Pam Keith’s “Hit Card” (Democrat’s Violent Past)

(This is with a hat-tip to Santa Clarita Community Watchdog Group — a Facebook group) In a post on Facebook I came across this linked article to LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY discussing a Democrat politician from Florida’s 18th Congressional district apparently putting out a “hit list” against Republicans. Here is a portion of that article:

Politics is hardly ever pretty when it comes for folks racing toward an election, and thus that means the election for Florida’s 18th congressional district is not immune from the likes of nasty rhetoric from people trying to get a seat at the table.

But when you have people calling for an “open season” for killing your political opponents, then that is where a line has been crossed.

The person who crafted a hypothetical call for murdering the likes of President Trump, Roger Stone and AG Bill Barr is Pam Keith. This Democrat is vying to land Florida’s congressional seat for the 18th district, but a Twitter post dating back to June 10th  of this year puts her disturbing mindset on full display:

“GOP: Yeah he’s dead. But it’s not a big deal because he was a “bad guy.” Is that REALLY the new rule they want? Killing is OK if it’s a “bad guy?” Is it now open season on: Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Gates, Cohen, Trump, Barr, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski, Bolton, Pompeo, Papadopolous, Parscale.”

NATIONAL REVIEW is the original source for the LET article and notes the political struggle in that district, writing that “The race between Mast and Pam Keith for Florida’s 18th district is now considered a toss up by the Niskanen Center.” Continuing they note:

The district has swung Republican since 2016, however Keith represents a first major challenge to Mast’s tenure.

Mast is a veteran of the Afghanistan War, where he lost both legs after a bomb exploded under him. Keith is herself a former judge in the Navy, and is an African American who has voiced support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairwoman Cheri Bustos has said of Keith, “Pam has never backed down from fighting for what’s right. She’s running for Congress to put an end to the petty partisanship that gets in the way of delivering results for Floridians.” However, Keith is not one of the candidates listed as part of the organization’s “Red to Blue” campaign to flip Republican-held districts.

With a competitive election on the horizon, focus has shifted to both candidates’ social media history. Keith was the subject of a profile in the Washington Post on Friday which did not mention her more controversial posts…..

Of course if this were a Republican, WaPo would have included those “controversial” posts. All this led to a humorous aside:


This made me think of a connection to the Democrat Party’s historical past. Here is my comment on that part of the group on Facebook:

You know, this reminds me of something from the Democrats past. What this is is a “hit card” that the violent arm [the KKK] of the Democrat Party use to carry around with them. They would use it as an identifier to kill or harass members of the “radical group” (Republicans who thought color did not matter) in order to affect voting outcomes. While we hear of the lynchings of black persons (who did make up a larger percentage of lynchings), there were quite a few white “radicals” lynched for supporting the black vote and arming ex-slaves. It is also ironic that the current Democrat melee is focused on racial differences.

I could go on, but I won’t.

Here is a short video discussing the matter:

  • virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.” — Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;
  • not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.” — Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.

The “Big Lie” Biden Continues To Spread

Larry Elder recaps one of the biggest lies by the media and Democratic Presidential nominee… Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (e.g., Good Ol’ Joe). I include video “The Sage” had audio for, as well as extending some other audio – like Michael Smerconish doing what real reporters and media persons should do… that is… track down the real story [the truth of the matter]. This is Larry at his best, I only tried to embolden his points [hopefully I did]. I will be making a smaller truncated version to accent my just uploaded video, HERE.

Michael Smerconish doing what real reporters and media persons should do… that is… track down the real story [the truth of the matter] (“The Michael Smerconish Program” — March 27th, 2019). The article mentioned by Michael Smerconish’s guest, Steve Cortes, can be found here: Trump Didn’t Call Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People.’ Here’s Proof



Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.

Trump Is Right – Good People On Both Sides

(MEDIA Updated   May 2023)

The media has been lying for two years about who President Trump called “very fine people.” The lies continue this very week. Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.

PRAGER U has another version showing some video of the press saying this. I also include Larry’s audio montage HERE, at the 5:03 mark.

(Updated Media Original Post, Aug 2017)

Dennis Prager quickly deals out some common sense to squelch a mantra regarding Trump and Charlottesville.

Larry AGAIN takes us through Trump’s “good people on both sides” quote.

My somewhat humorous and hopefully challenging response to this issue if asked is this:

  • I am enjoying it… you have a radical socialist group on one-side clashing with a radical socialist group on the other — all fighting over Democratic history.

