they are, not on the same level. We make our case to the public on not burning down American cities, on not violating the Constitution and its institutions. To stoop to their level hasn’t won us anything. At our best, we win elections and make gains in important battlegrounds. When we are at our most base, then we lose….
WE ARE NOT AOC! (source linked in graphic)
The media ignores those stories… and like the Accuser, the media “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Which is why the Bible’s warning to those of us saved (and good common sense advice is, “Be on Guard” — “Be watchful.” Here is 1 Peter 5:8-11 via a paraphrase Bible version:
Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does. (The Message)
Here are 2 commentaries on that verse 8 that the believer can simply insert “secular society” because the end result is the same in our fallen world (that is, the goals of it and the Devil):
[Notes on verse 8] On be self-controlled see 1:13 and 4:7. Alert is a striking reference to Jesus’ words to Peter (Mt. 26:41; Mk. 14:38). Enemy (Gk. antidikos) is a legal term, a translation of the Heb. śāṭān, used of the adversary of souls (e.g. Jb. 1:6). Here, as there, Satan can be seen as the one who stirs up suffering and persecution in order to test and, if possible, destroy the faith of God’s children. Peter was familiar with this behaviour (see Mt. 16:23; Lk. 22:31). Devil is a Greek word meaning ‘slanderer’. In his role of undermining faith the devil slanders God to men (Gn. 3:1, 4–5) and men to God (Jb. 1:9–11; 2:4–5). On prowls around see Jb. 1:7; 2:2. 9 Resist is the method recommended for dealing with the devil, as in Jas. 4:7 (cf. Eph. 6:11–17). It is the desires of the flesh that one has to flee (1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 2:22). The word firm describes the solidity of material objects. No superficial faith will do here, as it is the enemy’s desire to make apostates through persecution. Rev. 12:11 gives further advice for victory in such trials. Throughout the world contrasts with the group of churches in Asia Minor (1:1) to whom this letter was addressed. 10 The call to perseverance is matched by the doctrine of preservation. Since God has called us to share his eternal glory in Christ, we can ultimately rely on him to bring us safely through to it (see Phil. 1:6; 1 Thes. 5:24; Jude 24). The NIV will restore, is a more likely reading than the AV ‘make you perfect’: this is a promise and not a prayer. Restore describes ships being repaired after a battle or storm. Strong (Lk. 22:32) is used primarily of physical objects and may denote fixity of position, firm denotes firmness of purpose, while steadfast has the idea of giving foundations. 11 Power (Gk. kratos, from which the adjective mighty in v 6 is formed) is not the usual word but means God’s overruling might which is guaranteed to bring the Christian through.
David H. Wheaton, “1 Peter,” in New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition, ed. D. A. Carson et al., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), 1384.
5:8 Be of sober spirit. See notes on 1:13 and 4:7. be on the alert. Strong confidence in God’s sovereign care does not mean that the believer may live carelessly. The outside evil forces which come against the Christian demand that the Christian stay alert. Your adversary. Gr. for a legal opponent in a lawsuit. the devil … a roaring lion. The Gr. word for “devil” means “slanderer”; thus a malicious enemy who maligns believers. He and his forces are always active, looking for opportunities to overwhelm the believer with temptation, persecution, and discouragement (cf. Pss 22:13; 104:21; Eze 22:25). Satan sows discord, accuses God to men, men to God, and men to men. He will do what he can to drag the Christian out of fellowship with Christ and out of Christian service (cf. Job 1; Lk 22:3; Jn 13:27; 2Co 4:3, 4; Rev 12). And he constantly accuses believers before God’s throne, attempting to convince God to abandon them (Job 1:6–12; Rev 12:10).
John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), 1 Pe 5:8.
The people entering the Capital were not of sober mind, and the “roaring lion” aspect of the Left and MSM used it to their advantage.
Now, on to another thought. Yes, Antifa infiltrated the Trump rally. And? This is no excuse for Trumpeters being led by the nose. They are responsible for their own actions. Conservatives need to be on guard. Period. When racists infiltrated T.E.A. PARTY protests, they were identified and told to leave.
Just a historical jog through our Capitals history, PJ-MEDIA has an interesting article about the other times our Capital was “breached” (link to post in graphic below):
And yes, I still believe the election was stolen. There are too many issues to go ignored. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. The acts of some asses does not change the facts and eyewitness testimony.
BTW, as I type, the Democrats are already trying to have Trump removed. Lol. Even though he agreed to [after the electors were confirmed] to allow for the peaceful transition. And he has stood by his word… but that doesn’t matter to the MSM… they will use the unfortunate actions on Capital Hill to blame Trump.
NEW YORK TIMES (Nov 26th): Trump, Still Claiming Victory, Says He Will Leave if Electors Choose Biden
WASHINGTON POST (Nov 26th): Trump commits to stepping down if electoral college votes for Biden
RIGHT SCOOP (Jan 7th): “There will be an orderly transition on January 20th” – President Trump
But this doesn’t matter. The left will call him a tyrant, just like they called him a racist. When will we learn?
KEY: If any votes are thrown out through either fraud, breaking the law (the court ruling), or mishandling the count (not allowing poll watchers), then this is only the fault of one Party. DEMOCRATS!
FIRST! the latest
Yesterday I was letting people know (family and friends) the following: “165,000 in Philly, and 330,000 in Pitts were processed against state law. If shown true in court, 80% of Bidens and 20% of Trumps ballots would be nixed. Trump would win PA. Ohio’s AG asked SCOTUS to rule against the lower court usurping PA’s voting law. Missouri AG asked as well, saying the court ruling shouldn’t be able to change state election laws.” It was based on this as I was doing deliveries (I added the Pam Bondi video from a couple days earlier to give context to Giuliani):
The question was basically, Justice Alito asked for PA to separate the late votes where signatures and postmarks may have not been up to Pennsylvania election law — if these ballots are simply mixed in the rest [to hide the irregularities], what is the possible action. Remember, a court added to election law, whereas the state legislature is the only entity that can change election law/rules/procedures… not mayors, city councils, or governors or the courts. IN FACT, the Attorney Generals of Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma are urging SCOTUS to overturn the lower courts ruling. Why? Because the chaos Democrats created in PA would spread to other states where Democrat Judges would wantonly rule on issues of election laws. Here is more from THE DAILY SIGNAL:
…Three of the state attorneys general—Jeff Landry of Louisiana, Eric Schmitt of Missouri, and Mike Hunter of Oklahoma—held a virtual press conference Monday to announce the filing of an amicus brief in the Pennsylvania mail-in ballot challenge brought by the Pennsylvania Republican Party, which is before the Supreme Court.
“We are weighing in on a case, on a writ, that has been brought to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to bring additional arguments before the court as to why we believe the court should take up this matter,” said Landry, chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association.
In unofficial results contested by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, Democratic challenger Joe Biden got 49.8% of the vote in Pennsylvania to Trump’s 49.1%. The president has not conceded the election, which major media outlets called Saturday for Biden after some put Pennsylvania in the former vice president’s column….
In a previous conversation on Facebook with an ex-co-worker, this is what I noted:
Granted, my original statement was a misrepresentation of what I heard in a short clip on the radio while driving. Getting in and out of the vehicle I drive, turning the sound down while on a studio lot (windows open no sound [not even the AC on] when reversing on a lot, etc). I will emphasize though what my correction said to explain better the following:
[Original Statement] Biden does worse than Hillary and Obama in every state except WI, GA, MI, and PA. Lol
[Talk to text additional context] I misspoke Chris Lazar, the stat I heard was from a story LIKE THIS (Biden Is Underperforming Hillary in Battleground States) I believe Biden outperformed Hillary in those counties [cities] that many of the questionable practices [late ballots and blocking watchers, large percentages found for a single candidate, etc] happened.
[While in stopped traffic that old article I read was all I could find, not the article mentioned by the radio personality] This is what I should have been clearer on in messaging (RUSH LIMBAUGH):
Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country,” except… Are you ready? “Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”
Let me go through this again. “Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area” except for four. Milwaukee (i.e., Wisconsin), Detroit (i.e., Michigan), Atlanta (i.e., Georgia), Philadelphia (i.e., Pennsylvania.) It just so happened to be the four states that are gonna put Biden over the top in their scenarios here.
Here are two recent articles for clarity discussing this in-depth [and the portion not excerpted is a portion that supports some of Chris’s points from a previous discussion, FYI]. And this one example of Milwaukee is a reply in a sense to Chris’s nide LOL/TEAR emojis and missfounded response when I said this clearly:
(ME) the stat I heard was from a story LIKE THIS
(Chris) ???? that’s an article from AUGUST 28TH!!!!!
(ME) I am driving now, but there is a fresher comparison
…..In Michigan, ballot counters take unreadable ballots, and transcribe them to blank ballots, while a poll challenger from the Democrat, and the Republican parties, observe. They sign off each ballot transcribed. Instead, in violation of state law, GOP poll challengers were made to leave the room, and the windows blocked with cardboard. Ballot counters cheered, on camera, each time a GOP poll challenger was made to leave. One Republican poll challenger, Connarn, said that a counter told her that they were changing the dates on ballots received too late in order to count them. The counter allegedly handed her a note confirming it. As soon as that happened, the Republican was told to leave….
…In 2008, Barack Obama received 316,916 votes in Milwaukee County. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won only 288,822 votes there. But in 2020 Biden outperformed them both, receiving 317,251 votes countywide and besting Obama’s share of the vote by nearly two points.
What makes this suspicious is that the county is shrinking. The Census Bureau population estimates show that in the last 10 years, thousands of metro Milwaukee residents have left the area for other parts of the state and country. As the Milwaukee Sentinel put it, “We’re lagging in a key metric that often reflects the vitality and desirability of a metro area: population growth.” The City of Milwaukee, which makes up about 60 percent of the county’s population, saw the number of registered voter decline by more than 26,700 from 2008 to 2020.
While it’s true that Obama in 2008 won about 18,000 more votes than Biden in the City of Milwaukee itself, one would also expect the countywide vote total for Biden to be less than Obama. Obama was a historic figure that motivated record numbers of blacks to vote in 2008. In addition, he had one of the most robust and successful campaigns in American history. His ground game and get-out-the-vote efforts were unprecedented, utilizing door knocking, canvassing, and phone banking. Not surprisingly, in no small part because of the black vote in Milwaukee County, he won the state of Wisconsin handily by a 6.9-percent margin.
The numbers in Milwaukee County suggest something fishy is happening in Wisconsin, and the Trump campaign is right to call for a recount.
Remember what I told my family and friends two days ago (Link Below) — and we are in the midst of either scenario:
Never before has an election been overturned by the amount of spread between the two candidates.
But, Trump has accomplished many hurdles. So there are many tracks I see happening.
One is [best case scenario] that SCOTUS is going to reject ballots after the 3rd (8pm) of November. The ballots not allowed to be jointly viewed by GOP/DEM “minders” need to be reviewed again, the ballots “cured” while not under view within 6-feet of GOP persons will be fully rejected because of that and that the equal “curing” didn’t happen in other districts for heavy Trump areas. [“Curing” happened in multiple districts in multiple states]. The machines (software) that “glitched” in the district in MI is in 30 states. ALL those ballots need to be hand counted and viewed properly. If this happens, Trump may win….BEST CASE.
WORSE CASE? Trump is a lame duck but uses his last couple months to install an independent council to look into Bidens’s’ dealings. Using his position to show everyone how corrupt the Democrat machine is and the depths of cheating elections, thus, taking away the peoples real power. As he heads into the sunset helping set up a revived GOP machine to help fight the retarded philosophy of the Left’s corruption and depths of depravity in socialism.
BETS? Over/Under bets? I think Biden will last until no later than Nov. 11th of 2021, and then step down. (But 6-months is a safe bet — 3-and-a-half- years seems like the number — in political and Christian time at least.) Then his socialist VP takes over the Presidency.
There are 71,000,000 Americans that are our friend’s in arms. Take Heart and as AMERICAN GREATNESS says, “[Trump] should pursue every constitutional and legal means to dispute these funny results and take it all the way to Congress.” BE THE HAPPY WARRIOR.
Also note, President Trump is taking Hillary Clinton’s advice to Biden:
“Joe Biden [insert Trump] should not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is…“
During her interview Sidney dropped several bombs including this: That Democrats manufactured 450,000 votes in battleground states that miraculously ONLY have a vote for Joe Biden.
