See my previous post entitled, “78 TERROR ATTACKS“
See my previous post entitled, “78 TERROR ATTACKS“
Smack Down Galore!
(Above Video) The caller notes that the narrative is that the Islamic State would have still come to power even if we kept troops in Iraq. Which is true, they would have still come to existence, in Syria. But Iraq would not have lost any cities or territories if we still had a presence in Iraq. The caller mentioned a force of 10,000 troops, it would have been closer to 30,000 troops. And having a base of operations in country would have allowed the administration to deal more effectively with the Islamic State in Syria (flying sorties, and supporting quick reaction [spec-ops] units activity), and the like.
(Above Video) Megyn Kelly Destroys Jen Psaki who can’t get off talking points.
(Above Video) Larry Elder (and Paul Bremer) dismantle older as well as new mantras flying around via our friends on the left. In the interview that is the centerpiece of the segment[s] here via Larry Elder, Erin “Monkey” Burnett gets all of her talking points smacked down. The only thing Miss Burnett accomplished was showing her bias/sarcasm well.
Here Bremer educates Erin with facts she knew, but refuses to deploy in her logic because it would ruin her defense of her Master Obama, “The planning in 2011, leaked very heavily from the Pentagon and the White House was to keep 20 to 30 thousand troops after 2011, the White House leaked that it wanted to only keep 3,000 troops, then they said to al-Maliki not only do we want a Status of Forces Agreement but you have to get it through your Parliament. So for the first time, to my knowledge, since 1945, we have 84 SOFA agreements around the world, we were telling the host government how to they proceed in approving that Status of Forces Agreement. That put al-Maliki in an impossible situation.”
Bombs Over Erbil
Obama is SUCH a joke! HotAir has this:
(Still the Lynn University campus debate via WaPo)
Some other things Mitt got right and “O” didn’t:
When NATO let Turkey in I was dumbfounded. When political correctness guides inclusion into a group of countries with a similar ethos… the project fails. NATO is a joke.
Columbia University researchers confirm Turkey’s links to ISIS (h-t, LiveLeak):
I usually check out people who follow me on Twitter to see if they have a cool site or impact on politics or the world. Matthew VanDyke’s firm, SONS OF LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL, operates on a non-profit model to provide free security and military consulting and training to communities fighting terrorism, insurgency, and oppressive regimes. This guy does AWESOME work, and this is a missions trip for Christian Spec-Op/Military guys if I ever saw one. Follow him on TWITTER.
Larry Elder (conservative radio host) joins Dave Rubin to discuss Conservatives, Libertarians, Black Lives Matter, systemic racism, Hollywood liberal bias, and more.
Segmented Portions of the Above
Black Lives Matter, Racism: A Conservative Perspective ~ Isolated
Conservatives, Libertarians, and the Iraq War ~ Isolated
War on Drugs, Hollywood Liberal Bias ~ Isolated
SWEETNESS-N-LIGHT points out in their post on the subject that China will get about 80% of the oil from Iraq:
The below is an update from 2013, 10-years after the war… I am going to highlight something for the reader to emphasize the proclivity of the Professional Left in dumbing down complicated choices and simplifying history. It comes from FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE:
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL notes more recently that these many myths presented to us by the Left are deserving of being retired:
See more about the “behind the scenes” machinations that included Alan Greenspan at COLUMBIA JOURNALISM JOURNAL. REUTERS noted the clarification as well…
(Wall Street Journal) The recapture of Ramadi marks a major turnaround for Iraq’s U.S.-trained military, representing its first success against Islamic State as a mostly independent force.
Iraqi forces claimed victory Monday in the fight for the capital of Anbar province, a success that political leaders hope to replicate in future operations against the insurgents.
To signify their victory, Iraqi soldiers raised the national flag over the government compound in the center of the city which had been the last bastion of an estimated 200 Islamic State fighters, who fled on Sunday. Iraqi security officials said they retreated to the eastern part of the city, which Islamic State still largely controls, according to Iraqi security officials….
Kurdish Peshmerga blows up an incoming ISIS VBIED with Milan ATGM.
The VBIED, which was a ford pickup had a little more than a thousand Kg of TNT inside. and you can see the first couple of missiles just miss but right before the truck got close enough it was hit with a 3rd missile, 3rd times the charm.
Of course the Left charges us (the United States)with quite a few provably false, or at most, inflated charges in regards to the the United States arming Iraq.
A quick refutation of another familiar “mantra” we hear connected to this topic, and one most at the rally in the video above most assuredly accept, is that the U.S. supplied the bulk of weapons that Iraq has and used. This just isn’t the case, the the graphic below points out (click it to enlarge it for better viewing):
Agents of Mass Destruction
The story goes that the United States provided chemical weapons to Iraq. The proof is the photo of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein in 1983. In an excellent Yahoo Answers question:
Some reasonable parameters were added to this original question. Here they are:
When these requests are added, the best answer certainly is the best answer:
This comes from my afterword of my WMD Page:
Here is some on-depth info on the hand-shake: