Joe Biden’s “Blood Libel” (Democrat’s Racial Division)

This is a long “Preface” before the other main parts of reading lying ahead of the patient coffee drinkers/readers. And it comes via the indomitable Thomas Sowell:

ARE RACE RIOTS NEWS? (July 17, 2012)

When I first saw a book with the title, “White Girl Bleed A Lot” by Colin Flaherty, I instantly knew what it was about, even though I had not seen the book reviewed anywhere, and knew nothing about the author.

That is because I had encountered that phrase before, while doing research for the four new chapters on intellectuals and race that I added to the revised edition of my own book, “Intellectuals and Society,” published this year.

That phrase was spoken by a member of a mob of young blacks who attacked whites at random at a Fourth of July celebration in Milwaukee last year. What I was appalled to learn, in the course of my research, was that such race riots have occurred in other cities across the United States in recent years — and that the national mainstream media usually ignore these riots.

Where the violence is too widespread and too widely known locally to be ignored, both the local media and public officials often describe what happened as unspecified “young people” attacking unspecified victims for unspecified reasons. But videos of the attacks often reveal both the racial nature of these attacks and the racial hostility expressed by the attackers.

Are race riots not news?

Ignoring racial violence only guarantees that it will get worse. The Chicago Tribune has publicly rationalized its filtering out of any racial identification of attackers and their victims, even though the media do not hesitate to mention race when decrying statistical disparities in arrest or imprisonment rates.

Such mob attacks have become so frequent in Chicago that officials promoting conventions there have recently complained to the mayor that the city is going to lose business if such widespread violence is not brought under control.

But neither these officials nor the mayor nor most of the media use that four-letter word, “race.” It would not be politically correct or politically convenient in an election year.

Reading Colin Flaherty’s book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is even greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities across America.

Flaherty’s previous writings have won him praise and awards, but this book has been met largely with silence or abuse. However much ignoring the ugly realities that his book reveals may serve the interests of the media or politicians, a cover-up is a huge disservice to everyone else — whether black, white or whatever.

Even the young hoodlums who launch these mass attacks on strangers would be better off to be stopped now, rather than continue on a path of escalating violence that can lead to a lifetime behind bars or to the execution chamber.

The dangers to the nation as a whole are an even bigger problem. The truth has a way of eventually coming out, in spite of media silence and politicians’ spin. If the truth becomes widely known, and a white backlash follows, turning one-way race riots into two-way race riots, then a cycle of revenge and counter-revenge can spiral out of control, as has already happened in too many other countries around the world.

Most blacks and most whites in the United States today get along with each other. But what is chilling is how often in history racial or ethnic groups that co-existed peacefully for generations — often as neighbors — have suddenly turned on each other with lethal violence.

In the middle of the 20th century, Sri Lanka had a level of mutual respect and even friendship between its majority and minority communities that was rightly held up to the world as a model. Yet this situation degenerated over the years into polarization and violence that escalated into a civil war that lasted for decades, with unspeakable atrocities on both sides.

All it took were clever demagogues and gullible followers. We already have both. What it will take to nip in the bud the small but widely spreading race riots will be some serious leadership in many quarters and that rarest of all things in politics, honesty.

Race hustlers and mob inciters like Al Sharpton represent such polarizing forces in America today. Yet Sharpton has become a White House adviser, and Attorney General Eric Holder has been photographed literally embracing him.

I read the below NATIONAL REVIEW article because of ACE OF SPADES this morning. He noted this in his “morning post”. I will excerpt the entire NA article as well as a large portion of ACE’s post. Strap in, this is a reading post:

Good morning, kids. Over 50 years ago, a little known leftist who, given the right circumstances could have risen to take his place in the hall of infamy among the world’s bloodiest leftists was, fortunately for us, stopped cold after he and his followers only got to slaughter a handful of people. His heroes, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and second tier thugs like the Castros, Ceaucescu, Honecker, Pol Pot, Mugabe and others collectively consigned well over 100 million lives to mass graves and crematoria over the course of 100 years. And their heirs are still going.

This individual, perhaps some of you might have guessed was Charles Manson. Poor Charlie. He was 50 years ahead of his time. Sick and whacked out as he was, given the nature of today’s Democrat Party, the media and academia, and the state of our society, culture and government, had he caught a break like Billy “free as a bird, guilty as sin” Ayers, he might very well be near the top of the heap today.