What I told my boys:
Never before has an election been overturned by the amount of spread between the two candidates.
But, Trump has accomplished many hurdles. So there are many tracks I see happening.
One is [best case scenario] that SCOTUS is going to reject ballots after the 3rd (8pm) of November. The ballots not allowed to be jointly viewed by GOP/DEM “minders” need to be reviewed again, the ballots “cured” while not under view within 6-feet of GOP persons will be fully rejected because of that and that the equal “curing” didn’t happen in other districts for heavy Trump areas. [“Curing” happened in multiple districts in multiple states]. The machines (software) that “glitched” in the district in MI is in 30 states. ALL those ballots need to be hand counted and viewed properly. If this happens, Trump may win….BEST CASE.
WORSE CASE? Trump is a lame duck but uses his last couple months to install an independent council to look into Bidens’s’ dealings. Using his position to show everyone how corrupt the Democrat machine is and the depths of cheating elections, thus, taking away the peoples real power. As he heads into the sunset helping set up a revived GOP machine to help fight the retarded philosophy of the Left’s corruption and depths of depravity in socialism.
Either way our country will still be like this:
Biden supporters vs. Trump supporters:
Biden side screaming angrily and calling Trump supporters fascists while the Trump sides sings the Star spangled banner
When Joe Biden and other Democrats and media outlets say the votes he has received have given him a mandate to fight climate change and systemic racism, he has received no such mandate (LEGAL INSURRECTION). Either transparency needs to happen in the election process or our country will be more divided than ever. (Remember, the Left and Democrat officials has called every Republican Presidential candidate since Goldwater a racist… it has just gotten worse against Trump and Republicans with the New Left).
When Democrats and media outlets say we should unify behind Biden…
How can I unify with these two (Biden and Harris) who called me a racist bigot? Paw-lease.
Before the election the news media predicted Joe Biden would win by 12-15 points and the Republicans would lose 15 to 20 House seats. The GOP won 28 of 29 of the most competitive US House seats. Republicans DID NOT LOSE one single House seat! The Republicans also took control of three more state legislatures.
But Trump lost. LOL. So, where are we?
Lawsuits starts on Monday
50/60 poll watchers, some attorneys, will testify about deprived the right to inspect mail-in’s
300k ballots in Pittsburgh not inspected by R’s
(Similar issues in GA MI NC and other states)
witnesses of back dating mail-ins (USPS and Poll Whistleblowers)
Here is my Sunday Morning Article Dump:
Ballot Clerks in Wisconsin Allegedly Added Witness Statements To Thousands of Invalid Ballots (RED STATE)
Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count (BREITBART)
PA-based USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Comes Forward & Agrees to Testify; Whistleblower Testifies Late Ballots Back-Dated for Nov. 3, Election Day; Whistleblower: Other Employees Feel the Same…Contacted Me (PROJECT VERITAS | WASHINGTON TIMES)
Postal Service Inspectors Interview Erie, Pa. USPS ‘Postmark’ Whistleblower; Whistleblower to O’Keefe: ‘I Told Them What I Told You’; Third Post Office Whistleblower: USPS Sorts Late-Ballots to Special Bins For Future Counting (PROJECT VERITAS)
Las Vegas Mailman Agrees To Pass On ‘A Nice Handful’ Of Unclaimed Ballots To Project Veritas Undercover Journalist: ‘If It’s In There—I Didn’t Do It.’ (PROJECT VERITAS)
Eyewitness Says as Many as 20,000 Unverified Absentee Ballots Counted in Detroit Primary (BREITBART)
GOP Poll Watcher Alleges Fraud at Detroit Ballot-Counting Center (BREITBART)
Nevada Whistleblower Says He Witnessed Processing of Illegitimate Votes (BREITBART)
Nevada Whistleblower Says He Was Told To Process Ballots Without Signature Verification (WESTERN JOURAL)
Stunning Video Shows Philadelphia Poll Watchers Observing Vote From Across Room With Binoculars (100% FED-UP | TWITTER VIDEO)
Lisette Tarragano from #Philadelphia: We should all be concerned, we are being constrained (TWITTER VIDEO)
Poll watcher in #Philadelphia: What I saw was disturbing, they did it so we couldn’t observe or challenge it (TWITTER VIDEO)
Poll watcher in #Philadelphia: “We just want a fair election” (TWITTER VIDEO)
This is the kind of intimidation poll challengers at the TCF Center in Detroit were exposed to (TWITTER VIDEO)
Poll Workers Filling In Ballots – Gues What They Are Missing? People from Independent, GOP, and Democrat “minders” Watching for Integrity (TWITTER VIDEO | YOUTUBE VIDEO)
Volunteer Reportedly Busted Handling Ballots Unsupervised in Philadelphia Cafeteria (WESTERN JOURNAL | TWITTER VIDEO)
Administrative changes in Wisconsin election put tens of thousands of votes in question: From allowing clerks to fix spoiled ballots to permitting voters to escape ID rules, Wisconsin election officials took actions that were not authorized by legislature. (JUST THE NEWS)
Pennsylvania House Speaker seeks ‘full audit’ of election returns before certification: Pennsylvania senate majority leader says it’s too early to tell if the secretary of state’s handling of the rejected mail-in ballots on the county level will have a significant impact on the vote count in the state (JUST THE NEWS)
Lawyers for Nevada GOP cite claims of voter-fraud in criminal referral to Attorney General Barr: Reports of fraudulent voting practice have been ticking up in the western state that has yet to tally all of its votes (JUST THE NEWS)
Pennsylvania orders counties to separate provisional ballots from count while court makes a decision: A Pennsylvania court will determine whether some provisional ballots cast on Election Day should be counted if the voter had originally voted by mail or with an absentee ballot (JUST THE NEWS)
Was the Election Stolen from Trump? He should pursue every constitutional and legal means to dispute these funny results and take it all the way to Congress (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
Ken Starr: Pennsylvania Ballot Extension ‘Constitutional Travesty’ (NEWSMAX)
Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots (NEW YORK POST)
James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said, “Our journalists found spoiled ballots that were supposed to be preserved—but, instead were thrown out with the trash.” (PROJECT VERITAS)
Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016 (JUST THE NEWS)
Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Court Challenge Hinges on Numbers (NEWSMAX)
Philly’s long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots: Just six months ago, a former Philadelphia Judge of Elections was convicted for his role in accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections (JUST THE NEWS)
Michigan county flips back to Trump, following repair of voting software glitch: Reliably GOP county had originally swung to Biden (JUST THE NEWS)
Wisconsin Clerks May Have Altered Thousands Of Ballots To Make Them Valid… (WEASEL ZIPPERS)
More Troubling Questions Raised About Election System Used in Contested Races In Swing States (RED STATE)
Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election (JUST FACTS DAILY)
RNC Chair: Detroit Election Worker Blows Whistle On Cheating Operation…”All Election Workers” Were Reportedly Told To Backdate Ballots [VIDEO] (100% FED-UP)
GOP Beware: The Republican Party Did Not Carry 71,000,000+ Votes, President Trump Did… (CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE)
VIRGINIA: In Tight Race, Officials Miraculously Find 15,000 Mostly Dem Votes On USB Flash Drive: It’s all so hard to believe, unless you’re a Democrat (NATIONAL FILE)
Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans (AMERICAN THIINKER)
I really have no respect for people that use this as a means to dislike Trump, but not other politicians.
1st)All politicians are narcissists in some respect. Especially the President — They say, “out of 330-million people I am the only one fit to lead the nation well.” (Or whatever number of people for that President, for instance – in 1957 there were 171-million people in these United States when 116,000 people died of a virus).
2nd)If you compare the previous President, his use of the “first person pronoun[s]” was immeasurable:
So, yes. Donald Trump is a narcissist. But he is not the first narcissist to sit in the Oval Office. In fact, the man he replaced was perhaps even more so…although he kept it cloaked in a veil of cool and protected by a Praetorian Guard media. To illustrate the point, here’s some contrasting analysis. You can draw your own conclusions. Let’s compare their two re-election bid convention speeches. Obama’s in 2012 vs. Trump’s just last week. If one does a deep dive into the transcripts some interesting and revealing findings emerge. Here is some data. Obama’s 2012 acceptance speech ran around 4,600 words, whereas Trump’s was longer at roughly 6,700. What is interesting is the number of times the first person singular, each President’s references to himself, was used. For example, even though Trump’s speech had 2,100 more words in the text, Obama used the word “I” 59 times, compared to Trump’s 46 times. And he used the word “me” nine times compared to Trump’s three. So Trump’s speech was 45 percent longer, yet it was Obama who seemed enamored with himself, deploying the first-person singular 68 times to Trump’s 49. I omit the word “my” as both men used this word in the context of “my wife,” “my children,” “my grandfather,” “my brother,” so that may be forgiven. But the prevalence of “I” and “me” is telling…..
3rd)Joe Biden was given the Ukraine and China to handle via Obama. And he took Hunter along with him to set up “side-deals” to launder money for him through “pay-for-play” criminal activity. Hunter had a semblance of a normal life, but was soon kicked out of the military, divorced, had an affair and a kid with his brothers’ widow, had another kid with another woman. Was criminally involved with the ruthless Chinese government who probably fed him sex and drug filled escapades with underage girls and crack.
One who thinks so highly of himself that no matter the means he will enrich himself.
A Narcissist.
A Criminal Narcissist.
In a previous post I noted this – as a way to compare where rhetoric meets reality… “my Narcissist” is waay more trustworthy [than your Narcissist]:
So… when Trump’s taxes were released (hacked? Um… hello Twitter? [/sarcasm] they showed he was, in fact, under audit; and, that no payments from Russian oligarchs or banks happened. HOWEVER, we found out that Hunter Biden, in fact, received 3.5 million dollars from the wife of the ex-mayor of Moscow [Elena Baturina] … now we know why. Hunter Biden had ZERO [influence] to do with what was being asked. [But guess who did have influence to affect – politically – what was being asked for?]
WHO DID receive payments from Russian oligarchs ?
Joe Biden. That’s who.
It is comical, in an ultimate issue sort-of-way, that almost everything the Democrats say Trump has done — the Democrats have ACTUALLYdone.
Like I said, the hits keep coming. I feel bad for the people that voted weeks ago.
Oh well. Your loss that you have voted for everything you hate about Trump.
This was a statement made on my Facebook by a very left leaning chap that visits this sites FB site here-n-there:
Putin’s puppet and lawlessly hacked in puppet tRump who conspired to kill over 180,000 Americans and insulted the U.S. armed forces at calling war heroes losers and suckers as a treasonous POS deserves to suffer the extreme punishment guidelines of U.S. Constitutional law and the extreme punishment guidelines of the U.S. armed forces that tRump betrayed as a way of amusing his pimp Putin.
Here was my response:
Ahh, where you been Walt? Missed your Lefty take on life.
In 1969 the population was 207,659,263. 100,000 Americans died from the Hong Kong Flu (H3N2)… our country did not grind to a halt. We should not have sheltered in place but kept going like Sweden. But the main point is this:
According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) in the general population ranges between 0.1% and 0.5% in most countries, which is comparable to the medium influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968. (SWISS POLICY RESEARCH)
In 1957 the U.S. population was 177,751,476, and 116,000. People were freer then than now apparently.
In 2019 the U.S. population was roughly 328.24 million.
I posted on the Atlantic article here (The Atlantic’s WWI Hit Piece — Anonymously Sourced Of Course). I updated it to show that 10-people have gone on the record to refute the main claim of the Atlantic about WWI. These people were either with the President when this conversation took place, or others were intimately involved with the facts of the case.
USA Today examined each of the 3,517 Facebook ads bought by the Russian-based Internet Research Agency, the company that employed 12 of the 13 Russians indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller for interfering with the 2016 election. It turns out only about 100 of its ads explicitly endorsed Trump or opposed Hillary Clinton. Most of the fake ads focused on racial division, with many of the ads attempting to exploit what Russia perceives, or wants America to perceive, as severe racial tension between blacks and whites…. (LARRY ELDER)
This is why people say the election was not changed by Russian interference. Ted Kennedy (the conscience of the Senate) approached Soviet Russia and asked for help to defeat Reagan. That is still one of the worse cases I have heard to date.
