Abortion to Just Before [and after] Birth (Updated)


BTW, if you didn’t know about this historic moment… that is because — as NEWSBUSTERS notes — the MSM gave it little attention:

  • The big three networks gave just 15 seconds Friday to the largest pro-life annual march in the nation’s capital, this year. While it’s not out of the ordinary for the media to ignore this mammoth event that flies in the face of their liberal narrative on abortion, it is notable that they would hold a near blackout of the event even when President Trump became the first sitting President to attend in the 47 year history of the march….

MEDIAITE said Trump lied at the March For Life in D.C. when he said this [note, I include my response as well in the following pic] (via INFORMATION LIBERATION):

The DAILY CALLER simply responds with the video:

Just remember what Faye Wattleton said, former president of U.S. Planned Parenthood:

“I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus.”

Here is the previous post (originally posted January of 2019)

I posted this on my RPT Facebook Page:

Shortly thereafter, a reader posted this short response an a link:

By the by. That article is probably the most many read about the abortion debate. I doubt they would have read “Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood,” or, “Killer Angel: A Short Biography of Planned Parenthood’s Founder, Margaret Sanger.” Or “Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments,” or, “The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture.” Neither do they watch or listen to women who survived abortions, like, Gianna Jessen, or Rebecca Keissling. Or listen to presentations LIKE THESE:

Why complicate things with history and facts and debate. But I digress. Here is my response:

Thank you KR. You will note all points of views are welcome here. It keeps me sharp by memorizing stuff because I read it again and write it again. I lead off my “CULTURAL ISSUES” Page (https://mii.zkn.mybluehost.me/cultural-issues/) with some of my posts on the matter.

Here is my response to Snopes:

The new law still imposes some restrictions on when late-term abortions can be performed, even as it loosens others:

“A health care practitioner licensed, certified, or authorized under title eight of the education law, acting within his or her lawful scope of practice, may perform an abortion when, according to the practitioner’s reasonable and good faith professional judgment based on the facts of the patient’s case: the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.”

It redefines a “person” as “a human being who has been born and is alive.” And many do not know that the same day Roe v Wade was passed, Doe v Bolton was as well. This allows the “health of the mother” a wide variance of meanings. So if a mother see’s here baby has a cleft palate, this causes her undue stress/mental anguish, she is allowed to get a late-term abortion. The mother says that the extra burden of financial strain in having a child causes her undue stress/mental anguish, she can have a late-term abortion. in many states, New York just went all in however.

In the third trimester the law could forbid women to have an abortion, unless the abortion is necessary to preserve her “life or health.” In Doe v. Bolton, Roe’s companion case, the Supreme Court defined the word “health” in such broad terms that it is virtually impossible for a state to protect the unborn. The majority opinion of Doe v. Bolton stated, “The medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors—physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age—relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate to health.”

(Side-note: both women involved in those cases became pro-life advocates and apologized often for their legalizing the killing of babies. “Roe,” Norma McCorvey wrote a wonderful book called “Won by Love.”)

The previous homicide law in New York said “conduct which causes the death of a person or an unborn child with which a female has been pregnant for more than 24 weeks” as a felony offense, has been taken off the penal code by the newly passed legislation. Partial-birth abortions were already at a rate in the late 90’s of 3,000 to 5,000 times annually – nationwide. New York merely removed all restrictions on it.

  • “I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus.” ~ Faye Wattleton, former president of U.S. Planned Parenthood

Another friend posted at the same time:

The Snopes article doesn’t mention Doe v Bolton, probably because if you add that to the information they give, it is damning to their case.

Snopes might be neutral on urban legends, but the liberal politics of the owners of the site come through with incredible bias on every political article.

So now Virginia is doing the same as New York… Virginia could soon be joining New York in repealing restrictions on abortion, including terminations up until the moment of birth, under the provisions of a bill backed by Governor Ralph Northam and a substantial number of Democratic lawmakers. The Repeal Act, introduced as HB2491 by Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield), would repeal restrictions on third trimester abortions, allow abortion doctors to self-certify the necessity of late term procedures, eliminate informed consent requirements, repeal abortion clinic health and safety standards, permit late term abortions to be performed in outpatient clinics, remove ultrasound requirements, and eliminate Virginia’s 24 hour waiting period.

NATIONAL REVIEW has the transcript for those wishing to read the exchange:

Gilbert: So how late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?

Tran: Or physical health.

Gilbert: Okay. I’m talking about mental health.

Tran: I mean, through the third trimester. The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.

Gilbert: So to the end of the third trimester?

Tran: Yes. I don’t think we have a limit in the bill.