Doubt me? Look at what is happening both in terms of what this party is doing with the erasure of our border, the de-criminalization of crime and the persecution of that segment of society that has become, to put it mildly, politically disfavored, and worse, those who actively fight back. Manson’s idea was to go on a killing spree and leave clues that pointed to the Black Panthers, and when the dust settled after their ultimate victory in the ensuing race war, blacks would be too stupid to govern themselves and so he and his ilk would emerge from the Southern California desert to rule them.

Sound crazy? Look what the aforementioned leftist political, academic, media complex is fomenting and in fact has been fomenting since Manson’s time. Sow seeds of discontent and division by instituting policies and propaganda that create the conditions for the race war, blame one group of people for the misery and squalor of the other, then ride in to the rescue.

[So-called quote-unquote “president”] Joe Biden told black graduates at Howard University on Saturday that “the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy,” adding that he was not just saying that because they were black.

Biden made his remarks, ironically, during a passage about national unity (via White House transcript):

But on the best days, enough of us have the guts and the hearts to st- — to stand up for the best in us.  To choose love over hate, unity over disunion, progress over retreat.  To stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my Inaugural Address — to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.  (Applause.)

And I’m not saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU.  I say it wherever I go.

To stand up for truth over lies — lies told for power and profit.

Biden also repeated the “fine people hoax,” repeating — almost verbatim — his false claim, recycled constantly since his campaign launch in 2019 — the lie that then-President Donald Trump praised neo-Nazis who rioted in Charlottesville, Virginia, as “very fine people.”


This is my shortest version of this “blood libel” — rightly called:


Blood, meet libel. Kudos to the medical team for giving him the right cocktail that prevented him from calling anyone “boy.” Not to be outdone, the bald-headed governmental obersturmbahnfuhrer in charge of erasing our border, Mayorkas double down on this garbage.

Host Jonathan Capehart asked, Today marks one year since white supremacists opened fire in a black neighborhood at the Top Supermarket in Buffalo. The president, yesterday at his commencement address for Howard University graduates, called white supremacy the major domestic terrorist threat in this country. Is that correct? ”

Mayorkas said, “It tragically is. And the terrorism context, domestic violent extremism is our greatest threat right now. Individuals are driven to violence because of ideologies of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives, personal grievances. Regrettably, we have seen a rise in white supremacy. The principal under lying our work is that when one community is targeted, Jonathan, when one community is targeted, we as a country are targeted.”

I guess it’s “white supremacy” that’s to blame for a violent, black thug with a rap sheet longer than my arm including attempted kidnapping and multiple assaults being rightfully subdued and dare I say it, dispatched from this mortal coil, when he loudly threatened to kill people in a subway car. And no cops in sight.

Jordan Neely was living his life by a narrative that facilitated violence and human decay. Living on the street, begging and threatening those who didn’t give, taking drugs, hurting, rather than contributing to society, were all acceptable plot points in that narrative. Those who give money to homeless panhandlers subsidize this narrative. Leftists who denigrate America and despise those of us who “work hard and play by the rules” advance this narrative.

Neely was not the only New Yorker living with trauma. On January 15, 2022, Michelle Go, an Asian-American woman “who did everything right,” was pushed in front of a subway train by an assailant sharing significant demographic details with Neely. Martial Simon was a homeless black man and said to be mentally ill. The subway murder of a good woman, Michelle Go, received a fraction of the attention allotted to Neely.

In April, 2022, Frank James mounted a terror attack in a subway car. He shot ten people. James was also black. On April 11, 2023, a teenager was shot dead on the subway; authorities say his death is most likely related to gang violence in a largely black housing project. On or before December 10, 2022, a man was stabbed to death on the subway. On October 23, 2022, video was released showing a black man shoving a man onto a subway track.

The New York City subway system is a deadly place. Crimes are disproportionately committed by black men. Passengers take that information with them when they enter the subway. When Neely, as reports indicate, began shouting in an irrational and threatening manner, passengers went into “fight or flight” mode. The three men who restrained Neely worked to keep him immobilized until police arrived.

The New York Times has been working hard at selling Neely as a Christ figure and cruel, cold, capitalist, white supremacist America as the assassin who did him in. In a surprise move, New York Times readers are having none of it.

“A Subway Killing Stuns and Divides New Yorkers,” the Times reported, on May 4, 2023. Neely’s death, some say, “was a heinous act of public violence to be swiftly prosecuted, and represented a failure by the city to care for people with serious mental illness.” The short article referenced “mental illness” five times and “emotional illness” one time. Clearly, “mental illness” is the new euphemism for “violent, anti-social criminality.”