…to read and critique a book that many teachers and other “public” organizations are studying in some form (I assume on the tax-payer dime).
Here is the graphic I came across on a friend’s Facebook that got me interested in responding to what I figured was a gawd-awful read since all these orgs are involved… the cultural Marxist politically correct “red-flags” were being thrown in my mind (after two chapters and the intro, I am not being disappointed). I wanted to delve into what many teachers are learning in order to indoctrinate…. er…. teach our children with:
I just wonder how many times this is repeated around the nation.
You may be interested in some biographical background of myself… here is an excerpt of a video I did in late 2008 after reading 2-books cover-to-cover [first two listed below] of 4-books I ordered off of Trinity United Church of Christ’s bookstore’s website. In case you are wondering, that was Obama’s church for 20-years. (The name of the bookstore is Akiba.)
A Black Theology of Liberation;
Black Theology & Black Power;
Is God A White Racist? A Preamble to Black Theology;
The Black Christ
Here is a short sampling of what prompted me to make the fuller video which the excerpt for biographical use is below:
“The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew” — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
“The goal of black theology is the destruction of everything white, so that blacks can be liberated from alien gods” — James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.62
“White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality” — James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.64
First of all, I figured I would break up this review of Ibram Kendi’s book, “How to Be an Antiracist.” The below is my responding to the Introduction, which itself is short. And the continued critique will take time, so do not think I will be pumping these out daily or even monthly.
I did take the time to read a few articles discussing the book by right-leaning as well as left-leaning persons (the right leaning outnumbers the left greatly — FYI):
(One of the best) A Glimpse at the Intersectional Left’s Political Endgame (THE INTELLIGENCER)
How To Be An Anti-Intellectual: A Lauded Book About Antiracism Is Wrong On Its Facts And In Its Assumptions (CITY-JOURNAL)
Ibram Kendi’S Board Book Teaches Even Babies To Hate White People: There’S Just Enough Vagueness In Kendi’s Children’S Book To Plant The Seeds For Upcoming Generations To Push For The Utopian, False ‘Equity’ He Seeks (THE FEDERALIST)
Ibram Kendi Reveals The Dangers Of Reducing Everything To ‘Racism’: For Some Black Intellectuals Today, The Word ‘Racism’ Has Become A Verbal And Intellectual Crutch — A Substitute For Investigating Cause And Effect, The Basic Principle Of Scientific Inquiry (THE FEDERALIST)
Teachers Don’T Want Parents To Know They’Re Indoctrinating Their Kids (POST MILLENIAL)
How The Media Led The Great Racial Awakening: Years Before Trump’S Election The Media Dramatically Increased Coverage Of Racism And Embraced New Theories Of Racial Consciousness That Set The Stage For The Latest Unrest (TABLET MAGAZINE)
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Donates $10 Million to Ibram X. Kendi, Who Wants To Make Racism Unconstitutional (REASON.ORG)
Why Capitalists Like Jack Dorsey Keep Bankrolling Anticapitalists Like Ibram X. Kendi (THE FEDERALIST)
University Of Southern Maine Asks Students And Faculty To Sign “Black Lives Matter Statement And Antiracism Pledge” – The President Of The University Will Post A Public List Of Signatories. Nonsignatories May Be Subject To Retaliation (REASON.ORG)
University’s Anti-Bigotry Reading List Includes Book That Equates Conservatism With Racism: GWU’s Racism ‘Resource Syllabus’ Draws Ire Of Students, Faculty (WASHINGTON FREE BEACON)
AS AN ASIDE, Ibram X. Kendi is not the authors birth name, he was born “Ibram Henry Rogers” and later changed his name. Here is the reasoning via E-NOTES:
Ibram X. Kendi changed his name to make it more meaningful, choosing a middle name which means “peace” in Zulu, and a surname which means “the loved one” in Meru. The name Kendi was also his wife’s name, which he adopted upon marriage as a gesture of respect to her, and a reversal of the usual patriarchal practise in which the woman changes her surname.
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi changed his middle name from Henry to Xolani and his surname from Rogers to Kendi upon his marriage to Dr. Sadiqa Kendi in 2013. Dr. Kendi has said that he made this change after discussions with his wife, and the principal reason for it was to make his name more meaningful. “Xolani” means “peace” in Zulu, while “Kendi” means “the loved one” in the Meru language of Kenya….
Many persons influenced heavily by ideology (often times the cults) change their names. For instance, The Love Israel Family, or Nation of Islam (NOI) members. To wit, Elijah Muhammad [the main founder of NOI] encouraged his followers to drop their “slave” names in favor of Muslim names or, in most cases, an “X,” signifying that they had lost their identities in slavery and did not know their true names. The sad thing is that the Arab Muslims are the one’s who mainly hunted down blacks and put them up for sale to the West or they (actually the majority) were taken inland to be slaves to Muslims.
Below are some thoughts, links to media and articles, as well as other quotes and musings. I would say enjoy, but this is a painful read to get through.
well-traveled anecdotes
Reading through the Introduction of Ibram’s book I noted the following on PAGE SEVEN, he is recalling a speech he gave as a young man in a competitive school championship (to which he is now embarrassed of)… here is the portion I noted:
“‘They think it’s okay not to think!’ I charged, raising the classic racist idea that Black youth don’t value education as much as their non-Black counterparts. No one seemed to care that this well-traveled idea had flown on anecdotes but had never been grounded in proof.” (p. 7)
Two things I annotated off to the side of the page at my local Starbuck’s (Bucks from now on), the first was, “He likes proof. Good.” The second was that yes, different cultures take studying [i.e., education] more seriously than that of others. So again, two things, Ibram likes “proof” (more on this in a minute), and what he called “anecdotal” is in fact provable.
The latter first. Thomas Sowell’s has shed much light on this idea that culture leads to actions, or lack of actions. For instance, Asians study more and do more homework than whites. And whites study more and do more homework than blacks. These affect outcomes:
Economists tend to rely on “revealed preference” rather than verbal statements. That is, what people do reveals what their values are, better than what they say. Even when people give honest answers, expressing what they sincerely believe, some people’s conception of hard work, for example, need not coincide with other people’s conception, even when both use the same words.
When black students in affluent Shaker Heights spent less time on their school work than their white high school classmates did, and spent more time watching television,38 that was their revealed preference. Data from other sources show even greater differences between the time devoted to school work by black Americans and by Asian Americans in high school.39 Nor are such differences peculiar to blacks or to the United States. In Australia, for example, Chinese students spent more than twice as much time on their homework as white students did.40
How surprised should we be that Asian students in general tend to do better academically than white students in general, in predominantly white societies such as Australia, Britain or the United States? The same pattern can be seen among whole nations, as such Asian countries as Japan, South Korea and Singapore likewise show patterns of hard work by their students and academic results on international tests that place these countries above most Western nations.41
38. Valerie A. Ramey, “Is There a Tiger Mother Effect? Time Use Across Ethnic Groups,” Economics in Action, Issue 4 (May 3, 2011). 39.Kenneth Clark, “Behind the Harlem Riots— Two Views,” New York Herald-Tribune, July 20, 1964, p. 7. 40. Newton Garver, ‘What Violence Is,” Ike Nation, June 24, 1968, p. 822. 41.National Committee of Negro Churchmen, “‘Black Power,'” New York Times, July 31, 1966, p. E5.
Thomas Sowell, Discrimination and Disparities (New York, NY: Basic Books, 2019), 102-103 (added references).
And in another work by Doc Sowell, he notes a historical comparison as well. (This excerpt should not be substituted for Sowell’s first chapter of Black Rednecks and White Liberals – found HERE for the savvy):
As already noted, races can differ for reasons that are not racial, because people inherit cultures as well as genes. So long as one generation raises the next, it could hardly be otherwise. Many of the social or cultural differences between American blacks and American whites nationwide today were in antebellum times pointed out as differences between white Southerners and white Northerners. These include ways of talking, rates of crime and violence, children born out of wedlock, educational attainment, and economic initiative or lack thereof.37
While only about one-third of the antebellum white population of the United States lived in the South, at least 90 percent of American blacks lived in the South on into the twentieth century. In short, the great majority of blacks lived in a region with a culture that proved to be less productive and less peaceful for its inhabitants in general. Moreover, opportunities to move beyond that culture were more restricted for blacks.
While that culture was regional, both blacks and whites took the Southern culture with them when they moved out of the South. As one small but significant example, when the movement for creating public schools swept across the United States in the 1830s and 1840s, not only was that movement more successful in creating public schools in the North than in the South, those parts of Northern states like Ohio, Indiana and Illinois that were settled by white Southerners were the slowest to establish public schools.38
The legacy of the Southern culture is more readily documented in the behavior of later generations than is the legacy of slavery, which some distinguished nineteenth century writers said explained the behavior of antebellum Southern whites,39 and which later writers said explained the behavior of blacks. In reality, the regional culture of the South existed in particular regions of Britain in centuries past, regions where people destined to settle in the American South exhibited the same behavior patterns before they immigrated to the South.40 They were called “crackers” and “rednecks” before they crossed the Atlantic— and before they ever saw a slave. As a well-known Southern historian said, “We do not live in the past, but the past in us.”41
Educational and intellectual performance is a readily documented area where the persistence of culture can be tested. As late as the First World War, white soldiers from various Southern states scored lower on mental tests than black soldiers from various Northern states.42 Not only did black soldiers have the advantage of better schools in the North, they also had an opportunity for the Southern culture to begin to erode in their new surroundings. Over the years, much has been made of the fact that blacks score lower than whites nationwide on mental tests. From this, some observers have concluded that this is due to a racial difference and others have concluded that this is due to some deficiency or bias in the tests. But neither explanation would account for white Southerners’ mental test scores in the First World War.
Whatever the sources of the lower educational or intellectual attainments among blacks, there are major economic and social consequences of such differences. For many years, blacks received a lesser quantity and lower quality of education in the Southern schools that most attended. But, even after the quantity gap was eliminated by the late twentieth century, the qualitative gap remained large. The test scores of black seventeen-year-olds in a variety of academic subjects were the same as the scores of whites several years younger.43 That is obviously not a basis for expecting equal results in an economy increasingly dependent on mental skills.
37.See, for examples, my Black Rednecks and White Liberals (San Francisco: Encounter Books, 2005), pp. 1-27. 38. Davidson M. Douglas, Jim Crow Moves North: The Battle over Northern School Segregation, 1865-1954 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 16. 39. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1966), Vol. I, p. 365; Frederick Law Olmsted, The Cotton Kingdom: A Traveller’s Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the American Slave States, edited by Arthur M. Schlesinger (New York: Modern Library, 1969), pp. 476n, 614-622; Hinton Rowan Helper, The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It, enlarged edition (New York: A. B. Burdick, 1860), p. 34. 40. See my Black Rednecks and White Liberals, pp. 3-6. 41.Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, The Slave Economy of the Old South: Selected Essays in Economic and Social History, edited by Eugene D. Genovese (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1968), p. 269. 42. H.J. Butcher, Human Intelligence: Its Nature and Assessment (New York: Harper & Row, 1968), p. 252. 43. Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom, America in Black and White, pp. 354-355.
Thomas Sowell, Economic Facts and Fallacies (New York, NY: Basic Books, 2008), 165-166 (added references).
Okay, let me wrap back around to the first annotated note I made in Ibram’s book… proof. Remember, on page 7 he said “…but had never been grounded in proof.” I noted “he likes proof.”
On page eight (one-page after he touted “evidence” as something important to him), Kendi wrote this (I will insert letters to aspects I will respond to). This comes from PAGE EIGHT:
Firstly, I cannot stand books without footnotes to reference sources. I stopped reading Sean Hannity’s first book as soon as I figured out is was reference free. It is why even Lefty historians boldly critique Howard Zinn’s book on history, and, Mr. Kendi does the same here. So I tracked down the quotes Kendi attributes to Trump and show that “proof” is something of a tool to use as he sees fit.
The first example is the “laziness” quote. Even SNOPES lists this as “Undetermined” Whether Trump ever said “Laziness is a trait in blacks” is not certain.
