A must watch exchange that included Juan Williams and Laura Ingraham via NEWSBUSTERS:
Race Card
Mosque and Church Arsonists Don’t Fit the Narrative
…Much to Democrats Chagrin
This is an old story I was aware of, but I just referenced it elsewhere and I wanted to make sure it was holstered on my site.
Here is a bit from an article:
Of course Muslim’s do not think a fellow Muslim could do this… maybe it was the Mossad? This reminds me of the black churches being burnt in the South, and the media and Democrats bemoaning “right-wingers” as the cause. It turned out to be a black Democrat — then what?! Silence from the media. Here is some history on it followed by a more recent story:
There is another story that included three you white males burning down churches in Alabama that is a bit more recent. However, in the general media’s missive they forgot to mention one thing, these men were equal opportunity attackers for the most part. Here is NPR on the story:
That last sentence, to get a bit theological here, is a great example of God working out a greater good from an evil. Another factor in church fires revolves around paganism. For instance, Rick Ross (I love his site) documents one such arson spree:
The point here is that the narrative often heard in the press is merely presented with the lens of class-warfare — a Howard Zinn/Progressive view of history and motives. However, upon further review, the facts do not fit with the Liberal Progressive metanarrative [worldview].
If Voter I.D. Is Racist… Then Obama Supports Racism Abroad
The White House put out a Fact Sheet entitled “U.S. Support for Strengthening Democratic Institutions, Rule of Law, and Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa.” One of the first items highlighted by the White House is a $53 million program in Kenya that helps young people “obtain National identification cards, a prerequisite to voter registration.” (WEEKLY STANDARD)
Bill Clinton doing exactly what he decried Obama doing to his wife… using the race card:
A great article by Jerome Hudson at Human Events entitled, “Democrats Should Know Jim Crow, They Created Him“:
Via the Daily Caller:
The Left “Racializes” Everything, Even Breaking Up Pool Parties
Via Breitbart
…“I do not believe that this was about race,” Embry said. “What this was a teenage party that got out of control. It was about 130 kids there, 100 good kids there just having a good time. Out of the 130, predominantly African-American, seven knuckleheads ruined the whole thing for everybody. That’s what this is all about.
I don’t think — I do not believe that officer showed up to the subdivision with the intention, ‘I’m going to go out and swing black kids around.’ I do not believe that. That’s not the way the community is set up. That’s not the community we live in.
So, amidst death threats that I have received and the banning of my radio show, my neighbor had to send his son away because he is receiving death threats.”…
Is White Guilt Destroying the Promise of Civil Rights? Shelby Steele
“Poverty, Despair, and Big Government” ~ Larry Elder
In the above audio, Larry Elder reads from the below article via National Review entitled: “Poverty, Despair, and Big Government“
…For example, Maryland has one of the most generous welfare systems in the nation. A mother with two children participating in seven common welfare programs — Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food stamps (SNAP), Medicaid, housing assistance, Supplemental Nutrition for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), energy assistance (LIHEAP), and free commodities — could receive benefits worth more than $35,000. Yet, nearly a quarter of the people in Baltimore still live in poverty. In 1960, Baltimore’s poverty rate was just 10 percent. While some of the increase since then is a result of demographic and other structural changes, we’ve clearly been throwing a lot of money at poverty in the city without much result.
And while Baltimore’s high welfare benefits haven’t reduced poverty, they may well have exacerbated other social problems. For example, some studies have long shown that high welfare benefits correlate with high out-of-wedlock birth rates. It should not come as a surprise, then, that two-thirds of births in the city are to unmarried mothers, and almost 60 percent of Baltimore households are headed by single parents.
The unemployment rate in Baltimore in February was 8.4 percent, compared with just 5.5 percent nationally. In the Sandtown–Winchester/Harlem Park area, which is near the center of the unrest, more than half of the people did not have jobs, according to a February 2015 report from the Justice Policy Institute and the Prison Policy Initiative.
- RELATED: The Left’s Burning Cities
One reason for this is the city’s — and the state’s — unremitting hostility to business. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce reports that only seven states and the District of Columbia have a worse business climate than Maryland. The state’s tax burden is huge and growing. According to the Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index, Maryland ranks a dismal 40th in terms of business taxes, and an even worse 45th in terms of personal-income taxes. According to this report, Maryland is one of just a few states where the personal-income tax creates “an unnecessary drag on economic activity.” The state’s small businesses face the nation’s seventh-highest marginal tax rates.
As if that were not bad enough, the city of Baltimore adds one of the highest property taxes among comparable cities. Despite a recent modest reduction in property-tax rates, Baltimore still has a tax rate more than twice the rate of most of the rest of the state. A recent study by the Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy ranked Baltimore twelfth out of 53 major cities in terms of high property taxes. When the city taxes are combined with state taxes, Baltimore ends up with the ninth worst tax burden out of 50 major American cities.
The city’s schools represent another failure of government. Teachers’ unions are among the most powerful special interests in Maryland. To cite just one example, even as other states were enacting right-to-work laws for public employees, Maryland passed a law mandating that all teachers pay fees to the Maryland State Education Association.
Although Baltimore ranks fourth among major cities in per-pupil expenditures for districts with more than 40,000 students and spends $16,578 a year per pupil — roughly 52 percent above the national average — more than a quarter of Baltimore students fail to graduate from high school. Fewer than half of Baltimore high-school students passed the last Maryland High School Assessment test. SAT scores for Baltimore students are more than 100 points below the national average.
