LIAR! Obama lied and knew no shovel ready jobs existed (this is what he pushed the stimulus through with though)
From HotAir:
And of course, this wouldn’t have been news all the time while Barack Obama kept claiming that these “shovel ready jobs” had prosperity just around the corner, right? Brooks says that the admission came in an off-the-record session with the President, which kept him from reporting it. I wonder if Brooks or anyone else would have been that particular had George Bush admitted “off the record” that he knew Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction in 2003 or 2004, while continuing to make the argument that the war was necessary because of them. What happened to sourcing as “a senior administration official”? Did it not occur to Brooks that Obama was lying about these jobs over the past year to defend his economic policies, and that Brooks might have had a responsibility to make that known? Good to know that the New York Times prints all the news that fits — its agenda.
Sounds as though Brooks’ information shows that the administration has lied all along. But at the Times, that’s not news.
This media bias should be more than apparent, and the disdain for real news because of the smirk Brooks had on his face the whole time he talked about this issue of him knowing. It is elitism on display and it makes me sick to think the President and the mainstream media thinks its okay to lie to the general public.
MTV townhall question goes unanswered
From HotAir:
Nathan Martin spoke up at the MTV town-hall forum to ask President Obama why he has intervened to stop Arizona from enforcing immigration law but has yet to intervene to stop California from flouting federal law on marijuana. Martin is actually a member of the Salem family; he works as an associate producer on Bill Bennett’s nationally-syndicated Morning in America radio show.
Here’s what Obama didn’t answer. He didn’t answer why, if he wants to “work with states,” he’s suing Arizona for enforcing the existing law and claiming federal pre-emption. Obama also didn’t answer why his administration has yet to claim federal pre-emption in drug enforcement while California and other states actually help violate federal laws. Whether or not the latter is good policy, it’s entirely contradictory. The federal government has a much clearer case on pre-emption for states with medical-marijuana laws than it does with a state trying to enforce laws.
That wasn’t the end of the misdirection, either. Conservatives who want border control have no problem going after employers who “exploit” illegal immigrants. No one is saying that enforcement should exclude employment verification. That’s why conservatives pushed the e-Verify system, which got opposition from open-borders advocates. And Obama may be spending more money on border enforcement in general — deportations are up, for instance — but he and his party blocked the funding for the common-sense solution of a border barrier, which proved so effective in California that it shifted the problems of illegal entry and violence to Arizona.
Martin asked a good question. All he got in response was sloganeering.
A teacher is one who makes himself [or herself] progressively unnecessary~Thomas Carruthers
Well… at least she got to stand by and watch one of our country’s worse Presidents in its history essentially fire her. If that’s any consolation?
TPS teacher who watched Obama sign bill is laid off
As Toledo Public Schools teacher Amanda VanNess stood in the Oval Office and watched President Obama sign an education stimulus bill, she already knew she’d lost her teaching job back home to budget cuts and low seniority.
The $26 billion stimulus bill, designed to save 160,000 teacher and other government jobs across the nation, couldn’t save her position at Pickett Elementary.
Killing Capitalism and Jobs In One Foul Swoop!
This is a huge story in my mind’s eye and Gateway Pundit must be thanked for bringing it to a larger audience. Here is the story as found over at Gateway, whom you should visit:
The far left radicals at the Sierra Club announced that Obama EPA officials will not allow mining at the largest mountaintop removal coal mine.
Victory for Appalachians as a Determined EPA Recommends No More Mining at Biggest Proposed Mountaintop Removal Coal Mine
Statement from Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune
Washington, D.C. — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took courageous action today to protect the people and waterways of Appalachia when Shawn Garvin, the agency’s Region 3 Administrator, recommended the withdrawal of the mining permit for America’s largest proposed mountaintop removal coal mine site, the Spruce No. 1 Mine in Logan County, West Virginia.
In response Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune issued the following statement:
“The Sierra Club praises the EPA, Lisa Jackson and Regional Administrator Shawn Garvin for staring down Big Coal and industry lobbyists and doing what’s right for Appalachians and hardworking Americans everywhere. This mother of all mountaintop removal coal mines would destroy thousands of acres of land, bury seven miles of streams and end a way of life for too many Appalachian families.
“We stand with the local grassroots heroes who have spent over a decade fighting this largest mountaintop removal coal mine, and today’s announcement is a victory for everyone who has stood up for their air, water and health. While the coal industry has been cutting jobs and cutting corners in Appalachia, clean energy and efficiency investments there could generate almost 80,000 jobs by 2030 and save consumers more than $25 billion in energy costs.*
Remember to thank Barack Obama when your electricity bills go up.
And, why do these awful leftists always lie about their green programs creating jobs?
To some this looks like an “O”;
to others it looks like a zero!
Obama Shovels Something Brown In Order to get Stimulus passed (Plus: Krauthammer-No Shoveling at Harvard Law School)
its not reform-its inertia (ReasonTV)
Mondale: Obama’s teleprompters are ‘idiot boards,’ keep him from connecting with audiences
The Washington Examiner has a great short interview with Walter “Tank” Mondale. He thinks Obama relies on these teleprompters too much. Not that it carries much weight, but I think that as well.
Former Vice President Walter Mondale said on CNN that President Obama relies too much on teleprompters — which Mondale called “idiot boards” — when speaking to the American people.
In a discussion of whether Obama projects empathy in his speeches, the 82 year-old Mondale said the president “has got to connect with the American people.” When CNN host Wolf Blitzer asked why Obama has not shown more empathy, Mondale answered, “I’ve seen places where he’s done it. The Milwaukee speech, I thought was terrific. I think some of these backyard events are terrific. But I think he — he’s very bright — as a matter of fact, brilliant. And I think he tends to — and he uses these idiot boards to read speeches on television and I think he loses the connection that he needs emotionally with American voters.”….
Here is my favorite commentary on it:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Obama Speaks to a Sixth-Grade Classroom | ||||
INCREDIBLE! dissecting what drives obamas worldview (well spent time)
Backyard Visits
Dinesh D’Souza zeroes in on the roots of Obamas Rage
(Click the above graphic to hear Obama fulfill what Beck and D’souza talk about below.) Dinesh D’Souza has a new book out that I highly recommend. It pulls together many avenues of thought into the origin of Obama’s goals and worldview. In these two short Glenn Beck segments you have Beck and Dinesh talking about a topic that I think is just fascinating. I think D’Souza is one of the better thinkers out there of the semi-younger crowd. Great author to say the least.
By the way, the short clip of the video of the history of things Beck shows is refuted quite well below. I will post links to the other parts of this critique… in case you do not know, many schools play the original video… thus in a sense “brainwashing” these vulnerable minds. The part where it is mentioned that we spend 50% of our tax money on the military is just so, so false:
Obama Drivel!
From Gateway Pundit:
In 2007- Barack Obama said that genocide was preferable to keeping US troops in Iraq to secure the peace.
In 2008- Barack Obama “hid behind the bushes” when Russian tanks plowed through Georgia.
In 2009- When freedom activists cried out for Barack Obama, he sat on his hands as Iranian democracy protesters were gunned down by regime thugs on rooftops.
…(read more)…