A) Donald Trumped liked to say, “Laziness is a trait in Blacks”
Even the WASHINGTON POST said this quote shouldn’t be trusted, and they hate Trump:
As the Washington Post noted, it is, at best, a secondhand quote from a private conversation, written down years after the fact, and should be viewed “with some skepticism.” — SNOPES
Except – those weren’t their words. The Trump quote, apparently voiced by an actor, has not been substantiated, and should be viewed with some scepticism, the Washington Post reported two years ago. — BUSINESS INSIDER
Here I want to deal with this next portion in two ways, the first will be a Fact-Check via Breitbart, then an excerpt from a post of mine.
B) defaming Latinx immigrants as mostly criminals and rapists
…In his June 16, 2015 speech announcing his run for the presidency, Donald Trump said the following:
When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.
Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.
It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.
Trump was referring to illegal aliens coming over the U.S.-Mexico border who commit additional crimes, such as rape. As Breitbart Texas has extensively documented, it’s common for human traffickers to “to sexually assault or rape the females” en route to the U.S., and the smugglers “usually remove an article of clothing from the female they rape and they tie it tightly to a tree—a rape tree.”
Furthermore, it is true that as the U.S. suffers from a massive heroin epidemic that killed over 47,000 people in 2014 alone, “nearly all” of the heroin consumed in the U.S. is smuggled in by Mexican traffickers, as the Washington Post found. Drug trafficking is an inherently violent operation….
…When I ask people to offer me an example of Trump’s “racism,” I get a reference to this example most often:
“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems…. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you…. They’re sending people that have lots of problems…. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” — DONALD J. TRUMP
Before I add information that I doubt a millennial has heard because either they or their friends are quick to label Trump as being bigoted or racist for saying this, and moving on without further reflection, I want to note that all Republican politicians said to round up illegals in America would be an impossible task. Trump has evolved on his statement that many understood as rounding up 11-million (actually, there are 30-million). ALSO, every Republican politician noted that the Constitution would not allow for the banning of all Muslims coming to our country. Again, our Constitution forbids this. It allows for banning all persons from a country, but not a religious or sectarian belief. He [Trump] has backed away from this as well, as all of us knew he would. In fact, this was removed from his site. Trump is not a politician, but his team is counseling him well.
Okay. What of Trump’s statement? It surely sounds bigoted at best.
I will shock the reader.
I think that is the most pro-woman statement in a long time by a politician regarding real — violent — crime against women.
As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.
According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report…
Through May, the number of unaccompanied girls younger than 18 caught at the US-Mexico border increased by 77 percent.
But while many of these girls are fleeing their homes because of fears of being sexually assaulted, according to the UNHCR, they are still meeting that same fate on their journey to freedom…
For clarity in the sources for the HUFFPO article, for those that are of the impatient and research non-oriented generation:
✦ 60% Amnesty International Report (PDF) ✦ 80% Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream? (FUSION)
(UPDATED EDITORIAL BY RPT) To be clear, these rapes are happening by residents who live in towns and districts these migrants are passing through. Other rapes are happening by Coyotajes, as well as many by the men making the trip as well. We know that many Honduren gang-members make the trek, and so, a high percentage of these men (criminals) do in fact cross our border into our nation. Where American women of all ethnic background are subjected to assault. Since we know illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born… rape is also part of these increased stats.
…“According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report,” the well-known news outlet continued….
So, many of the men they travel with are rapping them. Many of the Coyotajes as well take advantage of them. There are what are now being called “rape trees,” which you can learn more about on a previous post of mine, here. Here is how a conversation using this understanding went in the real world:
The above exchange was discussed a bit wrong, like Trump, the main idea is lost in the presentation. Gavin McInness made it sound as if the rapes were happening at the border when in actuality they are happening during the entire trip. And the girl thought he meant Coyotes, the real animal. Not Coyotajes. (That was very funny BTW, and why I ended the video like I did.)
What would be the most compassionate step to take? I would say, to control our border. That would help the migrant woman AS WELL AS our own mothers, daughters, and wives. Many from these countries that are experiencing these horrible circumstances are experiencing it because of their government models they have chosen. But this is neither here-nor-there….
I almost hate doing this “check” of Mr. Kendi… almost. It shows how awful of an author he is… it shows he does not practice what I assume he expects in others, as well as being too easy. I liken dealing with the Left to “shooting fish in a barrel.”
C) he routinely called his Black critics “stupid.”
They [Kendi and other talking heads] hear something and run with it as if it were true and not just hearsay. For instance, let’s discuss what surely Mr. Kendi got cues from Don Lemon (MERCURY NEWS):
Three days after President Donald Trump called LeBron James and CNN’s Don Lemon stupid, the anchor accused the president of racism.
Monday night was not the first time Lemon called Trump a racist. Nor was the previous Friday the first time Trump belittled the intelligence of a black critic of his administration, or Lemon specifically.
The ol “Switcheroo.” You call white people dumb or stupid, you are not racist. You call black people dumb or stupid, you are a racist. You criticize George Dubya’s policies, you are a patriot. (Remember all the bumper stickers from on Democrats cars during Dubya?) You criticize Obama’s policies, you are a racist.
The quote many Democrats had plastered on their cars was a quote “from” Thomas Jefferson.
What just a decade ago young Democrats used as “freedom of expression, they now deride:
Forty-four percent of Democratic college students polled responded that they strongly support taking the statues down, and another 29 percent said they support the measure, for a total of 73 percent in favor. Another 12 percent were against and 15 percent are not sure.
In contrast, only 4 percent of Republican college students supported the notion while 88 percent were against and 8 percent not sure, the poll results show. (THE COLLEGE FIX)
Heads I win Tails you lose.
Here are some white people Trump called stupid (WASHINGTON EXAMINER) — SIDE NOTE: you may think [like I do] this is not very “Presidential,” however, it is not racist as Kendi implies:
Many in the news media are branding President Trump as a racist after he insulted the intelligence of professional basketball player LeBron James and CNN’s Don Lemon, both of whom are black, even though Trump has made similar comments about prominent white men.
Many in the news media are branding President Trump as a racist after he insulted the intelligence of professional basketball player LeBron James and CNN’s Don Lemon, both of whom are black, even though Trump has made similar comments about prominent white men.
Over the weekend, liberal New York Times columnist Charles Blow said there was “definitely” a “racial underpinning” to Trump’s latest insults.
The Washington Post’s Max Boot tweeted Friday, “I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that Trump thinks African-Americans are dumb.”
Former CBS newsman Dan Rather called Trump’s remark, which he made on Twitter, a “disgrace” and “racist.”
Trump is, however, well known for taking aim at just about anyone who criticizes him in public, and there’s no evidence he considers race or gender before he fires back. Here are seven examples of when Trump insulted the intelligence of white, conservative men:
… FBI Director James Comey … Texas Gov. Rick Perry … 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney … Sen. Lindsey Graham … Washington Post columnist George Will … radio host Glenn Beck …
You see, Trump is equal opportunity.
D) He claimed immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS”
Moving on… I wish to mention here that the story of Trump claiming “immigrants from Haiti ‘all have AIDS'” is an unsourced (anonymous) story. No one came on the record… just like the Russian Conspiracy Hoax, where, story after story has been refuted by under-oath testimony. AXIOS notes the NYTs article:
“Key quotes: Trump called Afghanistan a terrorist haven, claimed that the 15,000 Haitians who had travelled to the U.S. “all have AIDS,” and said that the 40,000 Nigerians would never “go back to their huts” after seeing the U.S., officials who had been in the room told Times reporters NYT’s Michael D. Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis.”
I will note after “d” what recent issues have been in the horrible reporting by the MSM regarding their “sources” — FIRST HOWEVER, The people who denied the even t from happening DID go on the record:
“Gen. Kelly, Gen. McMaster, Secretary Tillerson, Secretary Nielsen, and all other senior staff actually in the meeting deny these outrageous claims,” she said, referring to the current White House chief of staff, the national security adviser, and the secretaries of state and homeland security. “It’s both sad and telling The New York Times would print the lies of their anonymous ‘sources’ anyway.” (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)
Press Secretary Sarah Sanders shot down the “outrageous claims,” stating that senior officials who were in the meeting refuted them. “It’s both sad and telling The New York Times would print the lies of their anonymous ‘sources’ anyway,” Sanders said in a statement. The White House did not deny that the meeting took place, but said the president never used the words “AIDS” or “huts” to describe people from any country. But that isn’t the only story to the story. I do not think this even reported by anonymous sources actually happened. The same people that wrongly reported using anonymous sources are now the same people using anonymous sources. (NEW YORK POST)
Sharyl Attkisson has a pretty good list of media mishaps regarding Trump: Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List (it is up to 143). However, the issue for a while are articles stating something as true when they are based on unamed sources. Here is a portion from another post of mine dealing with the stories on Trump’s dealing with Covid-19:
News media figures advancing “Trump-Russia collusion” narratives are now spreading misinformation about President Donald Trump and the coronavirus outbreak as part of a “permanent coup,” […..]
The Washington Post, citing anonymous sources, recently alleged that Trump was issued repeated warnings about the coronavirus through a dozen classified daily briefings between January and February.
“An article in the Washington Post … said that in [his] presidential daily briefings, Trump repeatedly ignored warnings of the coronavirus,” Smith recalled. Acting DNI Richard Grenell tweeted at the authors of this piece. [He] said. ‘That’s not true. We told you this is not true, and yet you only included our denial in the ninth paragraph.’”
This isn’t true. And we told you this before you wrote. And you put the DNI denial of your premise in paragraph 9.
Smith continued, “So these two Washington Post journalists were a core Russiagate conspiracy team. Again, unfortunately, we’re seeing the same thing unfold again and again, and that’s why the title of the book is The Permanent Coup.”…
Media Are Playing Games Yet Again With Anonymous Russia Leaks: Watch Nearly The Entire Corporate Media Establishment Run Wild With Claims From Completely Anonymous Sources In The Intelligence Community This Week (THE FEDERALIST)
E) [Trump said] White supremacists as “very fine people”
And this last section, “e”, actually just came up in a recent conversation with a family member. Their statement was a bit unclear, however, as far as I could tell, they were in agreement that Trump said this. And here again a person who encounters this argument may find themselves in a “switcheroo” environment. They will say when challenged — “well, he did say it”. But, it wasn’t said in the way they mean it…. like Kendi did.
It is really, THE BIG LIE. Here are my recent posts dammingly refuting the issue:
The “Fine People” Lie!
NBC NEWS mocked the following with this headline: “Former NFL player claims Trump never called white nationalist rallygoers ‘very fine people’.” Jack Brewer (below) is right-chya-know:
I made the following short clips not because I haven’t heard versions of this before, but these two versions clearly show that Trump didn’t say it the way the media or politicians mean he said it. He didn’t call on the one hand Nazi/KKK affiliated persons “fine people” — JUST LIKE HE DIDN’T call anyone from Antifa “fine people.” He was speaking about the normal Democrat and Republican (libertarian, independent, non-voter, etc) who came to express their support of tearing down a Confederate monument or for not supporting the destruction of our past (good or bad). Very rarely would a person find an article or video by Steve Cortes to see what the other side of the issue is.
However, these nets support the rhetoric because in the end they wish to defeat Trump, truth be damned. Here — for instance — is People magazine printing the issue:
…To borrow from The Washington Post, this is becoming a “Bottomless Pinocchio” for Biden. He never stops lying and smearing:
Biden: The easy part of this is like my relationship with Barack — we trusted each other. Think about what happened when those folks came out in Charlottesville, carrying those torches. Close your eyes and remember what you saw, chanting the same anti-Semitic bile that was chanted in the streets of Germany in the ’30s, accompanied by the Ku Klux Klan. And a young woman gets killed protesting against them and the president of the United States says, “There are very fine people on both sides.” That phrase was heard ’round the world. This is going to change.
Harris: That’s right.
Biden: This is who we are [gestures to Harris next to him]. This is America.
When people say the above (friends, family, MSM, politicians) they are “meaning” this often times:
However, Trump never said that… or meant what many attribute to him saying (in context… remember “context is king”).
In an often misused comment (ripped from its context) Trump actually denounced Nazi’s in this press conference. I add some prophetic statues predictions coming true as well as Dennis Prager commenting on an evidence this was misconstrued. (See more at my post HERE)
If even Jake Tapper can pick up what the President is laying down, why can’t Kendi?
Larry Elder recaps one of the biggest lies by the media and Democratic Presidential nominee… Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (e.g., Good Ol’ Joe). I include video “The Sage” had audio for, as well as extending some other audio – like Michael Smerconish doing what real reporters and media persons should do… that is… track down the real story [the truth of the matter]. This is Larry at his best, I only tried to embolden his points [hopefully I did]. I will be making a smaller truncated version to accent my just uploaded video, HERE.
Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.
Ibram also mentions Richard Spencer alongside Trump as some sort of connector. In this section (page 9 of the introduction) Kendi notes that is someone says “I am not racist” — that that is something a racist would say. Again, this is a “heads I win, tails you loose” scenario the Left loves. According to Kendi and others:
Yes my dears, all White people are racists. All. Of. Them. (MEDIUM)
If you’re white, you’re probably racist,” an editor for the University of Alabama’s student newspaper told her classmates in a recent op-ed. (CAMPUS REFORM)
During this interview, the “individual” came up. Why is this important? Because in totalitarian movements the individual is extinguished (which is opposite of our countries [the USA] documents). Below are some quotes from the socialist movement in Germany as an example. Here are the four parts mentioned in the above interview:
In this post as well there is video of Chicago Teachers Union president explaining how to make math racist. This is how radical the teaching profession has gotten. However, let us deal a bit more with,
I have for years and years (after years of studying cults and political movements, and personal contacts over the year and almost a half I spent in jail with many involved in these racist movements) noted the proclivity of the KKK and other white supremacist groups to vote Democrat (3 of the 4 largest supremacy groups told their followers to vote for Obama, as one example. Another is the Grand Dragon of California telling his peeps to vote for Hillary. [I have a myriad of them]).
IN FACT, almost the entirety of racist groups (no matter the ethnicity) vote Democrat.
BUT NOW not only have I shown [via Dinesh D’Souza’s interview] that the favorite example of the leader/founder of the “Alt-Right” according to the MSM and Democrats is an avowed socialist Leftie — Richard Spencer. WHO…. has just endorsed…. Joe Biden for President. Of course he has. This from PJ-MEDIA:
Dinesh’s interview can be seen here (see also GATEWAY PUNDIT):
Some of my studies were noted HERE, scroll down past the video seen. Here are a few excerpts from my post:
After the triumph of the civil rights movement and the introduction of a series of civil rights laws, the Klan broke up into various subgroups. Previously these KKK members were Democrats and they continued being so after.
“…virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.” — Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;
“…not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.” — Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.
People do not realize why these groups, especially the KKK, vote Democrat. For instance, out of the four leaders in the “white-power” movement (the KKK subculture) with the most followers, three told their peeps to vote Democrat (Actually, then it was them telling their followers to vote for Obama in 2008).
Here you see some higher ups in this white racist movement telling their people (3-of-the-4) to vote Democrat for the election in 2008:
➤ Tom Metzger: Director, White Aryan Resistance; Career Highlights: Was Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan in the 70s; won the Democratic primary during his bid for Congress in 1980… ➤ Ron Edwards: Imperial Wizard, Imperial Klans of America; Career Highlights: Sued in 2007 by the Southern Poverty Law Center for inciting the brutal beating of a Latino teenager; building the IKA into one of the nation’s largest Klan groups by allowing non-Christians to join. ➤ Erich Gliebe: Chairman, National Alliance; Career Highlights: Turning white-power record label, Resistance Records, into a million-dollar-a-year business juggernaut; an 8-0 record as a professional boxer under the nickname, “The Aryan Barbarian.” ➤ Rocky Suhayda: Chairman, American Nazi Party; Career highlights: Being widely quoted bemoaning in the fact that so few Aryan-Americans had the cojones of the 9/11 hijackers: “If we were one-tenth as serious, we might start getting somewhere.”
Reason Three They HATE (H-A-T-E) Israel, and this is a reason they tend to support Democrats. For instance, on his YouTube, David Duke endorsed Charles Barron for Congress (video on the left). Another endorsement for Hillary was from a KKK leader here in California (right video).
So attributing racism to the GOP is silly, because as a whole, the almost 8,000 KKK members nation wide vote Democrat. AS DO ALL THE OTHER RACIST CULTS IN AMERICA (*booming megaphone affect in a cave*). NOT TO MENTION where all the hub-bub is when all these hate groups vote for Democrats in years past?
In other words, WHY is it only “newsworthy” when they vote for Republicans and not for Democrats?
I smell something fishy here.
I can continue, but this post is already long enough. On the racial issues, I suggest my page entitled: U.S. RACIAL HISTORY. This page deals with the supposed party switch by racist Democrats to Republicans, slavery, American Indian narratives, some VERY PROUD BLACK HISTORY in our country… and the like.
Recap Again, let’s recap for clarity some of my reasons white racist/nationalists cults vote Democrat:
They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) and ideological reasoning (socialist); or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak; There is a shared hatred for Israel and supporting of groups wanting to exterminate the Jews (Palestinians for instance).
This is why a majority STILL supported Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. She is a socialist at heart, wants a big welfare state, and does not like Israel as much as Trump, who has kids practicing the Jewish religion. Thee ONLY issue a racist could want to vote for Trump on is his immigration policies… hardly a racist position. It has only now become an issue of bigotry and racism because the Left has moved the goal post in the use of language. Racists no longer means “genetically superior,” rather, it mean you disagree with a Democrat and/or hurt their feelings. Otherwise, these people would be RACISTS!
Here are some other examples (recent as well as old):
Duke has continued his support of Gabbard via social media, updating his Twitter background asking, “Tulsi is being unjustly banned from the Dem Debate. Why?…She opposes the insane Neocon wars!” (NEWSWEEK)
…After repeatedly condemning the nation of Israel and those who support it in a series of anti-Semitic comments, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has picked up an endorsement from David Duke.
“David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and an open racist and antisemite, is publicly defending Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in the wake of the freshman Democrat’s series of antisemitic statements that have rankled the Democrat Party nationally,” BREITBART reports.
In one tweet, Duke calls Omar “the most important member of the U.S. Congress.” “Simply stated, she is important because the dared expose the gorilla in Congress that nobody dares speak,” Duke said in another tweet.
Here’s more from Breitbart:
Duke has been a lightning rod in American politics for years, and in recent years the media and left have gone after Republicans–particularly President Trump–for having been praised by him. During the 2016 presidential campaign, the media demanded repeatedly that Trump disavow Duke–which he did. But now Duke has endorsed Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)–a Hawaiian Democrat–in the 2020 presidential election.
This is not the first time Duke has taken up Omar’s cause either. Back in early February, when she first came under the national spotlight for anti-Semitism at the beginning of the new Congress, Duke backed her up publicly as well.
Duke’s decision to back Omar now comes in the wake of several Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and presidential candidates like Sens Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), as well as many other Democrats, refusing to demand that Omar apologize and attempting to explain away her comments as somehow not deliberately anti-Semitic.
According to the op-ed, mainstream media outlets will undoubtedly treat Duke’s endorsement of a Democrat differently than the way they pounced on Duke’s campaign endorsement of Trump. Trump immediately and repeatedly denounced the endorsement.
Check it out:
First, Omar herself should be repeatedly questioned about whether she accepts Duke’s endorsement and about why her views and his dovetail so nicely. Second, every Democrat should be asked, in light of Duke’s embrace of Omar, why the Democratic caucus shouldn’t be seen as Duke-friendly because it refused to adopt a resolution specifically denouncing Omar’s anti-Semitism.
This bears repeating: If the Duke-Omar embrace isn’t turned into a universal question for all Democratic House members, the media will have failed as an institution to act in a professional, even-handed manner.
If the media will not hold Democrats to the same standard, then it should forever ignore all of Duke’s efforts to thrust himself into the news merely by saying or tweeting something.
For all the reasons above and more (theology, family, history, economics, philosophy, etc) — I claim to be not racist, but can have off-color humor, like, “Yo Mamma is so white, when she opens her mouth — kids try to dunk cookies in it.” Ibram Kendi says the following about his racism:
“I use to be racist most of the time. I am changing. I am no longer identifying with racists by claiming to be “not racist.” (page 10)
I just want to reproduce this short exchange from NEWSBUSTERS where Katy Tur says white people are essentially racist, even if we don’t know it, HOWEVER I want to respond to in kind to crazy Dyson with an adaptation of his comments:
MSNBC Live host Katy Tur could have used Thursday’s show to try to see if there was a way that the current protests across the country in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd could bring the country together. Instead, however, she teamed up with Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson to wonder if white Americans are unwittingly racist by being scared of black Americans, simply by looking at them.
Tur then asked Dyson to put the “extreme case[s]” aside and deal with the ordinary white person.
TUR:Let me ask you this. Let’s leave aside the extreme case, what we saw with George Floyd, and let’s look toward the middle. How do you change, how do you improve the internal biases that so many white people have, that maybe they don’t intend to have, maybe they don’t think they are racist, but there is an internal bias that might be there that causes them to look at a black person and they might be scared or look at a black person and think in some way they might not be like them or they might not be nice to them, something, that internal bias that haunts so many white Americans.
Dyson said “Great question,” and started off innocent enough, saying that even if you’re not an overt racist, you can still have problems, such as the “Karen” in Central Park, but that just shows that, “we’ve got to ask white people to be just as aggressive about reading about race, about social injustice and about inequality as they are about Star Wars and horror movies,” which got a hearty laugh out of Tur’s fellow host Chuck Todd.
He concluded his thought by returning to Tur’s previous point about white Americans being scared of black Americans,”…
This is how I would reword it
“We have got to ask black people to be just as aggressive about reading works by Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Walter Williams Heather Mac Donald — while listening to and reading Larry Elder’s works as they are familiar with hip-hop/rap lyrics and NBA team stats”
In another conversation someone wrote this in another post, I will include my response:
It’s shown how in denial white conservative evangelicals are about systemic racism, and to what lengths they’ll go to pretend there actually isn’t a problem.
BTW 》》》
Larry Elder, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, John McWhorter, Coleman Hughes, Jason Riley, Carol Swain, Armond White, Star Parker, Michelle Bernard, Charles Payne, Lester Holt, Gianno Caldwell, Tara Setmayer, Allen West, Mason Weaver, Deneen Barelli, Ward Connerly, Angela McGlowen, Jesse Lee Petersen, Dinesh D’Souza, Alfonzo Rachel, Kevin Jackson, Candace Owens, and Amy Holmes…. etcetera, etcetera….
Larry Elder corrects the record on a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr., often taken from its larger context. On Thursday, May 28th, the quote was the 11th most searched item in Google “A riot is the language of the unheard“
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR deals with the above misquoting of MLK (misunderstanding his intent of that statement) very well:
It was inevitable that George Floyd’s death would spark protests against police brutality and that mendacity would characterize the attendant media coverage. True to form, the press affected dismay when the demonstrations devolved into violence, yet reported the riots with obvious approbation. The most obscene example of this was the widespread use, in headlines and ledes, of an out-of-context Martin Luther King quote suggesting that the civil rights leader would have condoned the mayhem. USA Today, for example, ran a feature story bearing the following title: “ ‘A riot is the language of the unheard’: MLK’s powerful quote resonates amid George Floyd protests.”
This grotesque misrepresentation of Dr. King’s views is only possible by cynically cherry-picking eight words from a 1966 interview during which he repeatedly emphasized that violence was counterproductive to the progress of the civil rights movement. Mike Wallace interviewed him for “CBS Reports” on Sept. 27, 1966, and the primary topic of discussion involved divisions within the movement concerning overall strategy. The myth that King had somehow endorsed violence went mainstream in 2013, when “60 Minutes Rewind” posted a clip from the Wallace interview and irresponsibly titled it using the same out-of-context quote. The interview transcript begins with this unambiguous statement:
KING: I will never change in my basic idea that non-violence is the most potent weapon available to the Negro in his struggle for freedom and justice. I think for the Negro to turn to violence would be both impractical and immoral.
It’s pretty difficult to find anything resembling support for street violence or riots in this statement, but a subsequent question about the “Black Power” movement persuaded Dr. King to explain the impetus of the numerous 1966 riots. He cited the growing frustration caused by the absence of progress on basic civil rights for black people in general. King obviously understood that much of the community was growing very impatient. He also knew that most owners of property burned and businesses ruined during riots were owned by black people. This is still true. Thus, he continued to denounce the riots as self-defeating and socially destructive and insisted that nonviolence was the best course to follow:
MIKE WALLACE: There’s an increasingly vocal minority who disagree totally with your tactics, Dr. King.
