For the past few centuries, Western Civilization has dominated the world both culturally and economically. Why? Some point to imperialism, slavery, and colonial wars. But those sins are common to all empires throughout history. What separates the West from the rest? Stanford historian Niall Ferguson has the answer in this highly informative video.
Prager U
California’s Real Debt Is $1.3-Trillion (PragerU Update)
John and Ken speak to Marc Joffe of the CALIFORNIA POLICY CENTER in regard to these recent articles on the subject of California’s fiscal emergency:
➤ California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion
➤ Can California’s Economy Withstand $1.3 Trillion of Government Debt?
One aspect Marc Joffe mentioned would be a way to overcome this “debt” is to increase California’s population… however, we see through some recent stories…
★ California Won’t Fall Into The Sea — It’s Moving To Texas Instead
★ The Exodus of People Moving Away From California Is Becoming an Avalanche
…this is not a viable option… nor will it be as long as Democrats are in charge:
✦ California Regression – Eco Craziness
✦ John & Ken Discuss CalPERS Ponzi Scheme
In other words, Californians are doomed if remaining on this course.
Who cares about public pension liability? Well, you should – after all, it’s the reason entire cities and even states are facing bankruptcy. Joshua Rauh, professor of finance at Stanford and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, paints a startling picture of just how broken the public pension system really is, and what will happen if we continue to ignore it.
Dennis Prager vs. Samantha Bee’s Lies
Dennis Prager goes over a recent Samantha Bee attack on Prager University. Her attack begins with the obligatory opening salvo on Fox News (AMERICAN THINKER), and then Bee proceeded to mock free speech, Christian values and Prager U celebrity guests such as Mike Rowe, before cautioning that PragerU is in danger of “legitimizing” conservative ideas (WESTERN JOURNAL) . In fact, she says PragerU is “actually dangerous”… something that may have been her ultimate downfall, because, as is the way, people on Twitter had some thoughts they were more than happy to share (see LOUDER w/CROWDER). All this has led to over $25,000 in donations raised more than $25,000 since Bee’s segment aired on Thursday (WESTERN JOURNAL: Ibid.) You may remember Samantha Bee as the paragon of virtue who once called Ivanka Trump a “feckless c**t” on national television, and another time mocked a young man’s supposed “Nazi haircut” before learning he was a brain cancer patient (LEGAL INSURRECTION). Instead of acknowledging the organization’s popular content and attempting to refute it with dialogue or logical arguments, the triggered host resorted to name-calling and toilet humor. Bee’s attack is a testament to PragerU’s growing influence (WASHINGTON EXAMINER).
Big Government Harms Women (PragerU)
Government-mandated employee perks might sound like a good way to help out working women, but, in reality, these programs do more harm than good. European women are already paying the price, and American women might be next. Carrie Lukas, President of Independent Women’s Forum, explains how keeping the government out of the workplace goes a long way toward keeping women in it. For more information on Independent Women’s Forum.
What Is The Enlightenment (PragerU)
The European Enlightenment of the 18th century introduced the world to modern science, economics, medicine, and political freedom – or so we’re told. But is what we’re told accurate? Political philosopher Yoram Hazony explores this question and offers some surprising answers in this truly enlightening video.
A previous PragerU video by Dennis Prager himself discusses the idea of evil being reasonable: IS EVIL RATIONAL?
Is Climate Change an Existential Threat? (PragerU)
Piers Morgan: If climate change is a threat, why don’t you practice what you preach by reducing your carbon footprint?
“It’s not about my carbon footprint, it’s about YOUR carbon footprint” ?♂️ The epic hypocrisy of climate extremists ?
The 4-Big Bangs ~ Frank Pastore (Prager University)
(Originally Posted, Jul 31, 2011)
Science tells us that universe came into being via The Big Bang. But how do you get from energy and matter to a self-aware human being? That takes three additional Big Bangs that science can’t explain. Noted theologian, Frank Pastore (who died in a motorcycle accident a few years ago… he will be missed), unravels this compelling mystery and, in the process, poses the ultimate question that every thinking person must face.
True for You but Not for Me
Can something be true for you and not true for me? In other words, is the truth relative or is the truth fixed? How you answer this question shapes the way you look at the world. Renowned philosophy professor Paul Copan provides an excellent road map through this tricky and vitally important issue.
Hate Speech Doesn’t Exist
Why Can’t America Fill a Pothole?
Why can’t America build or repair infrastructure on a par with countries in Europe or Asia? Why are our bridges, roads, and airports not what they should be? Aren’t we the richest and most technologically savvy country in the world? Who or what is holding us back? Kyle Smith of National Review has the surprising (and frustrating) answer.
How to Become a Dangerous Person (Free Speech)
How do you become “dangerous”? Writer and Portland-based podcaster Nancy Rommelmann would have thought she was the last person to answer that question — until she publicly dared to raise some questions about the #MeToo movement. Then her life suddenly changed and she became public enemy number one. She tells her astonishing story — what happened and why — in this compelling video.
Leftist YouTube Channels Not Censored Same As Conservatives
During the recent flaps over media bias by many social media sites against conservative ideas, an idea by Democrats and the media has come forward discussing the position that sites like Prager Univeristy are censored equally when compared to other Left leaning sites. In fact, two callers into the Dennis Prager show ask Dennis about this. Both Dennis and his producer respond by showing how these comparisons are not accurate. And when one compares “apples-to-apples,” the original premise is strengthened. (This post should be combined with this post: “‘THE MEDIAS’ CHANGES ELECTIONS BY MANY MILLIONS OF VOTES“)