I just wanted to make more visually clear that Trump was correct in saying there were groups on both sides equal in their racism, hate, and violence. From Black Lives Matter to the KKK, both sides are cut from the same socialist cloth. In the video (HERE) you can see a Black Lives Matter person holding a sign up to block a street preachers sign. In the lower right of that sign is this: Workers World Party (WWP). Here is a short list of this groups terrible history:

International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) is a front group for the communist Workers World Party. The Workers World Party is, literally, a Stalinist organization. It rose out of a split within the old Socialist Workers Party over the Soviet Union’s 1956 invasion of Hungary — the breakaway Workers World Party was all for the invasion. International ANSWER today unquestioningly supports any despotic regime that lays any claim to socialism, or simply to anti-Americanism. It supported the butchers of Beijing after the slaughter of Tiananmen Square. It supports Saddam Hussein and his Baathist torture-state. It supports the last official Stalinist state, North Korea, in the mass starvation of its citizens. It supported Slobodan Milosevic after the massacre at Srebrenica. It supports the mullahs of Iran, and the narco-gangsters of Colombia and the bus-bombers of Hamas.

(Marching With Stalinists)


The despicable record of WWP in promoting Stalinist and fascist dictators is old news. WWP, the patron of International A.N.S.W.E.R., is on record supporting:

  • The pitiless massacre of Chinese protestors by the armed forces in Tiananmen in 1989. WWP states, “troops were issued arms… after some students took some soldiers hostage. On June 4, [1989], the demonstration changed from a peaceful protest to violent attacks on the soldiers… events were a battle – not a massacre.” Everybody in the world knows this is a disgusting lie.
  • The dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, among whose defenders WWP are doubtless the most fawning. Their newspaper, also titled Workers World, wrote gleefully, in 2001, “more and more countries had begun individually breaking the ban on flights and other sanctions against Iraq.” Right: countries with an equally bad or worse record, like Yugoslavia, which supply Iraq with illegal chemical, biological, and other weapons.
  • The evil regime of crazed North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il. WWP hack Deidre Griswold, who has been shoveling this manure for some 35 years, recently wrote, from the Communist hell itself, “People here in the socialist north of Korea are well aware of U.S. President George W. Bush’s remarks branding their country as part of an ‘Axis of Evil.’ It has in no way dampened their ardor for their independent socialist system… Koreans today are celebrating… the continuity of leadership represented by unity around Kim Jong Il, who is pledged to follow the course of national independence and socialist construction charted by Kim Il Sung… the North Korean socialist system, which has kept it from falling under the sway of the transnational banks and corporations that dictate to most of the world.” No mention here of the numerous individuals and families that have risked their lives and those of their relatives to escape the reality of North Korean socialism, or of North Korean international weapons sales, kidnapping of foreign nationals, terrorist attacks, or other details.
  • In one of its most disgusting, and continuous, displays of admiration for genocidal fascists, WWP, the leaders of International A.N.S.W.E.R. are prominent defenders of indicted Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic. When the trial of Milosevic began last year at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, Netherlands. The International Action Center  (IAC), predecessor of International A.N.S.W.E.R, “sent a delegation to take part in activities showing solidarity with the defendant and opposing the ‘trial’ as a NATO frame up.” They declared, “Washington and its NATO allies hopes (sic) to pin the guilt for the 10 years of civil war in the Balkans on the Yugoslav leader.” Who in the world, aside from fevered extremists, believes this swill? WWP has also published expensive volumes defending Milosevic.

(Who Pays For These Demonstrations?)

Stalin and these dictators like Mao have killed more people than the National Socialists (NAZIs) could ever have dreamed.


  • Black Supremacist: ‘It’s Open Season On Killing White People And Crackas’ (DAILY CALLER)
  • #BlackLivesMatter Radio Show Calls for Race War “Kill Whites and Cops” (GATEWAY PUNDIT)

On August 29, 2015—just hours after a lone black gunman had murdered a white sheriff’s deputy in Texas while the latter was pumping gasoline into his car—demonstrators affiliated with the St. Paul, Minnesota branch of BLM disrupted traffic as they marched—with police protection—to the gates of the Minnesota State Fair. Carrying signs bearing slogans like “End White Supremacy,” they repeatedly chanted in unison: “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon.” “Pigs” was a reference to police officers, and “blanket” was a reference to body bags. The slogan echoed what gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsleyan had posted on the Internet—”Pigs in a blanket smell like bacon”—in December 2014, just before he murdered NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos.

During the September 1, 2015 airing of a blog-talk-radio program associated with BLM, the hosts laughed at the recent assassination of Texas Deputy Daron Goforth, a husband and father who was shot 15 times at point blank range from behind while he was gassing up his patrol car. One host, a self-described black supremacist known as King Noble, said the execution of that “cracker cop” was an indication that “it’s open season on killing whites and police officers and probably killing cops, period.” “It’s unavoidable, inescapable,” he added. “It’s funny that now we are moving to a time where the predator will become the prey.” After claiming that blacks were like lions who could win a “race war” against whites, Noble declared: “Today, we live in a time when the white man will be picked off, and there’s nothing he can do about it. His day is up, his time is up. We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before. It’s about to go down. It’s open season on killing white people and crackas.”


Another aspect of this “clash” that garnered such attention is that the violence started BECAUSE of the LEFT. That doesn’t mean the racist people in the other Leftist group (the KKK) didn’t reciprocate… but the order of events is important.

THE DAILY WIRE notes an article from a New York Times reporter who said this:

  • “I saw club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park.”

In other words, these KKK types were leaving peacefully, being escorted out, and they were attacked. They continue:

New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg made the mistake of admitting that along with the abhorrent, violent, white supremacists who terrorized Charlottesville over the weekend, many Antifa protesters were also enacting “hate-filled” violence, as they’ve done in several other cities in recent months. For noting that the “hard left seemed as hate-filled as the alt-right” — citing “club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park” — Stolberg was hammered online, even after repenting and issuing a correction that depicted the violent left in more heroic terms.

[here are her Tweets]

A few wrap-it-up thoughts from Charlottesville:

1. Striking how many of the white nationalists were young people, almost entirely men.

2. The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right. I saw club-wielding “antifa” beating white nationalists being led out of the park.

3. Among my unanswered questions: police response. Why did things get out of hand so quickly? Could violence have been prevented?

Wow, sounds just like President Trump. And HOTAIR notes that both NBC news and the BBC have “put out videos offering fact-checks on some of president trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight.” Here is a portion of the NBC, BBC, and others -videos- I wish to note:

Jake Tapper notes as well that reporters who were attacked were attacked by Antifa. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) took to Facebook to go after President Donald Trump and his “many sides” comment on yesterday’s violence in Charlottesville. But the ACLU disagrees:

A response that highlights the combined NBC, BBC video via my RUMBLE above is this:

What about that “famous” parking garage fight where a man “explained that his attackers “rushed” him, forcing him off the street and into the parking garage where they set upon him.” As if he were innocent. Here is my description of the video:

  • This is a video setting straight the media narrative that an innocent black man was “pounced upon” by racist whites in Charlottesville. WHY AM I POSTING THIS? It is NOT to defend racists on either side. It is sad I have to post this at all, and to be clear, JESUS is the only real answer to the racism we are seeing come up today. That aside, this video shows how the media consistently gets it wrong, seemingly on purpose to push a narrative.

MAGA Hat New NAZI Symbol/Klan Hood (MSNBC)

NEWSBUSTERS has more on this story… here is a taste:

  • Comedian Dean Obeidallah claimed that the word “Trump” is becoming a “modern-day swastika,” MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson saw a “modern-day lynching” of Ilhan Omar and her “Squad” colleagues, and The Beat D.C‘s Tiffany Cross declared that a MAGA hat is equivalent to a “Nazi symbol” or “Klan hood.” [QUOTE] “I think that this is something that his supporters — and we have to start calling his supporters racists as well. That MAGA hat — that MAGA symbol has come to represent something. it is the new Nazi symbol — it is the new hood, the Klan hood.”

Burgess Owens: “Democrats Should Pay Restitution”

WEASEL ZIPPERS hat-tip… great stuff. I posted the entire video below this clip:

Here is a snippet from THE DAILY CALLER:

“I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race,” Owens said. “I do believe in restitution. Let’s point to the party that was part of slavery, KKK, Jim Crow, that has killed over 40 percent of our black babies, 20 million of them.”