Gilbert: So where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs that she’s about give birth, would that still be a point at which she could still request an abortion if she was so certified? [pause] She’s dilating?

Tran: Mr. Chairman, you know, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician, and the woman would make.

Gilbert: I understand that. I’m asking if your bill allows that.

Tran: My bill would allow that, yes.

This Day Choose Life (*GRAPHIC* Not Intended For All Audiences)

Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood Director, said she knows of no one surviving an abortion:


Death Follows Liberalism

“I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a [baby].”

Faye Wattleton, former president of U.S. Planned Parenthood

Below are some GRAPHIC images and videos. Near the bottom is a filmed partial-birth abortion. To be clear, this needs to be seen, but if you are not the person to handle this, then this is not the post for you

Life Follows God

“…that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life so that… your children may live”

Deuteronomy 30:19

Conversation Series

The first part of this post is an import from my old blog and is a post about a conversation with a young gal in and area we called the “pit,” the specialty cheese, wine, and meat section of my old employer — Whole Foods. What took place was a glowing example of many years of work by the left-leaning establishment that is often called “higher education,” which has turned out a zombie of non-thought who would rather use the seven words in Dennis Prager’s article. Like, “what about the mentally ill or deformed kids in the womb, shouldn’t the woman have the choice to abort them?” Even at my friends site you will often here a horror story about a child not having health-care and then the label, “[you] Bush doesn’t care about the children.” These are non-statements. There is no critical thinking involved.

When talking about abortion, for instance in our “pit,” I hear some position stated and then I merely respond, “that’s fine, but that doesn’t deal with whether the ‘fetus’ is a life or not.” Then I hear some grand tail about a women’s choice, and I respond, “that’s great, but that doesn’t deal with the issue of whether the ‘fetus’ is a life or not. That is the question. Then the “you’ll never know what it is like” line comes out, referring to me being a man, ergo, I cannot have as valid an input on the matter, to which I responded/respond with examples of people who do have the personal capability to respond. Like Norma McCorvey, who was “Jane Roe” in Roe v. Wade (1973), she wrote a book that is pictured here (as well as a DVD).

I brought up Gianna Jessen, who was herself a survivor of an abortion, her story (and book) are very compelling, and often, when young university minds are being steeped in feminist philosophies, rarely is there ever time taken to study or reflect on the other side of the issue, as I was told after I asked a this question, “so at 24-years old you have looked at both sides of the issue and all the evidence and arguments and have concluded that you are right and there is no evidence left to compel you,” the response was “yep!”

A great 40-minute video can be found here. This presentation is rational, well thought out, and rarely responded to by the Left. Another personage that I typically bring up is Bernard Nathanson, who,

…as a younger man, he had been strongly pro-choice, and he performed an abortion on a woman who had become pregnant by him. He later gained national attention by then becoming one of the founding members of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, now known as NARAL Pro-Choice America. He worked with Betty Friedan and others for the legalization of abortion in the United States. Their efforts essentially succeeded with the Roe v Wade decision. He was also for a time the director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health (CRASH), New York’s largest abortion clinic. Nathanson has written that he was responsible for over 75,000 abortions throughout his pro-choice career.

He likewise wrote a book. Is he someone who would have some valuable input on the matter? Of course, his sex has nothing to do with it… unless you’re sexist. Dr. Nathanson is best known for his “Silent Scream” video (it is very dated), where a baby is shown being aborted via ultrasound images. What the video details is as the abortion procedure gets under way, the baby starts to literally scream, except there is no air to carry the cries of agony and pain. The entire video is linked above, but I will show the poignant part here. CAUTION, this video to the right is GRAPHIC as well, as it is ending a perfectly viable life… unless you are pro-choice, then this is just like any other operation — like removing your appendix, or tonsils.

I doubt the person in conversation with me has done much in the way of reading and contemplating this issue much beyond what she deems to be liberating feminist theory rebuffing the patriarchy. People who are protecting their emotional belief very rarely go out and pick up a book like Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice, by Francis Beckwith. Which is too bad.

(The above Facebook video is via THE FEDERALIST)

I mentioned Kathy Ireland and her appearance on Bill Maher’s show, Politically Incorrect, where she responded to a question (from a discussion a few years back):

Kathy Ireland, many years ago, was on Bill Mahers Politically Incorrect and the discussion that ensued shows the frailty of the liberal/relativistic position:

Bill Maher: Kathy, why do you oppose a women’s right to choose

Kathy Ireland: Bill, when my husband was going to medical school I underwent a transformation. Because I used to be in favor of abortion. But I noticed when I was reading through some of his medical teaching books, that according to a law in science known as the law of biogenesis, every living thing reproduces after it own kind. That means dog produce dogs, cats produce cats, humans produce humans. If we want to know what something is we simply ask what are its parents. If we know what the parents are, we know what the thing in question is. And I reasoned from that because human parents can only produce human offspring, unborn human fetuses could be nothing but human beings, because the law of biogenesis rules out every other alternative. And I concluded therefore that because human fetuses were part of our family, we should not harm them without justification.

