Inbreeding a Major Issue In Islam (1,400 Years of Bad Genetics)

Updating this old post a bit. Finding media taht works, fixing some links. It was originally posted in June of 2015. I am not updating the list of percentages below, so they are dated a tad — but the practice will never change to Muhammad’s followers.



In fact, cousins are not even considered blood relatives in the Islamic tradition because the Qur’an does not forbid or condemn marriage between cousins. Here is what is said in chapter 4, verse 23 of the religious text:

“Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:- Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father’s sisters, Mother’s sisters; brother’s daughters, sister’s daughters; foster-mothers (Who gave you suck), foster-sisters; your wives’ mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in,- no prohibition if ye have not gone in;- (Those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.”

As a result of this long religious tradition, convincing Muslims to stop the practice of inbreeding has proven difficult.

Video Description for the Below:

Do an experiment for yourself, go to your computer and google Islam inbreeding. I think you’ll be stunned at the results. You’ll find that in the Arab world, 40 to 50% of all marriages are inbred. In Egypt, 40% of the marriages are to a first cousin. In Saudi Arabia, 2/3 of the people who marry, marry a close relative. In Britain, the Pakistani refugees, 55% of their marriages are to first cousins.

Now, the result of inbreeding is genetic damage, you get increased diseases, mental retardation, and lower intelligence. I call inbreeding a crime against the next generation. Now why is there so much inbreeding in Islam? Well, if you think about it you know the answer. Because of Mohammed, he married his first cousin, so that makes that process sunnah.

The Koran lays out rules of marriage, but it allows first cousins to marry. Half of Muslims are inbred. Lower intelligence and insanity rates are higher with inbred people, and the closer you are in blood relation, the more schizophrenia there is.

In Denmark, three times as many Muslims fail the military intelligence test as the average Dane. 2/3 of all the Muslims in Denmark are illiterate. And in Denmark, education for slow children, slow learners, accounts for 1/3 of their educational budget. It’s expensive to have such people.

Sharia is evil, since it dictates the suffering of people is Allah’s wish. Now think about this – Islam says it is destined to rule the world, and if it does, inbreeding will be everywhere, and humanity will actually devolve. And this can’t be changed, because the Sharia is Allah’s law. But why are we silent about Sharia, suffering? Why can’t we educate about this harm?

An interesting study showing we may be dealing with — in general — a very unstable [mentally] part of the world:

A Danish psychologist warns that 1,400 years of inbreeding, marrying first cousins, may be wreaking havoc on Muslim intelligence, health and sanity.

A large part of inbred Muslims are born from parents who are themselves inbred, which increase the risks of negative mental and physical consequences greatly, says Nicolai Sennels, author of the book Among Criminal Muslims and articles on the psychology of Islam and Muslims….

Combining his own research and several studies, Sennels says the genetic damage of such intermarriage, which is part of Islamic religion and culture since their prophet, Mohammad, allowed it, is causing lower intelligence (IQs), increased physical defects and greater incident of mental illness.

Almost half of Muslims worldwide are estimated to be inbred, with 70 percent of marriages in Pakistan, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia and 80 percent in Nubia in southern Egypt in consanguineous (blood-related) marriages to first cousins, to name just a few of the countries, he cites….

Dr. Nicolai Sennels original post preserved as a PDF, some links fixed.

  • Mood Disorders More Common In Children Of First-Cousin Parents, Study Finds (GENETIC LITERACY PROJECT)
  • Relationship Between Consanguinity And Depression In A South Indian Population (PUBMED)
  • Consanguinity Effects on Intelligence Quotient and Neonatal Behaviours of nsari Muslim Children (BHALGALPUR UNIVERSITY – PDF)
  • Effect Of Inbreeding On IQ And Mental Retardation (PUBMED)

Joe Rogan Learns About ISLAMIC Inbreeding


And this older story via AMERICAN THINKER on the issue with some figures. Keep in mind these are recent statistics and do not — obviously — include the historical trend:

…. Everywhere in the western world, people look at the savage violence that is a daily occurrence in the Muslim world and shake their heads in stunned disbelief.  A pastor of a very small Christian flock in Florida burns a Koran.  Weeks later at literally the global antipode, Muslim imams drive through neighborhoods in a vehicle with loudspeakers attached, calling the townsfolk to riot.  The townsfolk respond, and before it is all over, at least 22 innocent people are dead at the hands of these townsfolk, with at least two of them beheaded.  How is this possible?  How can this be?  How can human behavior and culture be so monstrously different?  Is this difference attributable to nothing more than environmental nurture theory?

No.  There is something else.  There is a catalyst — absent in every other culture on earth — that has poisoned the cultural soil, thus yielding the fruit of bad harvest for nearly 1,400 years.  That catalyst is inbreeding.  As a direct result, the Muslim population is mentally developmentally disabled on a mass scale.