“State of California, 75 percent of our black boys cannot pass standard reading and writing tests: a Democratic state,” Owens continued. “So yes, let’s pay restitution. How about a Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race and those — after we learn our history — who decide to stay there, they should pay also. They are complicit. And every white American, Republican or Democrat, that feels guilty because of your white skin, you should need to pony up also. That way we can get past this reparation and recognize that this country has given us greatness.”

Note also this Democrat getting booed for common sense:

Kirsten Gillibrand Compares Pro Life Beliefs To Racism

This woman is really confused… to say the least. Since pro-life positions affect mainly minority women (since they get the most abortions), how does wanting MORE black babies equal racism. She also seems to pigeonhole the issue as a religious one. As I have noted MANY times before, there are many well-known atheists who are pro-life. Likewise, there is a group of feminist pro-lifers called: FEMINISTS FOR LIFE

More on feminists who are pro-life:

“They [the women] are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heart beat, they wouldn’t \want to have an abortion.” – Abortion doctor quoted in New Dimensions magazine, 1990

Invariably, the feminist position on abortion is portrayed as the “pro-woman” position—mostly because feminist leaders have convinced their followers that this procedure is essential to women’s liberty. As Gloria Feldt, former president of Planned Parenthood, said, “‘abortion’ became a symbol of our independence, because reproductive freedom is fundamental to a woman’s aspirations.”

This is also known as the “pro-choice” position. But how do feminists feel about women who don’t choose abortion—and, more importantly, the women who assist them in making that choice?

Don’t be fooled by the deceptive labels and euphemisms. When it comes to “reproductive rights,” feminists have a very specific agenda—one that involves a lot more abortions, but not necessarily more choice.

At Temple University in Philadelphia, Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life of America, faced a tough crowd. As Crisis magazine described the scene, “The 40 or so students gathered to hear Foster are mostly women. Not even the pro-lifers are smiling. The student who introduced her asked those with differing opinions to be respectful. It set an ominous tone. Would they start chanting soon? Blowing whistles? Would they get violent?”

But then, somehow, Foster performed a miracle. She threw the cover off “the dirty little secret of women’s studies departments” — America’s earliest feminists were anti-abortion. In the words of coura­geous suffragette Susan B. Anthony, abortion was “child murder,” and “no matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!”

Foster then asked the crowd, “If women were fighting for the right not to be considered property, what gives them the right to consider their baby property?”

It was something to think about. From that moment on, even students who had showed up to protest couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

That night, Foster raised a point that feminists dare not discuss: before the women’s movement was hijacked by leftists in the 1960s, abortion was never viewed as a good thing for women. In fact, the prac­tice was unthinkable to individuals like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the mastermind behind the historic Seneca Falls Convention and mother of seven chil­dren. (If Stanton applied for a teaching position in a women’s studies department today, she would be labeled a “Jesus freak” and promptly dismissed.)

“When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit,” Stanton wrote to her friend Julia Ward Howe in 1873.

She wasn’t the only one.

Victoria Woodhull, the first female stockbroker on Wall Street, also became the first woman to run for President in 1870. An early suffragette with a flair for the outrageous, Woodhull epitomized the modern feminist slogan “well-behaved women rarely make history.” (She was repeatedly arrested for her polit­ical activities.) And she too hated abortion.

“A human life is a human life and equally to be held sacred whether it be a day or a century old,” Woodhull wrote. “Wives…to prevent becoming mothers…deliberately murder [children] while yet in their wombs. Can there be a more demoralized condition than this? “

Alice Paul, who authored the original Equal Rights Amendment, was willing to face arrests, harassment, and physical assaults in-order-to win the right to vote. Later, when 1960s feminists began advocating the repeal of abortion laws, Paul asked, “How can one protect and help women by killing them as babies?” She considered abortion “the ulti­mate exploitation of women.”

Who are the modern descendents of Anthony, Stanton, Woodhull, and Paul? They can be found at Feminists for Life of America, whose founder, Pat Goltz, was kicked out of NOW for her anti-abortion views. On its website, FFL issues a challenge: “If you believe in the strength of women and the poten­tial for every human life…If you refuse to choose between women and children…If you reject violence and exploitation, join us in challenging the status quo. There is a better way.”

FFL reaches out to women facing crisis pregnan­cies and opposes any legislation that might make it harder for them to keep their children—much of which has been proposed by Republicans, proving that FFL hardly deserves the “right- wing” label assigned to it by pro-abortion feminists. In 1996, FFL attempted to dissuade President Clinton from signing a Republican-backed welfare reform bill that elimi­nated additional assistance for babies born to girls under 18. Their rationale? If a pregnant girl couldn’t afford to raise her child, she would have no choice but to abort.