Yet Maryland has one of the nation’s most restrictive charter-school laws. There are just 52 charter schools statewide. In neighboring Washington, D.C., 44 percent of the city’s public-school students are educated in the District’s 112 charter schools, according to the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. Even within the public schools, choice is extremely limited in Maryland; parents are not generally allowed to send their children to schools outside their assigned district. Needless to say, any larger efforts to give parents more control over their children’s schooling — such as vouchers or tax credits — have gone nowhere.
New York Mayor Bill De Blasio vs. Reality!
Via Jason Riley (Wall Street Journal):
The Race-Card Extends To Global Warming Skepticism
Former vice president Al Gore compared climate skeptics to apologists for old-time Bull Connor-style racism and urges that the appropriate response, in order to “win the conversation” on climate change, is to shame and shun them.
When losing an argument… pull your “race-card”
When university professors teach that race, class, gender (the liberal/progressive “Trinity”) is the lens to look through at history, socio-economics, horticulture, climate, and the like… are you really surprised about the following?
Claim: Global warming skepticism is a ‘white phenomenon’’
Related links via Climate Depot:
- Climate Activists: ‘White America’ condemned to Hell!? — Warmist Bill McKibben laments ‘White America’ has failed: ‘White America has fallen short’ by voting for ‘climate deniers’
- Flashback: 1846, in Australia, Aborigines blamed the bad climate on the introduction of the White man in Australia
“I Said The Same Things The President Did” ~ Giuliani the Racist
This use of the Race-Card is used to hurt the maturing of the black community. It is used to insulate any consequence of actions by the community. It hurts both the gravity of the real meaning of racism, and it hurts young men that otherwise would look at attacking life in a constructive manner. Via NewsBusters:
Rudy Giuliani fired back at Michael Eric Dyson on CNN’s New Day on Tuesday for the MSNBC analyst’s “white supremacy” attack on the former New York City mayor. When anchor Alisyn Camerota raised Giuliani’s supposedly “controversial comments” from Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC, the former Republican politician underlined that he had “said the same thing the President of the United States said, and I was accused of being a racist.”
Giuliani continued by paraphrasing President Obama’s Monday night speech, where the Democrat asserted that “nobody needs good policing more than poor communities with higher crime rates.” The one-time mayor added, “When he [Obama] said it, he wasn’t accused of being a racist. When I said it, my adversary [Dyson] said I was a racist.”…
Other things said by white people who are said to be racist for saying it but the president says it as well as Tupac Shakur is this:
Pray for the family in America… it is her bedrock.
Democrats Love Playing the Race Card (Plus: Leaving the Plantation)
Columnist and author of “Never Trust a Liberal Over 3-Especially a Republican,” Ann Coulter accused the media of “100% lying” about comments made by GOP Senate candidate Joni Ernst in Iowa that she believes in owning a firearm to protect herself from “a government” that wants to trample on her rights on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel. (Read more at Breitbart)
Is “Take Back Our Country!” Racist? ~ If You’re Republican
If saying “take back our country” is racism in disguise… what does this mean for the Democrats in the above video?
A slightly longer version can be found here. The first point I want to make, via NewsBusters, is that Democrats used (and use) the phrase “take our country back.” For instance:
“Taking Back America” Wasn’t Racist Until Liberals Stopped Saying It
…In declaring his run for the presidency, Howard Dean told a crowd in Burlington, Vermont, “You have the power to take our county back!” A little more than half a year later, when Dean was ousted from the Democratic primary, he said the same thing once again. Nine days later, he again said “I’ll be doing everything that I can to make sure that John Kerry and John Edwards take this country back.”
In fact, Howard Dean was such a fan of the phrase, he even wrote two books incorporating it into their titles: “You Have the Power: How to Take Back Our Country and Restore Democracy in America” and “Winning Back America“. From whom? He doesn’t say. But clearly he’s a racist.
As is Hillary Clinton. In a stunning show of racial bigotry, Clinton opened her 2008 run for president by declaring the she would “take our country back.”
Chuck Schumer: also a racist. After the 2006 midterms, he stated: “We really care about taking our country back… So far, sooo good.”
Prominent Democratic strategists James Carville and Paul Begala are also racists. They coauthored a book in the run-up to the last presidential election titled “Take It Back: A Battle Plan for Democratic Victory.”
And how about the racist Katrina vanden Hevuel, editor of the far-left, near-bankrupt magazine The Nation. She’s also a racist for penning a book titled “Taking Back America“.
Liberal talk show host Thom Hartmann also cannot restrain his racist views. The title of his book, “We the People: A Call to Take Back America” is clearly rooted in bigotry…
So the question becomes, if it is racist for the T.E.A. Party… why is it not for Democrats? Breitbart points out the obvious (as did NewsBusters)… lying about racial incidents in our electronic age is getting harder-and-harder:
…Don’t forget that the big story occupying the news cycle the weekend of March 20, 2010 was that racist Tea Party protesters in Washington DC yelled the “N-Word” at civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis as he walked across the mall to the capitol building that sunny afternoon. The story led all the cable shows, the Sunday shows and was the main lede in every print column about the historic events that weekend.
The media repeated the lie without ever asking a single question of the dubious man who made the audacious claim, Rep., Andre Carson. Only one man dared to question the bogus tale, Andrew Breitbart. He offered $10,000 to the United Negro College Fund for any evidence of the slander. He upped it to $100,000. Nothing.
The Congressional Black Caucus didn’t want to talk about it anymore. They had done their job. They had distracted the media. They had gotten their president’s signature piece of legislation passed. Nothing to see here, move along.
Andrew didn’t let it go. He found four individual videos that proved Carson’s tale was a lie. The media ignored it. They still do….