All human cultures display strict prohibitions against inbreeding and consanguineous marriage.  Incest is a universal taboo.  This is a transcendent anthropological fact.  As a Roman Catholic, I attribute this to what is called “The Natural Law.”  Every human person without exception is created by God with a deep, innate knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong.  Stabbing someone in the neck for no reason whatsoever is just as wrong here in Lone Tree, Colorado as it is in the Amazon basin, as it is on the high plateaus of Mongolia.

But there is one culture, one faux “religion,” that expressly condones and encourages consanguineous marriage and breeding.  That system is Islam, and the document that explicitly ratifies incest is the Koran, specifically Sura 4 verse 23:

Prohibited for you (in marriage) are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, the sisters of your fathers, the sisters of your mothers, the daughters of your brother, the daughters of your sister, your nursing mothers, the girls who nursed from the same woman as you, the mothers of your wives, the daughters of your wives with whom you have consummated the marriage — if the marriage has not been consummated, you may marry the daughter. Also prohibited for you are the women who were married to your genetic sons. Also, you shall not be married to two sisters at the same time — but do not break up existing marriages.

Sounds like an exhaustive list — but it is not.  It is the most lax incest prohibition in all of human culture.  There is a massive omission: cousins only once removed.  In the Muslim culture, marriage and breeding between first cousins has existed since day one.  Mohammed himself married Zaynab, who was his father’s sister’s daughter.  Mohammed and Zaynab were direct first cousins. 

Marrying your first cousin is the genetic equivalent of marrying your half-sibling.  Think of your own family.  Let’s say your dad has a sister, who is “Aunt Linda” to you.  Your dad and Aunt Linda, being full siblings, have exactly the same genetic constitution.  Their family trees prior to their generation are identical.  Therefore, if Aunt Linda has any children, who are your first cousins, they are, in genetic terms, 50% identical to you.  You share one of your two genetic constituencies with your cousins, thus making them genetically the same as a half-sibling would be.

First cousin marriage for just one generation is extremely risky in and of itself.  This is why virtually every other culture on earth prohibits it, and treats it as a cultural taboo.  When two people come together who carry so many similar genetic alleles, the chance of an undesirable recessive trait expressing itself in their offspring soars.  Now, understanding that single-generational risk, understand that Muslims have been marrying their first cousins over and over again for 1,400 years.  Sit in stillness for a moment with the full, terrifying gravity of this. 

The Reproductive Health Journal reports the following rates on consanguinity in Muslim countries.  Where a statistical range has been recorded, I have used the lower parameter:

  • Algeria: 22.6%
  • Bahrain:  39.4%
  • Egypt (North):  20.9%
  • Egypt (Nubia-South): 60.5%
  • Iraq: 47.0%
  • Jordan:  28.5%
  • Kuwait: 22.5%
  • Lebanon: 12.8%
  • Libya: 48.4%
  • Mauritania: 47.2%
  • Morocco: 19.9%
  • Oman: 56.3%
  • Palestine: 17.5%
  • Qatar: 54.0%
  • Saudi Arabia: 42.1%
  • Sudan: 44.2%
  • Syria: 30.3%
  • Tunisia: 20.1%
  • United Arab Emirates: 40.0%
  • Yemen: 40.0%

Muslim men are never, ever allowed to be around, see, converse with or otherwise interact with any females outside of their families.  However, they are permitted to act as chaperones for their female first cousins.  If your first cousin is the only person of the opposite sex you ever get to interact with, is it any surprise that Muslims are marrying their first cousins more as the rule than as the exception?

According to the BBC, 55% of Pakistani-Britons are married to a first cousin, and as a corollary to that produce “just under a third” of all children in the UK with genetic illnesses, despite being only 3% of the total births. 

As a direct result of inbreeding, the Muslim population is the only population on earth that is mentally and physically devolving. ….

FAITH AND FREEDOM notes this in a post titled, “Inbreeding And The Effects On Islam”

Family marriages and inbreeding has led to mental illness among Muslim communities throughout the world.

A few years ago a pilot with the Lockheed Corporation, an American aircraft manufacturer, was given the task of training Saudi pilots to fly their new fleet of planes.

He was given three assignments and, for a while, became part of the military & civilian community in the region and the report made for interesting reading.

‘During the pilot transition program with the KV-107 and C-130 with Lockheed, we found that most Saudi pilot trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moonlit nights.

Their training retention rate was minimal including maintenance personnel. Some had dim memories and had to be constantly reminded of things that were told to them the day before. An American, British or any other western instructor is burned out pretty quick.

It actually took Muslim C-130 pilots years before they could fly in the dark safely and then would be reluctant to leave the lights of a city.