Times readers, in the comments section, voiced a very different narrative from that of the Times itself. The following excerpts are from the nine comments voted “most popular” by Times readers. . .

. . . “Everyone who rides the subway and everyone outside of a few far left and/or craving attention and/or virtue signaling people agree: it’s a tragedy but the responsibility lies with the city because people should not be threatened or harassed or scared on the subways. No one has a ‘right’ to do that. The ex-Marine was attempting to protect others from someone who was violating and threatening others. It’s a tragedy, but the Marine did nothing wrong.”

“no mention that he had punched a 67 year old woman in the face.”

“Contrary to progressive doctrine, law abiding people do not have to pretend that drug addicts are victims or that violent mentally ill folks pose no threat.”

“AOC is a member of Congress, and knows nothing about this case other than what she’s read or heard, just like the rest of us. That she feels comfortable pre-judging the case speaks volumes. And remember that Al Sharpton also called for the district attorney to be charged in the Twana Brawley case. . .

. . . There are thousands more upvotes awarded to hundreds of more comments on this and other Times articles. The overwhelming vox populi agree: Daniel Penny was a Good Samaritan. Jordan Neely was a threat. His death was a tragedy, but larger forces ended his life, and Penny cannot be held responsible for those larger forces. I identify those larger forces as the narratives by which people choose to live, and teach their children to live.

When it comes to Neely, both the Left and the Right claim that they want to live in a society with more Good Samaritans. Only one side is telling the truth. The Left is lying. Here’s why. Good Samaritans, to do their work, require a society where members share and act on the same narrative, and that has to be a narrative that supports Good Samaritan actions. If you want to take from society, you have to give to society. Neely took, but he gave back violence, self-indulgence, self-destruction, and hate.

Leftists support the narratives that killed Neely even more surely than the Marine’s restraint. Broken families, no standards for behavior, a complete rejection of personal responsibility for anti-social acts, drug use, living on the street, panhandling, refusing needed mental health treatment, insistence that America is an unjust place and cultivating despair, are all championed by the Left.

Projection ain’t just a river in Egypt as Maoist bint Symone Sanders demonstrates.

MSNBC host Symone Sanders gave a dire warning to her followers on Saturday, claiming that the Supreme Court was poised to make a series of radical decisions — ranging from outlawing Black History to allowing daycares to refuse Jewish children.

Sanders, who served as a prominent member of Joe Biden’s campaign before becoming the chief spokeswoman for [spurious] Vice President Kamala Harris, argued that it was “not hyperbole” to suggest that the current court might use the cases before it to do these things and worse. . .

. . . “Given the track record of this court, you all, this is not hyperbole. Dr. Maya Angelou said, when people show you who they are, believe them the first time,” she concluded. “We have seen the damage that this conservative Supreme Court majority can do, so brace yourselves, folks, the decisions are coming.”

That right there would be comedy gold, considering everything we have experienced since the coming of Obama. Except, everything this cheap shit-whore is bitching about is exactly what Americans – real ones without the hyphenations and pronouns – have been enduring in schools and the workplace with growing and alarming frequency. And now in the courts, as Daniel Penny and Donald Trump to name but a few are about to discover.

Somewhere in hell, ol’ Charlie Manson is shaking his head, and rubbing his hands in glee.

This made me hunt down an article I remember reading when Manson died. It is at THE NATIONAL REVIEW (November 20, 2017) and is worth reading through. IMHO:

The history of the postwar period is the history of the struggle against Communism. What’s sometimes forgotten — conveniently forgotten — is that our victory in that struggle was far from assured, and that a substantial swath of the Western intelligentsia and much of its celebrity culture was on the other side. It wasn’t just Jane Fonda and Noam Chomsky, Walter Duranty and Lincoln Steffens. (“I have been to the future,” Steffens wrote after a visit to the Soviet Union, “and it works.”) Eventually, 100 million people would die under Communism as part of the longest and widest campaign of mass murder in recorded human history. As a phenomenon of specifically nuclear terror, the Cold War lasted from 1949, when the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb thanks to the help of the American leftists Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, until 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down.

Precisely in the middle of that period came the strange career of Charles Milles Manson, who has just died in a California hospital at the age of 83.

Manson’s death, like his life, was wrapped up in the radical politics of the 1960s. He died of natural causes, his execution having been set aside as part of the temporarily successful progressive campaign against the death penalty in the 1970s.

Just as it is easy to forget how pro-Soviet the American Left was at times, it is easy to forget how pro-Manson American radicals were. “First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach. Wild!” That was the assessment of Bernardine Dohrn, the champagne radical who, with her husband, Bill Ayers, participated in a campaign of domestic terrorism, including bombings, and later became cozy with Barack Obama, hosting events for the aspiring politician in her home. The “pigs” she referred to included Sharon Tate, an actress who was eight months pregnant at the time. She was murdered and mutilated. The word “PIG” was scrawled on the wall in her blood, and the father of her child, filmmaker Roman Polanski (to this day still on the run for drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl), posed in front of that scene for a Life magazine photographer. Dohrn would later join a very prestigious Chicago law firm, Sidley Austin, and later worked as a professor of law at Northwestern University — remarkable accomplishments for a woman without a law license. She passed the bar, and Illinois was willing to overlook her criminal conviction, but she refused to apologize for her role in the terrorist campaign that resulted in several deaths. She and her husband became legal guardians of the child of two of their colleagues, who went to prison on murder charges for their role in a homicidal armored-car robbery carried out by the May the 19th Communist Organization, a clique of New York leftists who named their organization in honor of Ho Chi Minh’s birthday.

Dohrn wasn’t the only Manson admirer of her time. Other Weathermen hoisted a “Manson Power” banner in 1969 when they issued their declaration of war on the United States, and Rolling Stone’s coverage of the man and his crimes — it dedicated a special issue to him — was at times fawning. The magazine depicted him on its cover as the thing he’d always wanted to be: a rock star. A radical newspaper named him “Man of the Year.” Jerry Rubin, the celebrated anti-war activist, said: “I fell in love with Charlie Manson the first time I saw his cherub face and sparkling eyes on TV.” That cherub face later had a swastika carved into it. “His words and courage inspired us,” Rubin said.

Manson believed he was sent to inspire an apocalyptic race war. The radicals of the period wanted a race war, too, and they sometimes got a little bit of one: There were 159 race riots in 1967. In Detroit alone, 43 people died in those riots. Lyndon Johnson was so spooked he sent in the 82nd Airborne to put a lid on it.

Riots and snipers. Assassinations. Lyndon Johnson. Dohrn and Ayers and “Days of Rage.” Rubin and his anti-Vietnam marches. Rolling Stone’s batty insistence that Charles Manson was a principled social critic. Manson’s cult-messiah shtick. It was all of a piece: The 1960s were an almost entirely joyless period. Go back and look at those Woodstock pictures: Nobody was having any fun. What you see in those pictures is the desperation of people trying to convince themselves they are having a good time. Even the music was joyless, Jimi Hendrix letting his virtuosity go to rot while plonking out a honking flatted fifth, the ugliest chord in music (“diabolus in musica,” they call it) to open “Purple Haze,” the great anthem of the era, a song about confusion. “Nowadays people don’t want you to sing good,” Hendrix wrote in a letter to his father. “They want you to sing sloppy and have a good beat to your songs. That’s what angle I’m going to shoot for. That’s where the money is. So just in case about three or four months from now you might hear a record by me which sounds terrible, don’t feel ashamed, just wait until the money rolls in because every day people are singing worse and worse on purpose and the public buys more and more records.” The Sex Pistols were right about rock ’n’ roll being a swindle.

There were exceptions, of course. As the cities burned and the war raged and the trains to Siberia were packed full of dissidents, the Beach Boys released 20/20, an album in which they attempted to recapture some of their early magic. But it was hard going: Brian Wilson, the genius behind the group, was in a psychiatric hospital at the time. The first single was “Do It Again,” a surf-y revisitation of their early sound, followed by “Bluebirds Over the Mountain,” a pop song from the 1950s recorded by, among others, Ritchie Valens.

  • John Lennon, who ought to have known a cynical operator when he saw one, described Manson as a man who ‘took children in when nobody else would.’

The B-side to that single was “Never Learn Not to Love,” written by Charles Manson. He’d wormed his way into Brian Wilson’s social circle by organizing orgies for him. He wasn’t much of a songwriter, but his songs are still occasionally performed and recorded. The impeccably progressive Henry Rollins produced an album of songs performed by Manson, though it never was released. The two were pen pals for a while. Neil Young had pitched Manson’s music to Warner Bros. John Lennon, who ought to have known a cynical operator when he saw one, described Manson as a man who “took children in when nobody else would.” Not that he was a fan of publicity-stunt mass murders: “I just think a lot of the things he says are true.”