KING: There’s no doubt about that. I will agree that there is a group in the Negro community advocating violence now. I happen to feel that this group represents a numerical minority. Surveys have revealed this. The vast majority of Negroes still feel that the best way to deal with the dilemma that we face in this country is through non-violent resistance, and I don’t think this vocal group will be able to make a real dent in the Negro community in terms of swaying 22 million Negroes to this particular point of view. And I contend that the cry of “black power” is, at bottom, a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro. I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard. And, what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the economic plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. (Emphasis added.)
The media have dishonestly plucked the highlighted fragment from this 175-word answer to create the false impression that Dr. King somehow viewed violence as a legitimate weapon in the fight for justice. In reality, there is no honest way to arrive at this conclusion when those eight words are read in their proper context. Yet USA Today is by no means alone in its misuse of this fragment. CNN uses the same eight words for the title of a Fareed Zakaria segment that begins with a deceptively edited clip from King’s 1967 speech, “The Other America,” in which he discusses riots much as he did on CBS. In order to launch the segment with the magic words, however, CNN edited out most of the speech, including the following:
Let me say as I’ve always said, and I will always continue to say, that riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I’m still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve. That in a real sense it is impracticable for the Negro to even think of mounting a violent revolution in the United States. So I will continue to condemn riots, and continue to say to my brothers and sisters that this is not the way.
USA Today, CBS, and CNN have lot of company. The Week, for example, ran yet another trite effusion titled “ ‘A riot is the language of the unheard,’ Martin Luther King Jr. explained 53 years ago.” This nonsense, like the rest, ignores the facts and includes standard fictions to once again conjure up an image of Dr. King as an advocate of violence in the cause of social justice. Among those offended by this mendacious exploitation of King’s words to validate violence is his niece, Alveda King. She writes, “I am saddened yet undaunted that a quote from my Uncle Martin is being taken out of context.… Some people are calling this an endorsement of violence, but nothing could be further from the truth.”……
I feel bad for the Floyd family. Not because of their loss (although that was my first emotion and care, was for the loss of their son… even if it was more heart related, the officer in question could have saved his life if he wasn’t kneeing his neck), but because I do not care about the incident all that much any longer. I am more focused on the fruits of a culture that has been brewing since gay author/professor first fired a warning shot over the New Left’s bow (the beginning of the culture war):
There is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain of: almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative. If this belief is put to the test, one can count on the students’ reaction: they will be uncomprehending. That anyone should regard the proposition as not self-evident astonishes them…. The relativity of truth is… a moral postulate, the condition of a free society, or so they see it…. The danger they have been taught to fear is not error but intolerance. (Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind [New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1987], 25.)
These riots have nothing to do with that officers’ actions. It has to do with how a large segment of society brands people for seeking categories for society to adhere to (SIXHIRB: sexist, islamophobic, xenophobic, homophobic, intolerant, racist, bigoted). Unless people (a) counter these histories found in horrible university texts like the one pictured to the right with actual histories that work in the real world when applied… not some fantasy Utopia; (b) or at least invigorate adults to challenging themselves to enter into real conversations about our body politic (which requires discussions about our nation’s history, past and current politics, our nations roots in cities like Athens and Jerusalem), we will see more of this:
The Western world has produced some of the most prosperous and most free civilizations on earth. What makes the West exceptional? Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire and author of “The Right Side of History,” explains that the twin pillars of revelation and reason — emanating from ancient Jerusalem and Athens — form the bedrock for Western civilization’s unprecedented success.
All culminating in America’s “Trinity”:
Nearly every country on Earth is defined by race or ethnicity. Not America. What makes the United States different? Dennis Prager outlines the values that have allowed the American people to flourish and, unlike immigrants almost everywhere else, transformed those who arrived from across the globe into full Americans—regardless of where they were born.
One needs to also confront the idea that in the black community cults like the Five Percenters (The Nation of Gods and Earths) and Nation of Islam in some of these communities of color (an aside: if I had said colored communities — that is racist — but not communities of color). If MLK hated this radicalism, then why do people support it in the black community but rebuff it in the white?
King’s influence was tempered by the increasingly caustic tone of Black militancy of the period after 1965. Black radicals increasingly turned away from the Gandhian precepts of King toward the Black Nationalism of Malcolm X, whose posthumously published autobiography and speeches reached large audiences after his assassination in February 1965. King refused to abandon his firmly rooted beliefs about racial integration and nonviolence.
In his last book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?, King dismissed the claim of Black Power advocates “to be the most revolutionary wing of the social revolution taking place in the United States.” But he acknowledged that they responded to a psychological need among African Americans he had not previously addressed.
“Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery,” King wrote. “The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation.”
People [read here adults] need to challenge their beliefs with thinking outside their lifelong or university taught Leftism. Pick a site from the following and visit it a couple times a week [hint: Powerline will be the quickest reads]:
– just to name a few with good writing and represent some counter thinking to the CNN’s and WaPo’s of the world. They offer an excellent introduction to how Conservatives view our political landscape. Stop feeding these lies about American history based on emotion rather than testing one’s own viewpoints. PICK UP A SINGLE BOOK AND READ. Preferably one you disagree with and would otherwise read. If we don’t figure out how to do this, the cities that most need businesses and stability will lose them over and over. This is exactly what we can expect to happen:
A conservative think tank had to have their yearly meeting in an undisclosed place due to threats of violence, Michael Steele had Oreo cookies thrown at him, conservative speakers like Ann Coulter need body guards when going on to a campus when speaking (the reverse is not true of liberal speakers), eco-fascists (like this CBS story notes) put nails in trees so when lumber jacks cut through them they are maimed, from rapes and deaths and blatantly anti-Semitic/anti-American statements and threats made at occupy movements [endorsed by Obama], we are seeing Obama’s America… divided, more violent; [NOT OT MENTION] forcing Christians to photograph, make cakes for, and put flower arrangements together for same-sex marriage ceremonies… to pro-choice opponents with jars of feces and urine taken from them after chanting “hail Satan” and “fuck the church,” a perfect storm is being created for a real culture war… all with thanks to people who laugh at terms like “eco-fascists” and “leftist thugs.” The irony is that these coal unions asked their members to vote for Obama. Well, the chickens have come home to roost.
The chickens indeed are coming home to roost (Obama’s pastor’s saying after his “Goddamm America” sermon), just for the people that except such a bad ethos. With the NYTs 1619 project. Professors teaching a generation that America was and is the most oppressive racist nation. Media making things up about Republicans being racists since Goldwater. And the calling of a President who has Jewish religious kids and grandkids an anti-Semite/racist. The comedic newsers like Trevor Noah, Colbert, and the like confirming such lies to a millennial generation that gets their news from the “Jimmy Falons” of the world (not to mention CNN, NPR, WaPo, MSNBC, NYT, etcetera).
The publication of my new book, America’s Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American revolution and the Declaration that Defined It, comes at a crucial moment in American history. Academic study of the American revolution is dying on our college campuses, and the principles and institutions of the American Founding are now under assault from the nattering nabobs of both the progressive Left and the reactionary Right. These two ideological antipodes share little in common other than a mutually-assured desire to purge 21st-century American life of the founders’ philosophy of classical liberalism.
On this point, the radical Left and Right have merged.
The philosophy of Americanism is, as I have argued in my book and elsewhere, synonymous with the founders’ ideas, actions, and institutions. Its core tenets can be summed up as: the moral laws and rights of nature, ethical individualism, self-interest rightly understood, self-rule, constitutionalism, rule of law, limited government, and laissez-faire capitalism.
The founders’ Americanism is most identifiably expressed in the leading political documents of the founding era: the Declaration of Independence, which Thomas Jefferson said was an “expression of the American mind,” and in the revolutionary state constitutions as well as the federal Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The classical liberalism of the founding era assumed that individual rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness are grounded in nature and that government’s primary responsibility is to protect those rights.
The anti-Americanism of the radical Left is well known and long established. Its most recent and most virulent incarnation comes in the form of the New York Times’s “1619 Project,” which claims that the founders’ principles and institutions were disingenuous in 1776 and immoral today.
Much more interesting than the ho-hum anti-Americanism of the progressive Left, though, is the rise in recent years of a rump faction of former Paleo or Tradcons, who have come out of their ideological closet and transitioned from pro- to anti-Americanism. The recent rise of the radical Right in America is distinguished from all previous forms of conservatism and libertarianism by its explicit rejection of the founders’ liberalism.
A new generation of neo-reactionary ideologues looks at contemporary America and sees nothing but moral, cultural, and political decay, which they blame on the soullessness of the founders’ Americanism. Remarkably, just like the radical Left, the radical Right condemns the philosophy of 18th-century liberalism as untrue and therefore immoral. It is the source, they claim, of all our present discontents.
Much has already been written on the 1619 Project, so I shall only briefly describe its arguments and goals in order to better focus on the aims and tactics of the reactionary Right.
Lastly, a word to the young—to those who have been let down or feel abandoned by the cowardice and unmanliness of Conservatism and Libertarianism, Inc.—know this: you have not been abandoned. There is a new generation of intellectuals willing to take up the cause of Americanism.
More to the point, you should know this as well: I will be, to quote William Lloyd Garrison, as “harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice” when it comes to defending the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The principles and institutions of the founders’ liberalism are worth defending because they are true. The reactionary Right is a dead end; it’s a dead end because it’s a lie. You should not let your despair turn you to the Dark Side. It’s time to come home.
I was cruisin, the WWW (in this case, a group on Facebook)… and I came across this “blurb (picture to the right). Now, I do not post this to “brag,” but I post this as a confirmed bibliophile and someone who plans on an eternity of learning truth.
I have interests, and most of them pertain to reading and learning as a hobby. My home library is well over 5,000 books (politics, religions, philosophy, economics, environment, history, origins, apologetics, etc… all non-fiction stuff my wife h-a-t-e-s), and about 600 DVDs dealing with much of the same (a lot of formal debates are in this collection). (A partial tour is in the video below [low-rez 2005].)
This is a recovery from my Vimeo account and was made with a low-rez camera in 2005 as a package to help my admission into a seminary. One day I will run through my library with the high resolution of today. One day.
I also want to note that while I am posting pics just on two sections of my library, this is repeated in all my categories — like: history, philosophy, world religions, cults, occult, apologetics, politics, civics, current affairs, economics, etc., etc. This first example is of Islam, a sliver of my world religious section (you can click to enlarge if so inclined):
And this is my section related to the reason to this post… note that many works in the collection are textbooks and/or works countering creation and Intelligent design or books by evolutionists on various subject within said paradigm. And yes, that is a pallet of books to the right of my packed-up portion of my library:
— these are two rows of books deep on most shelves —
Here are some of the shelves and books of this section of my library from the picture above (take note as well that I own many of the often quoted and used National Geographic, Nature Journal, Scientific American, and other magazines/journals):
Also, here is some of the atheist/theist debates, creationist/evolutionist debates, etc in DVD:
(A quick note, I am not saying we should have done nothing, please do not infer that from what is below. However, I am saying that pushing the shutting down of our infrastructure for anything past two or three weeks ~ is ~ dubious at best.)
As An Aside, this is one of the most important article I believe regarding this whole “pandemic” issue we are dealing with. While it focuses on New York City, this is multiplied ad infinitum around our nation and globe. I would highly recommend this article at CITY JOURNAL:
My computer is down, and its a brand new build (something I did surely found out it is a bad motherboard). But my phone is allowing me opportunity to expand on some thinking. In a conversation about reopening Minnesota I had the other morning. I will include the conversations end below the raw numbers and pics. Take note I start with my old numbers of THE RONA’S estimated infection rates, with newer studies, as well as some HERD IMMUNITY stats/commentary. Enjoy number crunchers. I will add some other Faceboook posts as well.
This portion was the earliest idea to how widespread the virus was. People would continuously mention the KNOWN infection rate of Covid-19 to the KNOWN death rate from Covid. And then in the same breath compare those stats to the ESTIMATED flu infection rate to the SOMEWHAT KNOWN flu death rate. And then they would say “see, Covid-19 is more deadly.” But I wanted to compare the same stats… so this was my way of referenced “estimations” to the infection rate of Covid-19. These were the two referenced numbers:
There are probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed. (Dr. Makary BIO|YAHOO)
Now, as the testing for antibodies is getting under way, we are finding confirmation for the above numbers. Here are some articles to make the point (as well as some media) HERE ARE SOME IMPORTANT THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND regarding the Santa Clara County information….
