Andrew Breitbart Interviewed on UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE
From the video description:
A publisher, columnist, and blogger, Andrew Breitbart is the founder of the Breitbart network of investigative news websites including,, Big Government, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism, and Big Peace. Breitbart’s new book is Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me while I Save the World!
Beginning with his college years at Tulane University, Breitbart unfolds his gradual awakening to conservativism, which culminates in an embrace of Rush Limbaugh. Taking on the challenge to combat the “Democrat Media Complex” he explains what he is fighting for. “I want a center-right nation to fight for its soul, and its soul is represented in the arts; its soul is represented in a world in which media is everything.” He further explains his strategy. “My business model is to aim every one of our exposés straight at the mainstream media and say, ‘Katie Couric, you are being dared not to cover this.'”
Great Interview Swedish economist Johan Norberg
Quick Interview with David Mamet
I was headed over — literally — to buy “Demonic” (Ann Coulter’s book). Most of the time I listen to talk radio when I drive, and David Mamet was being interviewed about his book “Secret Knowledge.” I ended up getting his book instead. By the way, I cannot recommend this book enough… it has been a pleasure to read the40 or so pages so far. (By-the-way, I made my boys get me “Demonic” for Fathers Day.)
Some MAMET quotes:
Dennis Prager Interviews Andrew Breitbart (great interview by-the-by)
A Great Interview with Evan Sayet by the Indomitable Jamie Glazov
Steven Crowder Interviews Democrat Anthony Weiner (*wink*)
The Guys Love It~Some Viewpoints On War
Serious Saturday~John Derbyshire
John Derbyshire famously claimed “we are doomed,” but as he reveals, his rejection of utopia, wishful thinking, and pretty lies doesn’t entail gloom but a sober, empirically grounded conservatism.
David Horowitz Interviewed on the Charlie Rose Show About His Book,Radical Son
I Hope the Best For This Man and His Future-Amazing Voice (UPDATE)
UPDATE: Incredible story about a homeless man, Ted Williams, in Ohio with an unlikely gift. In a true act of Christ, a man stops by to talk to the man and learns he is trying desperately to get his life back on track. Because of this man’s help, Ted has now been given multiple job offers from around the world and including Cleveland Cavaliers! Not only did the Cavs offer him a job, they are also offered him a house paid by Quicken Loans. God bless Mr. Williams. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of him for sometime to come! Matthew 25: 45 And he will answer, ‘I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’
Melanie Phillips on the Michael Coren Show (She talks about freedom of speech and thought and progressivisms onslaught against both)
From The Religion of Conquest:
Related post are…
- GOGGLE BOOK: United in Hate – The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror by Jamie Glazov
- VIDEO: United in Hate – Liberals and Militant Islam by Jamie Glazov
- VIDEO: United in Hate – The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror by Jamie Glazov
- VIDEO: Islam and the Left’s Assault on Free Speech – Andrew McCarthy
- Why do Liberals Support or Appease Islam?