FFL also pressures universities to provide special resources for pregnant and parenting students, a move opposed by many conservatives on the principle that pregnant women aren’t entitled to handouts. But FFL refuses to compromise its mission: to make moth­erhood a viable option for women facing unwanted pregnancies.

FFL is not actively involved in efforts to outlaw abortion. Instead, the group is interested in “system­atically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion — primarily lack of practical resources and support — through holistic, woman-centered solutions.”

This is a truly “pro-choice” position—the one that groups like NOW and NARAL claim to uphold. But evidently a lot of feminists do not believe that women deserve better than abortion.

“Who are the Feminists for Life? In a word, dangerous,” began an article in the online magazine Nerve.

“Feminists for what?” the author gasped. “Not a typo: Feminists for Life. As in, against abortion.” The horror!

As the article explained, the women of FFL “aren’t really feminists—a feminist could not force another woman to bear a child.”

Feminist hysteria over FFL indicates that the only “choice” they deem acceptable is the decision to terminate a pregnancy. The way FFL was treated by the Lilith Fair, a feminist music festival organized by singer Sarah McLachlan in the late 90’s, proved that different views on abortion will not be tolerated.

“Women are everywhere. Walking in groups, laughing and talking. Sitting on the grass. Playing the guitar. Reading pamphlets on women’s issues picked up from booths in the Village area,” a reporter described Lilith Fair’s stop in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. “There is also a woman with a gag in her mouth standing in front of one of the booths, wearing a T-shirt reading, ‘Peace begins in the womb, Sarah.'”

That woman was Marilyn Kopp, the director of Ohio Feminists for Life. Lilith Fair, despite its stated mission of “raising consciousness of women’s issues,” denied booth space to any group that did not wholeheartedly support abortion as the ultimate cata­lyst of gender equality.

Naturally, Lilith Fair’s feminist organizers were outraged that FFL had the gall to show up at their concert.

“This isn’t a democracy. This is a tyranny,” fumed singer Sheryl  Crow, justifying Lilith’s ban on pro-life groups.

However, some ordinary concertgoers were unimpressed with the notion of tyranny in the name of women’s advancement.

“As Kopp’s friend Denise Mackura stands gagged in front of the NOW booth, a group of teenage girls walk up to her. When they find out what’s going on, they’re shocked,” reporter Laura Demarco wrote. “They see the situation as a violation of civil rights, not a defense of women’s rights. ‘This is wrong,’ says Casey Patton, 17.”

The sight of FFL members standing in front of NOW’s booth with gags in their mouths spoke volumes about the authoritarian nature of the modern feminist movement. As DeMarco observed, “It’s hard to miss the hypocrisy of feminists censoring other women like this… they patronizingly assume women aren’t smart enough to hear all sides on an issue and decide for themselves.”

The prospect of women deciding for themselves is terribly threatening to the feminist establishment—which might also explain their fanatical opposition to Crisis Pregnancy Centers.

Ashley Herzog, FEMINISM VS. WOMEN (Xulon Press, 2008), 85-91.

The Truth About Gun Control (VOX Rebuttal)

Originally posted July of 2013, updated January 2019

(Louder with Crowder) Misrepresenting numbers, massaging “facts,” are tactics used by leftists daily. Misrepresentation is the secret ingredient in their half-caf soy latte. Leftists always have a pre-determined outcome in mind. In Vox’s case (like all leftists), TAINT GUN OWNERSHIP. Make gun owners look like out of control whack jobs with no hearts.

Crowder likewise showed that the “Gun Show Loophole” exists only in the leftists mind:

Here is a great video by Encounter Books:

From the video description:

The right to keep and bear arms has always been central to the American identity. The American Revolution was sparked by British attempts to confiscate guns. After the Civil War, America changed the Constitution to defeat America’s first gun control organization, the Ku Klux Klan. When Hitler and Stalin demonstrated how gun registration paves the way for gun confiscation which paves the way for genocide, Americans resolved to make sure it never happens here.

Gun control is not an issue of left vs. right, or urban vs. rural. Liberal icons such as Hubert Humphrey and Eleanor Roosevelt recognized the right to arms as fundamental to preventing large-scale tyranny by criminal governments, and small-scale tyranny by ordinary criminals. Barack Obama’s gun control program is founded on disinformation, and is a direct assault on the Constitution.