Closer to the publishing date of the information garnered from the 3,300 volunteers getting the antibody test in Santa Clara County, there were 32-deaths attributed to the Coronavirus, or, THE RONA. So what we can assume is that as the death toll rises over a time-line, so does the infection rate. Here is what the REASON.COM ARTICLE notes closer to the studies publishing date:
Between 48,000 and 81,000 residents of Santa Clara County, California are likely to have already been infected by the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, suggests a new study by researchers associated with Stanford University Medical School. The researchers tested a sample of 3,330 residents of the county using blood tests to detect antibodies to determine whether or not they had been exposed to the coronavirus. If the researchers’ calculations are correct, that’s really good news. Why? Because that data will help public health officials to get a better handle on just how lethal the coronavirus is, and if researchers are right it’s a lot less lethal than many have feared it to be.
Currently, the U.S. case fatality rate, that is, the percent of people with confirmed diagnoses of COVID-19 who die, is running at 5.2 percent. But epidemiologists have known that a significant proportion of people who are infected are going undetected by the medical system because either they don’t feel sick enough to seek help or are asymptomatic. For example, recent research in Iceland suggests that about 50 percent of people infected with the virus have no symptoms.
In the new study, the researchers sought residents through Facebook to whom they could administer the antibody tests. The results were an unadjusted prevalence of coronavirus antibodies of 1.5 percent. After making various statistical and demographic adjustments, researchers calculated the likely prevalence ranged from 2.49 to 4.16 percent. At the time that these tests were administered, there were about 1,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 32* deaths from the disease in Santa Clara County. The upshot is that “these prevalence estimates represent a range between 48,000 and 81,000 people infected in Santa Clara County by early April, 50- 85-fold more than the number of confirmed cases.”
Using these data, the researchers calculated the infection fatality rate, that is, the percent of people infected with the disease who die: “A hundred deaths out of 48,000-81,000 infections corresponds to an infection fatality rate of 0.12-0.2%,” they report.* That’s about the same infection fatality rate the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates for seasonal influenza…..
COVID-19 Lethality Not Much Different Than Flu, Says New Study: Possible really good news from a population screening antibody test study in Santa Clara County, California (REASON | ABC NEWS)
Why A Study Showing That Covid-19 Is Everywhere Is Good News: If millions of people were infected weeks ago without dying, the virus must be less deadly than official data suggest (ECONOMIST)
Medical Experts Appear on ‘Life, Liberty, and Levin’ to Urge Leaders to Reopen America (PJ-MEDIA)
LA Study: Virus May Be More Widespread, Less Deadly Than Thought (NEWSMAX)
TWITTER: Andrew Bostom
@AlexBerenson “We find strong evidence that COVID-19 is widespread (>28 million) in the US but don’t panic.”
Yes. Reduces case-fatality ratio to ~0.1%
I mention to people that with all the precautions many states are forcing on its population they are retarding the rate of HERD IMMUNITY… which is important.
Important because Dr. Fauci mentioned during one of his briefings that this is coming back in the winter season. But because we have chosen as a nation to not allow for normal contact that nature demands of us, we will be dealing with this at a higher rate than say Sweden.
Our governor, Gavin Newsom, thinks he “sounds” scientific — but has no idea [apparently] what or how to achieve “herd immunity.” Here is a MERCURY NEWS article discussing the issue statements by our “fearless” governor:
“The prospect of mass gatherings is negligible at best until we get to herd immunity and we get to a vaccine,” Newsom said. “So large-scale events that bring in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of strangers altogether across every conceivable difference, health and otherwise, is not in the cards based upon our current guidelines and current expectations.”
The article mentions no large gatherings until Thanksgiving… but then the flu and Covid-19 season starts again. Are we shutting down our economy (bars, restaurants, small businesses, etc) and flights, beaches, etc., in the 2020-2021 season? (THANKFULLY “Attorney General William Barr warned that states could find themselves in hot water from the Justice Department if their coronavirus lockdowns go ‘too far’.” | BREITBART)
Why Simply Waiting For Herd Immunity To Covid-19 Isn’t An Option: Waiting for enough people to catch the coronavirus could take a very long time (MIT TECH REVIEW)
Sweden Resisted A Lockdown, And Its Capital Stockholm Is Expected To Reach ‘Herd Immunity’ In Weeks (CNBC)
Sweden has allowed nature to provide a natural defense to future Covid-19 outbreaks. By doing so, the next time this comes around (2020-2021) Sweden will be the most prepared out of the Western Nations. Bravo Sweden, and they took the idea that destroying their economy was not the wisest of choices.
March 27th
April 17th
Steve and I agree on a lot, I do not wish to put Steve here in a bad light… he is a guy that I would probably enjoy conversation with over a beer or two (or three):
Steve W — you do know Steve that the same amount of death from and infection due to Covid-19 exists under the trend line of doing nothing and the most strict quarentine rules…. right? In other words, we are not saving lives. And, in fact, we have made it worse for our economy next fall/winter because it is coming back as it makes its rounds around the world.
Sean Giordano I have heard that said but not seen it from a credible source. So I think that is false.
Steve W what is false?
Sean Giordano “the same amount of death from and infection due to Covid-19 exists under the trend line of doing nothing”
Steve Wallace now you are saying don’t listen to Dr. Fauci?
Many bemoan Trump for not listening to him (even though he has), and some I meet do not support Fauci in the idea that this was to elongate the process as to not put any undue stress on our health care system. Even though he clearly announced multiple times this was the reason to do so
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUMmentions the following, and all the graphs of the United States shown by Doctors Fauci and Birx have all used this idea as well (graph below from CDC and WEF)
CHRIS WALLACE: All right. You talk about slowing the virus down. You talk a lot, and I’ve very used to this now, you can either have a bump like this of cases or you could make it maybe the same total cases, but it’s a much more gradual and slower and longer curve. I want to put up some numbers. We have in this country about 950,000 hospital beds, and about 45,000 beds in Intensive Care Unit. How worried are you that this virus is going to overwhelm hospitals, not just beds, but ventilators? We only have 160,000 ventilators. And could we be in a situation where you have to ration who gets the bed, who gets the ventilator?
DR. FAUCI: OK. So let me put it in a way that it doesn’t get taken out of context. When people talk about modeling where outbreaks are going, the modeling is only as good as the assumptions you put into the model. And what they do, they have a worst-case scenario, a best-case scenario, and likely where it’s going to be. If we have a worst-case scenario, we’ve got to admit it, we could be overwhelmed. Are we going to have a worst-case scenario? I don’t think so. I hope not.
What are we doing to not have that worst-case scenario? That’s when you get into the things that we’re doing. We’re preventing infections from going in with some rather stringent travel restrictions. And we’re doing containment and mitigation from within. So, at a worst-case scenario, anywhere in the world, no matter what country you are, you won’t be prepared. So our job is to not let that worst-case scenario happen.
(…. STILL ME….)
STEVE W for you not to understand the goal of all this, and then get on here sharing insights is itself insightful. I am not blaming you STEVE… I just see this fundamental misunderstanding of the underlying factors and goals of this whole endeavor of bending the curve as applicable to MANY A PERSON in these discussions here and elsewhere on social media. I am giving you, in fact, the most respectful benefit of a doubt, but am merely in conversation with you at this moment. This conversation is just multiplied (others are having) across social media many fold. Blessings to you and yours friend. Yet, this foundational view is not known well by others… that is, the reason behind flattening the curve as well as the data underneath the trend line.
Here I wish to switch gears a bit and start to discuss another “info graphic” post from MY SITES FACEBOOK I shared with my readers. And since the entire idea behind “flattening the curve” was to keep the health and hospital system working well by not getting inundated all at once, this should have lasted two or three weeks. Not as long as it has — our economy is important too! Damnit!
The following was compiled after a conversation I had on Facebook. It touches on some of the issues above. Enjoy
I note the bell curve because many are under the false impression we are doing this to “save lives.” This was never the case.
The quarantine was to lessen the apex of the bell curve as to not put pressure on the hospital/health system. The same amount of people in the elongated “quarantine bell curve” (the trend-line) would die and get sick. In other words, the same statistics exist below the line (POWERLINE). Here is a site cataloging the hospitalizations for the rona that POWERLINE used – US CORONAVIRUS HOSPITALIZATIONS …they used both the CDC site and this one, but the CDC site has lower hospitalizations, so they opted for the most updated numbers. WHICH AS OF APRIL 21ST STAND AT 84,292 HOSPITALIZATIONS FROM JANUARY TILL NOW. This is important, because, the flu season of 2017-2018 we saw 810,000 hospitalization, and our health system didn’t collapse. Nor did the Swine Flu of 2009-to-2010, which saw 60-million American infected and 300,000 hospitalizations.
This then may explain why all the field hospital’s the ARMY CORE OF ENGINEERS built are being dismantled without a single bed being used.
The panic and fear among the people who cannot be bothered to read the actual statistics about this pandemic is what should concern most preppers. In fact, this virus has been so overhyped that the Army’s field hospital in Seattle, an “epicenter” of the pandemic has closed after three days without seeing one single COVID-19 patient. According to a report by, the hastily built field hospital set up by the Army in Seattle’s pro football stadium is shutting down without ever seeing a patient. [….] The decision to close the Seattle field hospital comes amid early signs that the number of new cases could be hitting a plateau in New York, the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic in the U.S., and other states. At a news conference Friday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said, “Overall, New York is flattening the curve.” — ZERO HEDGE (see: MILITARY TIMES | DAILY CALLER)
Unlike the Mercy, the Comfort is treating COVID-19 patients on board as well as patients who do not have the virus. The ship has treated more than 120 people since it arrived March 30, and about 50 of those have been discharged, said Lt. Mary Catherine Walsh. The ship removed half of its 1,000 beds so it could isolate and treat coronavirus patients. [The Mercy has seen 48 patients, all non-Covid related] (THE STAR)
And literally handfulls of patients on the Comfort (New York City) and the Comfort (Los Angeles) — *see comment below. There was never a shortage of respirators (NATIONAL REVIEW), and we may surpass the 2018-to-2019 flu death rate, but come nowhere close to the 2017-to-2018 flu death rate:
And it seems that we are reaching a plateau with The Rona, so there is good news in this regard (POWERLINE).
* Here is a comment from the Military Times article from a few days ago:
So, why did we spend all that Taxpayer’s money to move the Comfort to NYC and all the added Military medical personnel to staff the Javitt’s Center? Because Cuomo was crying WOLF.
“So far, the thousands of beds provided by a converted convention center and a hospital ship have not been needed, but the extra personnel are coming in handy for the city’s civilian hospitals.
About 200 doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and others are working in New York’s medical centers, where bed space has not been overwhelmed, but where hospital-acquired coronavirus cases have sidelined civilian staff.”
Here is a prediction and continuing convo regarding 2020… enjoy (it will evolve). Here is my main prediction… and keep in mind the convo is from bottom to top.
So, the “over 40%” comment was based on this story:
Brad Parscale, the manager of the Trump campaign, is very data-driven and, following most rallies, he reports statistics about the attendees. I have posted about this after previous rallies. On average, 23% of rally goers identify as Democrats. For Toledo, OH, this number was 21.9%.
The really stunning stat from this rally, which Parscale has never reported on before, is that 20.9% of attendees identified as Independents.
This means that 42.8% of the 22,927 voters were either a Democrat or an Independent. And that is excellent news for President Trump…..
During that December 2018 hearing, Rep. Trey Gowdy posed this question to Comey: “Late July of 2016, the FBI did, in fact, open a counterintelligence investigation into, is it fair to say the Trump campaign or Donald Trump himself?”
“It’s not fair to say either of those things, in my recollection,” Comey retorted. “We opened investigations on four Americans to see if there was any connection between those four Americans and the Russian interference efforts. And those four Americans did not include the candidate.”
So, not only did the Obama administration’s FBI target the Trump campaign in the heat of the 2016 presidential election, but they used an intelligence briefing of candidate Trump to gather “evidence,” and even memorialized Trump’s comments in official FBI documents related to the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
Nonetheless, Comey lied to Americans in order to keep up the appearance that the Steele dossier was in some way legitimate or that he was unaware of it’s illegitimacy.