Of course they fell for it. The idealist con is one of the oldest and most lucrative hustles going. The idiot children of the 1960s talked up Charles Manson for the same reason Langston Hughes wrote paeans to Joseph Stalin, for the same reason American progressives still take the side of the Rosenbergs and still think Alger Hiss was framed. Langston Hughes wasn’t a “liberal in a hurry” — he signed a letter of support for Stalin’s purges. Noam Chomsky spent years denying the holocaust in Cambodia, insisting it was the invention of American propagandists. After Fidel Castro was done murdering and pillaging his way through Cuban history, Barack Obama could only find it in his heart to say: “History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him.”

Pass the crumpets, Bernardine.

Bernardine Dohrn recently gave a speech in Chicago in which she proposed turning the Cook County jail into a park as part of “a city — a world — without jails.” It didn’t quite have the poetry of her earlier work: “Offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room, far out! The Weathermen dig Charles Manson.” Of what possible use could a jail be in the world imagined by such a mind?

PIGS, she called the dead woman and her dead baby. The Weathermen dig it, and what’s another skeleton or two, or another 100 million, beneath the foundations of Utopia? Lenin had a few thoughts on how to go about making an omelet.

“These children that come at you with knives — you taught them,” Manson said. “I didn’t teach them. I just tried to help them stand up.”

These Major Bombshells Are A Problem For Biden

Creepy uncle Joe says it’s not true. Hunter Biden’s own lawyer says it is:

  • “We knew about Hunter. We knew about Joe’s brother, James. But Comer revealing that it could be six or seven Biden family members is massive news.”

Maybe this is why Hunter’s lawyer said opposing things in their counter-suit (CONSERVATIVE REVIEW):

Hunter Biden’s lawyers claim John Paul Mac Isaac invaded the troubled presidential son’s privacy by providing his computer files to allies of former president Donald Trump and members of the media before the 2020 election. The countersuit is a response to Mac Isaac’s lawsuit against Biden and various news outlets who accused the repairman of stealing the computer.

Mac Isaac has said Biden dropped off his laptop for repairs in April 2019 but never came back to retrieve it. The repairman says he reviewed the laptop’s contents and, troubled by what he saw, provided a copy of the laptop hard drive to the FBI in late 2019. He then gave a copy of the computer to Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who later shared the documents with the New York Post and other news outlets.


RPT COMMENT #1 —  So Hunter’s lawyer IS admitting the laptop is Hunter’s!


“This is not an admission by Mr. Biden that Mac Isaac (or others) in fact possessed any particular laptop containing electronically stored data belonging to Mr. Biden,” the court filing says. “Rather, Mr. Biden simply acknowledges that at some point, Mac Isaac obtained electronically stored data, some of which belonged to Mr. Biden.”


RPT COMMENT #2 — ohhh… look at this dog-faced pony soldier lawyer try to legalese* out of admitting the laptop was Hunter’s!

*Attorneys use Legalese to be able to tell lies about regular people without the regular people being able to understand what’s said about them.

“By the way, youdoxagoodifthesanensinlenotions”

It’s another day of Biden VS Teleprompter.

Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi has been brought to tears as she struggled to contain her laughter in assessing some of US President Joe Biden’s most notable and cringeworthy gaffes.

Ms Panahi discussed the recent routine physical checkup undertaken by President Biden and the fact he was deemed to be “fit for duty,” according to presidential physician Dr Kevin O’Connor.

Biden Tell The Truth For Once About Oil Companies

(The guy is clueless)

  • Biden: “When I talked to a couple of [oil companies], they say, ‘we are afraid you are going to shut down all the oil refineries anyway, so why should we invest in them?’ I said, we are going to need oil for at least another decade.”

All the Republicans start laughing (WASHINGTON FREE BEACON TWITTER)

PJ-MEDIA has this:

….During these off-the-cuff remarks, Biden’s admission came in the form of an anecdote, recounted here by Fox News:

The president then told an anecdote in which an oil executive asked him why his company should invest in fossil fuel projects in light of the negative business atmosphere for oil and gas projects. Biden said he responded that oil and gas would be needed for years to come.

