The entire interview can be watched over at POWERLINE. These are the books leader Badenoch mentioned being key to her political evolution:
The entire interview can be watched over at POWERLINE. These are the books leader Badenoch mentioned being key to her political evolution:
This is another “connective reading” post. These come about when I am on a trip with time to think through well what is in front of me. The last time was a 10-hour layover coming back from Michigan — a series of cancelled flights. Southwest. In that post I was connecting a book I read many years ago on the effects of marijuana with a totally unrelated book on apologetics.Marijuana | Doing Some Connective Reading In An Airport
This connective reading lies less far apart timespan wise. Before heading to Utah for a family hike through Zion, I came across this FEDERALIST article about Russell Kirk and the foundation for conservatism. Here is the excerpt:
Hang with me here, there is going to be some biographical info coming up.
My professor of missions was Ray D. Arnold… he was one of the 1,000 missionaries that General MacArthur called to go to Japan at the conclusion of WWII. One blog notes this about the endeavor:
Here is more via TIM SHORROCK:
Of course, in today’s ever more politically correct world, would you ever fathom a well-known general today calling for missionaries to, say, Iraq? However, the main point here is that both Russell Kirk and General MacArthur had a keen sense of the extent of Communism and that void it fills.
As does the author of the book I brought. The author was introduced to me through a class I took on missions with Dr. Arnold as the professor. Dr. Arnold used a smaller quote from Lit-Sen Chang’s booklet, but you can see the keen awareness of the extent of this “do-goodism,” Communism and Socialism give people:
Now, for some more biographical background to Lit-sen Chang, it fits well with the drive of this post.
Again, hang in there:
So, Dr. Chang was very familiar with Maoist Communism.
Okay, what is the foundation then for a Christian life in response to all the “isms” offered to man?
Character. Virtues.
Roger Scruton Quickly Defines American Culture
Here is the short excerpt followed by a scan of the page it came from:
CHRISTIAN virtues [character, really of Christ]. Not our virtues.
Of course, this reminds me of John Adams quote:
Our form of government is set up to incorporate this character and virtues assuming the Judeo-Christian ethic. Without those we are a ship without a sail.
This quote from an article my Pastor posted on his FB notes (more currently) the issue:
Yep. Apologist! preach the totality of our view, and how our virtues differ in their foundation from other views.
More Russell Kirk:
Russell Kirk’s Ten Principles of Conservatism
Sir Roger Vernon Scruton is an English philosopher and writer who specialises in aesthetics and political philosophy, particularly in the furtherance of traditionalist conservative views. In recent years he taught courses in Buckingham University, Oxford University and University of St. Andrews. In this clip he talks about fake subjects like women studies that invaded academia with their postmodernist views. (Full video lecture is HERE.)