The new report from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed former CIA Director John Brennan lied to Congress about whether the dossier authored by Christopher Steele was used in the Obama administration’s Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA).
An example of a lie by ADAM SCHIFF, which he KNEW was a lie when he said it:
FBI and officials did not “abuse” the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign.
In fact, DOJ and the FBI would have been remiss in their duty to protect the country had they not sought a FISA warrant and repeated renewals to conduct temporary surveillance of Carter Page, someone the FBI assessed to be an agent of the Russian government. DOJ met the rigor, transparency, and evidentiary basis needed to meet probable cause requirement, by demonstrating: contemporaneous evidence of Russia?s election interference;
Christopher Steele’s raw intelligence reporting did not inform the decision to initiate its counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016. In fact, the FBI’s closely-held investigative team only received Steele’s reporting in mid-September more than seven weeks later.
An example of a JOHN BRENNAN lie… which he knew was a lie when he said it:
Mr. Gowdy: Do you know if the Bureau ever relied on the Steele dossier as any — as part of any court filings, applications, petitions, pleadings?
Mr. Brennan: I have no awareness.
Mr. Gowdy: Did the CIA rely on it?
Mr. Brennan: No.
Mr. Gowdy: Why not?
Mr. Brennan: Because we — we didn’t. It wasn’t part of the corpus of intelligence information that we had. It was not in any way used as a basis for the Intelligence Community assessment that was done. It was — it was not.
Except, on Page 179 of the FISA report we find that former FBI Director James Comey told investigators that he remembers being “part of a conversation, maybe more than one conversation, where the topic was how the [Steele] reporting would be integrated, if at all, into the IC assessment.”
Comey added that Brennan and other officials argued that the Steele dossier was found credible by intelligence community analysts, and that while they did not want to include it in the main body of the ICA, “they thought it was important enough and consistent enough that it ought to be part of the package in some way, and so they had come up with this idea to make an [appendix].
In an exclusive interview, Attorney General William Barr spoke to NBC News’ Pete Williams about the findings on the Justice Department Inspector General’s report on the Russia investigation and his criticisms of the FBI.
U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr sits down with the Wall Street Journal to discuss the information released within the IG report on FBI 2016 election surveillance against candidate Trump; and FISA exploitation for use therein.
As I was driving around today in slow or stopped traffic, I gave my thoughts about what I was hearing today:
Just a quick note here. The four U.S. citizens spied on by the government we’ll have a great case to make in court to sue set government (during the whole Russian Collusion conspiracy against Trump). So not only did the original investigation cost many millions of dollars, it is possible that many millions more is going to be doled out.
Now… Adam Schiff has himself (against proper procedure) gone and gotten metadata from phone companies and then matched it up with journalist an opposing political persons phones. Without a warrant. I assume another criminal case will start around this… And, much like the other case millions of dollars may be doled out to these individuals who had their metadata illegally seized by the government.
BY THE WAY, you can read here “Democrats” when I say government. Ultimately all the taxpayers will have to — and have paid for it. But these incurred cost come by way of Democrats alone. (As well as never Trumper’s)
So two articles of impeachment have been put forward. Bribery was what CNN says was the Crux of the case a few weeks ago. However, remember all the terms changed over time: quid pro quo, to extortion, to bribery, to obstruction of justice. None of these are part of the impeachment articles. One impeachment article is “obstruction of Congress” (read here Democrats). What a joke! I think a bulk of the American voters see through this sham/witch Hunt.
After another quick link of mine linked to thisREASON.ORGarticle, a friend said this on Facebook:
IG Report, Chapter 12: Conclusions & Recommendations (p. 411)–CHS refers to “confidential human sources”:
“We did not find any documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the FBI’s decision to conduct these operations. Additionally, we found no evidence that the FBI attempted to place any CHSs within the Trump campaign, recruit members of the Trump campaign as CHSs, or task CHSs to report on the Trump campaign.”
Yes, there were problems with some aspects of FISA, but those issues were later. The investigation began earlier, based on reports from a friendly government that there might be connections between Russia and the Trump campaign. Bottom line: the Trump accusation that this was all a witch hunt with political motives has been debunked.
This was my response[s], and it is solid!
JIM G. — two things, well, three. The first is, Horowitz had no subpoena power. So, for instance, he wanted to interview Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. Glenn simply declined. In other words, Horowitz had an incomplete picture. (Durham and Barr traveled to Italy and other places to talk to what we [not you] know were players involved in those countries.) That is number one.
Number two… and this is a common sense one. Of all the mistakes documented plus the Woods violation… Why didn’t a single one break in Trump’s favor? In other words, FBI director Wray is putting forward 40-changes to stop this from happening again. (Which wouldn’t have happened is Hillary were elected.) If Director Wray were to say, “wow, that was something from this whole thing that worked well. We should keep that.” Or if half, or even a quarter of the mistakes broke in Trump’s favor, I wouldn’t be skeptical.
And third, remember, the Steele Report (as I said in the past) was almost the exclusive bulk of the info to obtain the FISA warrants. Prior to this multiple voices in the FBI warned against Steele. The CIA warned the FBI NOT to use it. Yet:
…DOJ IG Michael Horowitz, who assumed his position during the Obama administration, and his team reported that “Steele’s handling agent” in the FBI “told us that when Steele provided him with the first election reports in July 2016 and described his engagement with Fusion GPS, it was obvious to him that the request for the research was politically motivated.”
In addition, the “supervisory intelligence analyst who supervised the analytical efforts for the Crossfire Hurricane team (Supervisory Intel Analyst) explained that he also was aware of the potential for political influences on the Steele reporting.”
The Horowitz report explained that the FBI was still able to use the Steele dossier even if it was clear that it contained opposition research connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign….
I also just found out that Horowitz wanted to speak to Comey (supporting point #1). But he couldn’t because Comey didn’t sign back up for his top secret clearance, so he couldn’t be interviewed in depth. Durham has the ability to compel testimony.
The memo from the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee reported:
A salacious and unverified dossier formed an essential part of the application to secure a warrant against a Trump campaign affiliate named Carter Page. This application failed to reveal that the dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.
The application cited a Yahoo News article extensively. The story did not corroborate the dossier, and the FBI wrongly claimed Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, was not a source for the story.
Nellie Ohr, the wife of a high-ranking Justice Department official, also worked on behalf of the Clinton campaign effort. Her husband Bruce Ohr funneled her research into the Department of Justice. Although he admitted that Steele “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president,” this and the Ohrs’ relationship with the Clinton campaign was concealed from the secret court that grants surveillance warrants.
The dossier was “only minimally corroborated” and unverified, according to FBI officials.
All of these things were found to be true by the Inspector General Michael Horowitz in his December 9 report. In fact, Horowitz detailed rampant abuse that went far beyond these four items.
The Democratic minority on the committee, then led by Rep. Adam Schiff, put out a response memo with competing claims:
FBI and DOJ officials did not omit material information from the FISA warrant.
The DOJ “made only narrow use of information from Steele’s sources about Page’s specific activities in 2016.”
In subsequent FISA renewals, DOJ provided additional information that corroborated Steele’s reporting.
The Page FISA warrant allowed the FBI to collect “valuable intelligence.”
“Far from ‘omitting’ material facts about Steele, as the Majority claims, DOJ repeatedly informed the Court about Steele’s background, credibility, and potential bias.”
The FBI conducted a “rigorous process” to vet Steele’s allegations, and the Page FISA application explained the FBI’s reasonable basis for finding Steele credible.
Steele’s prior reporting was used in “criminal proceedings.”
Each of these claims were found by Horowitz to be false….
One of the many nuggets from ACE OF SPADES is this from MSNBC: National Review Writer On Why Nunes Should Step Down (March 2017). In the video from MSNBC we see David French retroactively go down in flames! ALSO:
Suffice it to say, ACE destroys David French and Adam Schiff!
Here is more regarding the IG REPORT with thanks to FLOPPING ACES!
The DOJ Inspector General’s report disclosed a multitude of FISA violations by the FBI. As noted by John Solomon, there were 51 Woods violations and nine false statements made to the FISA Court.
To understand just how shoddy the FBI’s work was in securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, you only need to read an obscure attachment to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report.
Appendix 1 identifies the total violations by the FBI of the so-called Woods Procedures, the process by which the bureau verifies information and assures the FISA court its evidence is true.
The Appendix identifies a total of 51 Woods procedure violations from the FISA application the FBI submitted to the court authorizing surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page starting in October 2016.
A whopping nine of those violations fell into the category called: “Supporting document shows that the factual assertion is inaccurate.”
For those who don’t speak IG parlance, it means the FBI made nine false assertions to the FISA court. In short, what the bureau said was contradicted by the evidence in its official file.
1. Omitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an “operational contact” for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
2. Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steele’s prior reporting had been “corroborated and used in criminal proceedings,” which overstated the significance of Steele’s past reporting and was not approved by Steele’s handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
3. Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) INFORMATION REDACTED
4. Asserted that the FBI had assessed that Steele did not directly provide to the press information in the September 23 Yahoo News article based on the premise that Steele had told the FBI that he only shared his election-related research with the FBI and Fusion GPS, his client; this premise was incorrect and contradicted by documentation in the Woods File- Steele had told the FBI that he also gave his information to the State Department;
5. Omitted Papadopoulos’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like Wikileaks in the release of emails;
6. Omitted Page’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in August 2016 that Page had “literally never met” or “said one word to” Paul Manafort and that Manafort had not responded to any of Page’s emails; if true, those statements were in tension with claims in Report 95 that Page was participating in a conspiracy with Russia by acting as an intermediary for Manafort on behalf of the Trump campaign; and
7. Included Page’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in October 2016 that the FBI believed supported its theory that Page was an agent of Russia but omitted other statements Page made that were inconsistent with its theory, including denying having met with Sechin and Divyekin, or even knowing who Divyekin was; if true, those statements contradicted the claims in Report 94 that Page had met secretly with Sechin and Divyekin about future cooperation with Russia and shared derogatory information about candidate Clinton.
Do read the rest. 17 major “mistakes” and not one of them goes Trump’s way.
The FBI knew that the dossier was nearly 100% without substance, but acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe demanded it be used in the ICA. The CIA was reluctant….
INSTAPUNDIT notes the FBI campaign against Trump is not necessarily new:
“The FBI and the media joined together to launch an attack on me of unparalleled proportion in the history of his nation … It was all a lie … The Justice Department cannot be trusted to investigate itself.”
Howard is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Among other things, he is a corporate lawyer turned entrepreneur, inventor, and corporate executive.
Howard faced down the government. The jury didn’t think much of the government’s case. It returned with a verdict of acquittal on all charges after a day of deliberations, and that includes the time spent electing a foreman.
Howard’s case is important in its own way. The crimes charged were bogus. The government procured testimony through serious prosecutorial misconduct. The prosecution represented fruit of the poisonous Yates Memo tree. Howard had the resources to fight the government’s case against him and his company, but it exacted an enormous toll. The case cries out for study and reform.
Howard has thus sought to engage prosecutors in discussion of the case in person before professional audiences of lawyers and businessmen for whom it holds immediate relevance. The prosecutors and their superiors in the department have sought to keep Howard from speaking to such audiences. When I wrote the Department of Justice to request its explanation for what it was doing, it declined to comment (a week after I asked the question).
Former Assistant United States Attorney Andrew McCarthy was more forthcoming. He called out the Department of Justice’s behavior as “a disgrace.”
The Department of Justice declines to answer to Howard or me but it has at long last responded to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Utah Senator Mike Lee. Senators Grassley and Lee sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein seeking an update on the Justice Department’s inquiry into professional misconduct committed by prosecutors and higher-ups who brought the charges against Howard and have since sought to prevent him from being heard. I posted the Grassley/Lee letter in “Fear & loathing at the DoJ, cont’d.”
In their letter Senators Grassley and Lee noted that “reports suggest a pattern of threatened and actual retribution against defendants and witnesses borne out of the Department’s disappointment with the outcome of a particular case. This not only casts doubt on the Department’s ability to accept the results of judicial proceedings in a professional manner befitting the nation’s preeminent law enforcement agency, but it significantly undermines our confidence in its commitment to hold government attorneys accountable for questionable actions that may have occurred in the course of this case or other cases.” …..