To learn more read The Truth about Gun Control, by David B. Kopel.

Here is the OG info via John Lott:


One thing gun control advocates such as Vox would never mention is that every single time that guns are banned — either all guns or all handguns — homicide/murder rates rise.  This is a remarkable fact.  One would think that just due to random chance, one or two countries would have a drop in homicides after banning guns.

Vox begins its discussion on mass public shootings using data collected by Jaclyn Schildkraut of the State University of New York-Oswego and H. Jaymi Elsass, a researcher at Texas State University.  Unfortunately, in December 2015, when it was pointed out that their list was missing a lot of cases, Washington Post “Fact Checker” reporter Michelle Lee wrote Dr. Lott: “[Schilkraut] said they are still adding cases, and that it’s not a complete database.” However, Schilkraut and Elsass had already gone public with their findings about how the U.S. compared to other countries. They did so with full knowledge that they were missing many shootings in foreign countries.  Not only did they miss cases, but Vox also doesn’t present the numbers for different countries on a per capita basis.  It is startling that Vox puts other numbers in per capita terms, but not these numbers.

Here is a much more complete list of mass public shootings in the US.  For cases around the world, see here.

Responding to Vox’s and the New York Times’ graphs.

1)’s Claim #1 and New York Times Claim #1: “America has six times as many firearm homicides as Canada, and nearly 16 times as many as Germany”

Vox offers no explanation for why it compares only these 14 countries or why the New York Times looks at just 11. The New York Times graph is also mislabeled, as it clearly concerns firearm homicides, not murders. OECD, the organization of developed countries, has 34 member nations. But 192 countries worldwide provide homicide data.

Here are homicide rates across all countries for which data is available (click on figures to enlarge).  Even disregarding the problems with homicide data being underreported in many countries, the US homicide rate is less than the median rate and half of the mean average for all countries (the raw data for this section are available here).



….READ THE REST! It is a beast of an article/rebuttal!


Dozens of news outlets reported that America has the most mass shooters in the world. Many say that shows America needs more gun control.

Should The Conservative Justices Be Wearing Hoods?

Campus Reform has an oft played video where students are asked about a non-existent Supreme Court pick (VIDEO). Michael Medved played the whole thing, but this was the part where Michael’s historical mind comes into play. Great nugget for a response to clueless SJWs! See more at Church Militant: “The Anti-Catholic History of the KKK

IRONY | Maxine Waters Is Violating the KKK Act of 1871

Professor John Eastman notes that Maxine Waters may in fact be violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. Here is a posrtion of the HISTORY CHANNEL article on this:

After 1870, Republican state governments in the South turned to Congress for help, resulting in the passage of three Enforcement Acts, the strongest of which was the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.

For the first time, the Ku Klux Klan Act designated certain crimes committed by individuals as federal offenses, including conspiracies to deprive citizens of the right to hold office, serve on juries and enjoy the equal protection of the law. The act authorized the president to suspend the writ of habeas corpus and arrest accused individuals without charge, and to send federal forces to suppress Klan violence. This expansion of federal authority–which Ulysses S. Grant promptly used in 1871 to crush Klan activity in South Carolina and other areas of the South–outraged Democrats and even alarmed many Republicans. From the early 1870s onward, white supremacy gradually reasserted its hold on the South as support for Reconstruction waned; by the end of 1876, the entire South was under Democratic control once again….

People On FB Still Pushing White Supremacy – Thank You!

I came across this post on Facebook a friend was involved in. My friend and others were responding to this post (as well as others)… but it got me thinking…

… we should really be thanking people like Jon M. Why? Well, because of the growth in minorities who say they are going to vote for Trump or feel they are better off now than a year ago… despite the ad-hominem attack. People like Jon M. are making more people sick of the lies and labels and more likely to vote GOP. Let me explain with my Facebook response to Jon

FB Response

[media enhanced]

(CAUTION, reading required… I know this is a stretch beyond simple bumper sticker mantras I see above… but facts have been scarce, so I thought I would bring some to the party. You do not have to follow the links… they are meant for people who care to check their positions at the door and do critical thinking.)

This is why blacks and Hispanic/Latino people will vote for Trump more in 2020 (or the GOP) than they already did in 2016. People who have a common sense understanding about border security, jobs, taxes, and want to fix properly what was promised to Reagan and was essentially double crossed on…

… they are now called white supremacists. They are sick of the violent bumper sticker labels.

