(The below is from ACE OF SPADES! | Must see TWITCHY as well)
…Of course, of course. You can’t tell gays to stop having sex. Or even to stop having sex with multiple partners in a week.
I mean — that’s sacred. That’s holy.
What you can do is forbid people to stop doing non-sacred, non-holy things, things like: Going to church, going to marriage ceremonies, going to funerals, going to christenings, seeing relatives who are in the hospital or on their deathbeds, etc.
But you certainly can’t stop gays from having sex with multiple partners. That is too firmly rooted in this nation’s culture!
Plus, as they say, it just wouldn’t be effective. Gays would just ignore the your “advice.”
Thousands of gay men clad in leather, latex — and often much less — partied along Folsom Street here last weekend during the annual kink and fetish festival. Even after the city had just declared the monkeypox outbreak striking its gay community a health emergency — one day after the World Health Organization urged men to sleep with fewer men to reduce transmission — San Francisco public health officials made no attempt to rein in festivities or warn attendees to have less sex.
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weighs whether to recommend limiting sexual partners, health officials in San Francisco, Chicago, New York and other U.S. cities battling surges disproportionately sickening gay men are avoiding calls for sexual restraint, wary of further stigmatizing same-sex intimacy.
Public health authorities typically emphasize safer sex over abstinence to prevent the spread of diseases through intimate contact. But monkeypox is presenting new challenges in calibrating the right message to stop the rare virus from becoming endemic while limiting government intrusion into the bedroom.
I don’t remember being told to be “safer” at the gym or beach during covid.
I was told I simply was not permitted to go, and if I tried to go, I would be arrested.
There was no “Use Your Best Judgement” under covid. There was no “You can do what you want to do, just put a band-aid over your sores” under covid.
During covid, the health authorities did not merely offer advice. They also sent out the police to arrest pastors that held church services. And to arrest business owners who opened their businesses. And to shutter parks and gyms with gates and chains.
And other coercive means.
But you can’t do that with gay bars and gay fetish parties.
Again, gay fetish orgy parties are simply too rooted in the misty chords of American memory to be subject to state control, unlike petty matters like religion, children’s schooling, children’s sports, adults’ past-times, or commerce of all kinds.
America was founded on two things: unprotected gay multipartner sex, and leftwing riots and murder.
They’re blessings of liberty, bigot.
The FBI and NIH both agree.
People were also fired from their jobs for not complying with The Regime’s dictates on vaccination.
But some people’s liberty is just more sacred than other people’s.
In the Empire of Lies, the truth has a selective utility:
Can I ask a serious question:
Why are no Republicans in Congress asking Rachel Walensky or Anthony Fauci about this?
Do even our representatives so care about the New York Times’ opinion of them that they won’t ask highly-relevant questions?
Why has not a single reporter at the supposedly-conservative Fox News asked these questions?
Oh right, because Fox News isn’t conservative, it’s as leftwing as CNN and MSNBC. It would be homophobic to ask why gays are allowed to continue having multipartner gay sex during a pandemic spread by multipartner gay sex…..