Bill Maher: Well Kathy, that’s just your opinion!

In October 2002, Kathy Ireland made a compelling argument against abortion on the Fox News Channel’s Hannity and Colmes political debate show. Alan Colmes described Ireland’s opinions as religious, but Ireland said that her views on abortion do not stem from faith. She asserted that even atheists could realize that abortion is wrong. Kathy told Alan that her belief is founded in science and technology, which she says, “has come a long way since Roe vs. Wade.”

Ireland also defended her values as being pro-women, stating, “We need to support these women who are in crisis pregnancy situations.” She claimed that because scientific evidence proves that abortion is murder, “I have no choice but to defend the most vulnerable among us.”

Here I will again link to Dennis Prager’s article that bears on this whole discussion and hashing it out rationally and responsibly instead of using invectives to rebuff some perceived sexism or racism or some other label.

A lot of progressive liberals do not know what they mandate as legal often times, in our day and age many have to see video to know what Obama fought against banning and Clinton legalized as one of his first actions as President. One woman saw the video without realizing what she saw (this GRAPHIC video will be at the end) and describes her emotions.

1997: Obama opposed bill preventing partial-birth abortion

In 1997, Obama voted in the Illinois Senate against SB 230, a bill designed to prevent partial-birth abortions. In the US Senate, Obama has consistently voted to expand embryonic stem cell research. He has voted against requiring minors who get out-of-state abortions to notify their parents. The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) gives Obama a 100% score on his pro-choice voting record in the Senate for 2005, 2006, and 2007.

Obama opposed legislation protecting born-alive failed abortions

Obama has consistently refused to support legislation that would define an infant who survives a late-term induced-labor abortion as a human being with the right to live. He insists that no restriction must ever be placed on the right of a mother to decide to abort her child.

On March 30, 2001, Obama was the only Illinois senator who rose to speak against a bill that would have protected babies who survived late term labor-induced abortion. Obama rose to object that if the bill passed, and a nine-month-old fetus survived a late-term labor-induced abortion was deemed to be a person who had a right to live, then the law would “forbid abortions to take place.” Obama further explained the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not allow somebody to kill a child, so if the law deemed a child who survived a late-term labor-induced abortion had a right to live, “then this would be an anti-abortion statute.”

…Within the next year and half, the claims above were bluntly discredited by abortion providers:

  • Ronald Fitzsimmons, the executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, told the New York Times and American Medical News that he “lied through [his] teeth” when he appeared on Nightline because he was afraid that the truth would erode public support for abortion. Disowning his previous statements, he stated that partial-birth abortions are “primarily done on healthy women and healthy fetuses….”
  • Two doctors at a New Jersey abortion clinic spoke with a North Jersey newspaper under condition of anonymity. Both independently stated that their clinic was performing roughly 1,500 partial-birth abortions per year, most of which are elective and not for medical reasons….

(Life News)

Again, here is the video… if you cannot handle a GRAPHIC MEDICAL PROCEDURE ending a HUMAN’s life that most Democrats want to legalize, then do not watch what it means to be a part of the PARTY OF DEATH! The first video is merely a presentation of the procedure in a medical class, the second is the procedure in real life.

The reader may want to familiarize themselves with Planned Parenthood and their founder, Margaret Sanger.

Babies: A Renewable [Green] Energy Source (Utopian “Dreams”)

I believe Hitler would approve… that is, heating buildings with a renewable energy source while ridding ourselves of unwanted persons (eugenics). The Telegraph notes (and I will add the video as it appears on the web later).

It’s a “win-win” for our leftist eco-fascists who surely view this as “saving the planet” in multiple ways —

  1. reducing the population of the planet;
  2. and not using fossil fuels.

Here is the story:

The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals, an investigation has found.

Ten NHS trusts have admitted burning foetal remains alongside other rubbish while two others used the bodies in ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat.

Last night the Department of Health issued an instant ban on the practice which health minister Dr Dan Poulter branded ‘totally unacceptable.’

At least 15,500 foetal remains were incinerated by 27 NHS trusts over the last two years alone, Channel 4’s Dispatches discovered.

The programme, which will air tonight, found that parents who lose children in early pregnancy were often treated without compassion and were not consulted about what they wanted to happen to the remains.

When life — the innocent unborn — are considered fuel for heat… how can compassion be in the equation? How can it be expected? Dumb.