There isn’t a single thing Trump has done that has endeared him to white supremacy (WS). I have spent some time in jail and know intimately the viewpoints of white-power individuals… not to mention having studied the views of four racist cults in-depth (Christian Identity [defunct for the most part], the KKK [5,000 members], the Nation of Islam [NOI], and the Five-Percenters). Unannounced to the bumper sticker mantras above, almost all KKK’ers are socialist, and vote almost entirely Democrat.

I make that point in two of my posts here:

Radical Groups Support the Democrats (Even the KKK)
Some Trump Sized Mantras
Blacks, Hispanics and Gays are Sexist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Racist

QUESTION: So, if the majority of KKK’ers who did vote voted for Obama… does that make Obama a white supremacist???

QUESTION: Are the thirteen percent of Muslims voted for Trump, triple the amount that voted Romney, are they are Islamophobic, white supremacists???

QUESTION: Eight percent of blacks voted for Trump, seven percent more than Romney — not to mention the black men and women who didn’t vote for the president at all in a higher percentage. These same men and women previously voted twice for Obama. These persons of color… if I understand my detractors correctly, are white supremacists???

Mind you, I noted months before the election of Obama his racist tendencies in this video: “Obamacon – Twenty Years In A Racist Church” (Mind you, I look like a white supremacist… but that is why I spend the first 6-minutes giving my bio):

…but even Obama’s bigotry wouldn’t fall towards supporting white supremacists.

I also wish to commend my discussion with an older Democrat on my vacation:

Hot-Tub Conversations ~ Discussing Politics on Vacation

BUT, AGAIN, this is why Trump will win again, that is, because people are sick of being called racist for believing the same thing all politicians did a generation ago, what Cesar Chavez (UFW founder) fought for.

QUESTION: Is the co-founder of the United Food Workers Union, Cesar Chavez, a white supremacist???

And the worst name calling has been against black persons who are Republicans and/or are starting to support the GOP via Trump. (You should see the stuff said of Larry Elder that I censor on my YouTube — the nicer ones are “coon” and “Uncle-Tom.” — agains, people don’t actually read so they don’t know that character in Harriet Beecher Stowe telling was the hero.)

HERE is a poll to further my point that people like Jon M. are helping Trump, not hurting him (via BLACKSPHERE):

Not one, but TWO new polls show President Donald Trump’s rising support among black voters. And this news has Leftists panicked.

After all the genned up nonsense about Trump being racist, the president has doubled his support from blacks.

According to the Atlantic among black men, Trump’s “2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share,” The article points out that now “23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women.”

On average, Trump’s support among blacks is around 17 percent, versus 8 percent score reported in 2016 exit polls.

At that time, Trump received 13 percent support among black men and 4 percent support among black women.

The poll was based on “a cumulative analysis of 605,172 interviews Survey Monkey conducted with Americans in 2017.”

Doubling Down

A second poll by CBS showed a similar level of black support for Trump, reporting 18 percent of blacks now support President Trump.

Interestingly, only 41 percent were firmly against the president. Thus, 59 percent of blacks are willing to give him a chance.

I honestly can’t imagine how Democrats must feel after evaluating the information in this report. Talk about taking a swift kick to the nether region. Check out Question 2:

That HAD to hurt!

35 percent of blacks believe they are better off under President Trump, while 21 percent say the same. The 43 percent are “hold outs”, stuck in the Afro/Daishiki/Platform Shoes Era.

Could Trump garner 35 percent of the vote in future elections? As Sarah Palin would say, “You betcha!”

(read it all)

QUESTION: are these 35% of black persons white supremacists???

There is a political phrase from the past that fits nicely here:

  • “It’s the economy stupid” 

The street version of that is more to the point:

  • “Money talks, bullshit walks.”

You see, Jon M. is still talking bullshit. Which we should thank him for… because people are walking away from that smelly pile into the GOP.

The Dark Past of Sea Monkeys

This is the story of how a tiny, magical creature was transformed into a cultural phenomenon by inventor, marketing genius and complicated eccentric Harold von Braunhut. Full of fun facts (both charming and disturbing), Just Add Water is a colorful short film about a half-century of marketing directly to children, the force of nostalgia in pop culture, and an unlikely meeting of flim-flam and hard science. A film by Penny Lane.