“They said, ‘well, we’re afraid you’re going to shut down all the oil wells and all the oil refineries. So, why should we invest in them?’ I said, ‘we’re going to need oil for at least another decade and beyond,’” Biden added.

Did you get that? Biden admitted that the oil industry — which remains crucial to our entire way of life, no matter what the Earthist fantasizers say — will not invest in domestic production because they don’t trust him.

Biden has earned every drop of that distrust with his egregious actions to eradicate domestic fossil fuel production beginning the day he was inaugurated. He kicked off the hostilities by shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline project — costing thousands of jobs and throwing away billions of dollars. He has bashed, threatened, and throttled the oil industry ever since.

Related: Biden Aide Calls Oil Companies’ Refusal to Increase Drilling ‘Un-American’

Nor is “Big Oil” the only example of partnership and trust demolished by Biden’s heavy-handed policies…..

2-Parter via Dan Bongino | Biden Family Corruption

PART 1: Joe Biden is a Foreign Agent, The Case Is Closed (Ep. 1941) – The Dan Bongino Show

This recording of Joe Biden blows the doors off the Biden Inc. scandal, and it provides additional evidence that Biden is a foreign agent. Don’t miss this show.

PART 2: The Soros Biden Connection Exposed (Ep. 1942) – The Dan Bongino Show

In this episode, I address the disturbing connections between liberal donor George Soros and the Obama/Biden machine.

Operation White Elephant (Afghanistan)

Operation White Elephant is a nonprofit organization that coordinates, synchronizes and deconflicts humanitarian assistance, provides necessary emergency communications support and equipment, conducts media efforts to educate and raise awareness, and assists with legal needs for issues arising during the crisis.

Nobody, I Mean Nobody, Lies Like Joe

Some of the lies are repeated, but in different contexts. These are just lying mainly about his life, not policy. THE FEDERALIST has a good list of those. But all-in-all – Biden out-lies any GOPer. Even George Santos (MEDIA’ITE).

George Santos:

  • George Santos takes the cake, but why does Joe Biden get a pass for his lies? (NEW YORK POST)
  • George Santos scandal brings renewed attention to Biden’s fabrications (FOX)
  • The Political Lies That Really Matter: From George Santos to Joe Biden, résumé padding is unacceptable. But it’s all the lies about legislation we can’t afford. (REASON)

Here are the videos (some articles) I used as well as a couple I almost used:

  • Biden Lies About Attending A Black Church (MR. PRODUCER)
  • Joe Biden Lied About Death Of Officer William Evans (RELIGIO-POLITICAL TALK)
  • Trump out dancing Biden at a Black Church but Joe was raised by the Black Church? Maybe Trump was (TERRENCE K. WILLIAMS)
    • Members of black Delaware church don’t recall Biden being ‘raised’ there (NEW YORK POST)


  • Joe Rogan on Biden’s Lying/Plagiarizing Problem (RED PILL USA PATRIOTS)
  • LYIN’ JOE: 20 Times Joe Biden LIED About Being a Civil Rights Activist. (SEAN HANNITY)
    • Biden says he was arrested during civil rights fight, a claim he’s had to recant before (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)
    • Biden repeats questionable claim he frequented Black church during civil rights movement (YAHOO NEWS)
  • Biden Lies Straight to Our Faces and the Media Refuses to Call Him On It (BONGINO REPORT)
  • Biden lies he’s been to “Afghanistan and Iraq and those areas” twice as president. (NEWS JUNKIE’S CARTOONS)
    • “I’ve been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times.” (POLITIFACT)
    • Biden repeats false claim about trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, this time to graduating midshipmen (FOX NEWS)
  • Forget the Gaffes, What About Biden’s Lies? (THE INTERCEPT)
    • Joe Biden’s MASSIVE List Of Lies (REDDIT)
    • Master of Misinformation: Joe Biden’s 10 Worst Lies (BREITBART)
  • Krystal and Saagar: Hilarious vintage footage reveals repeated Biden lies (THE HILL)
  • Krystal Ball debunks Biden’s parade of lies (THE HILL)
  • The ‘lies’ are starting to ‘catch up’ with Joe Biden (SKY NEWS AUSTRALIA)
  • 47 years of Joe Biden’s lies (DONALD TRUMP)
    • Joe Biden’s Top 15 Most Outlandish Lies (BREITBART)
    • Let’s Face It: Joe Biden’s Serial Lies and Embellishments About His Biography Are Shamelessly Weird (TOWNHALL)