Ask any Marine, Air Force or Army guy who has been trying to train Iraqis, and especially Afghans. The phrase they use is, ‘Yep, dumber than homemade dodo.’

Recently the academic journal, Mankind Quarterly, presented research revealing the average IQ score across the Arab world to be 81.

This, of course, is significantly lower than the European average of 100 and possible explanations offered by the journal are ‘hybridization with sub-Saharan Africans, an increase in the more educated Muslims employing birth control and the Muslim religion not fostering critical thinking.’

However, there is a better explanation.

Nikolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has carried out extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world, which is the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first cousins.

This practice, which has been banned in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.

Systematic inbreeding throughout the Muslim world, encouraging cousin to marry cousin and uncle to impregnate niece, is considered by science to have done irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool and is affecting the sanity, health and intelligence of recent generations.

Nikolai Sennels estimates that close to half of all Muslims in the world today are inbred. In some countries, such as Pakistan, that figure is closer to 70%. In both the United Kingdom and Denmark the number of immigrants who are married to their cousins is around half. Half of the Muslim population are inbred.

The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia, 64% in Jordan, and Kuwait, 63% in Sudan, 60% in Iraq, and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

BBC research has concluded that the Pakistani/Muslim inbreeding is the reason a British Pakistani family is thirteen times more likely to produce children with a genetic disorder. Figure show that whilst Pakistanis are responsible for only 3% of British births they account for 33% of genetic birth defects.

Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. Sennels believes that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much more slowly in inbred babies.

The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, which is the official score for being classified as retarded, increases by an incredible 400 percent among children of cousin marriages. By the way, similar effects were seen in the British Royal Family, where inbreeding was normal practice for a very long time.

In 1,200 years of Islam only 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic. In contrast Spain, for example, translates 100,000 books into Spanish every year. 70% of Turks have never read any book and only nine Muslims have ever won a Nobel prize. And five of those were for peace and nothing to do with academia, science or literature.

Sennels pointed out, ‘The ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world. A lower IQ, coupled with a religion that prevents critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have any success in our high-tech knowledge societies.’

Muslim children across Europe dominate the numbers who are regarded to have special needs. One third of the entire education budget in Denmark is allocated to special needs and 70% of the children benefiting are Muslim. 64% of Muslim children in the Danish school system remain unable to read or write after ten-years of education.

Mental illness is also a major issue. Research has revealed that the closer the blood relative the higher the chance of producing schizophrenic children. 40% of patients in Denmark’s largest ward for the clinically insane are Muslim.

In America, the land of the brave and the free, the majority of Muslims have lower IQ’s, less education, lower incomes and are in menial jobs. Way below average on every score.

Sennels concludes: There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool throughout the community…..

The Amish have a similar issue, but they do get outside immediate family and have much less “breeding-time” under their belt (INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES).


We explore the unique mindsets of Muslim criminals in Denmark, an exploration of the violence prescribed in Islamic texts, immigration policies, and Islamic reform, among other topics. (Correction: At the 46 minute, 44 seconds mark, I misspoke. Mushriqun refers to idolaters and polytheists whereas Munafiqun refers to hypocrites.)

This powerful documentary reveals the tragic health problems suffered by children born within first cousin marriages and explores the controversy surrounding this cultural phenomenon. A disproportionate number of rare recessive genetic disorders occur amongst those of South Asian and especially Pakistani descent and the programme investigates the science, political and social consequences of marrying your first cousin.


Reasons NOT To Support Ilhan Omar

Jam-packed show! Talking all things Julian Assange, Avenatti’s arrest, Chinese sperm extractors, and everything wrong with Ilhan Omar. Special guest Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the hilarious HodgeTwins and Gavin McInnes!

RELATED: Dear Ilhan Omar: It’s Not Because You’re Muslim. It’s Because You’re a Hateful Sh*t Stick

(I start the video at the spot where they begin discussion on Ilhan Omar):

Further Details on Ilhan Omar

I see this as a growing assault of our marriage laws. I recently Watched a discussion on polygamy, at the end of the discussion, the researchers all threw out bets on how many years before polygamy become legal. it was 10-to-5-years. But marrying family members is also a cultural aspect to some foreigners-immigrating to these Great States. Hence, you will soon find less than conservative folks (religious or secular) arguing for the normalization of such things. But for now, this is news. Important news.

The continuing saga of Ilhan Omar and her husband collection. Including alleged Bigamy and Immigration Fraud. Not to mention that she married her own brother. And that marriage appears to be on record.

Democratic Fraud and Bigamy Under Sharia Law

A Minnesota Democratic “darling” has fallen apart upon further reflection. JIHAD WATCH notes that “Minnesota State House of Representatives candidate Ilhan Omar has made history and been universally hailed as the first Muslim candidate for that office.” Here is a short bio of, Ilhan Omar, via REWIRE:

Ilhan Omar, a noted feminist and liberal policy advocate from Minnesota, has won the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party primary in the 60B Minneapolis House district.

Her win means she will likely become the first Somali-American legislator in the United States, the Star-Tribune reported Tuesday. It also means incumbent DFL Rep. Phyllis Kahn, who was first elected to the House in 1972, will not serve a 23rd term.

After the primary results came in, Kahn told the Star-Tribune that Omar “mobilized a lot of people that we didn’t see before in previous elections.” This year, according to Omar’s campaign, 5,868 people from the district voted in the primary—an increase of 37 percent from the 2014 primary.

Omar, 33, currently works as the director of policy initiatives at Women Organizing Women

Here is another headline since the immediate fervor was over…: “Members of the Somali Community are afraid to speak publicly about their disapproval of a candidate’s involvement in apparent fraudulent marriages.” Here is a small clip from the article:

A credible source from inside the Somali Community has stepped forward and provided Alpha News with information in exchange for anonymity. For the purposes of the article, we will refer to the source as Z.

Z tells Alpha News members of the Somali Community are being silenced through intimidation tactics and threats of physical violence on themselves and their families still back home in Somalia.

Z specifically mentions a man named Gulaad Hashi and identifies him as “campaign muscle”. Z tells Alpha News, “He serves as [Omar’s] muscle in the Somali community and has been leading a witch hunt to out ‘the snitch’ in the community. He has used everything from intimidation to threats to silence community members from speaking out about this, which is why no Somali has publicly come forward to state what we all know to be true.”

Another issue with this Muslim candidate is in regards to her marriage[s]. Yes, plural. It looks like she is married to her husband… as well as her brother (in order to commit immigration fraud). POWERLINE notes:

  • The Omar campaign responded to our inquiries through a Minneapolis criminal defense attorney. The campaign declined to provide a substantive response to our inquiries. Rather, it implied that the questions were bigoted.

Yep… maybe the “cultural” argument will be brought in? CREEEPING SHARIA notes as well some additional information.

If “Love is Love” … Then…

A story via GAY PATRIOT (now sadly defunct, but the posts title was: “Love Is Love Update) and his very humorous way to bring to light the deeper issue at hand, we find another example of the deteriorating acidic colloquialisms of the Left falling apart at the expense of civil society:

Once again, the Christian White Heteronormative Patriarchy is oppressing two people who just want to love each other.

A mother and son whose forbidden love affair could land them each a lengthy jail sentence have declared they are ‘madly in love’ and nothing will tear them apart.

Monica Mares, 36, and her son Caleb Peterson, 19, face up to 18 months in prison if found guilty of incest at a trial later this year in New Mexico.

But the mother and son couple have vowed to fight for their right to have a sexual relationship and are appealing to the public to donate to their legal fund.

Can you believe that The Patriarchy actually wants to put them in jail for being in love? Probably because of Thoecracy and stuff. “Government everywhere but in our bedrooms, yo!”

(read it all)

GP also notes a satirical site (BABYLON BEE) noting the acronym that represents”sexual identity” being longer (not satirical) than the alphabet:

L G B T T Q Q F A I P B G D 7 @ b R s ? P L W b + 2 Z 9 A


Here is a list of just the Facebook “gender options” available. BTW, some of these are “explained” here, and here:

Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans* Female
Trans Male
Trans* Male
Trans Man
Trans* Man
Trans Person
Trans* Person
Trans Woman
Trans* Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Transgender Man
Transgender Person
Transgender Woman
Transsexual Female
Transsexual Male
Transsexual Man
Transsexual Person
Transsexual Woman

Bans Against Polygamy Unconstitutional (Updated w/Incest)

Greased Up Slide down Slope

…If Christianity and the Christian moral and societal framework is no longer viewed as normative in laws governing sexual practice, then the slippery slope to legalizing polygamy is here. We already know from the Lawrence ruling that the state may not regulate private consensual sexual conduct; if the principle that privileging Christian marital norms* is impermissible is accepted, by what standard do we prevent polygamy? I suppose you could say it harms society in some way, but this judge rejected that argument. Scalia’s Lawrence dissent was correct. We’re just seeing the logic of the majority opinion play out in the courts. That, and the collapse of Christianity as the basis for Western society. (The American Conservative)

* Actually, the argument for fidelity to one person of the opposite sex pre-dates Christianity as well [not just Judaism either]… see my “Point #3


HotAir will catch us up on the “haps” in our court system, and then we will let GP comment on the situation as these guys [only] can:

Jonathan Turley set quite a few tongues to wagging yesterday when he published an article with the provocative title, “Federal Court Strikes Down Criminalization of Polygamy in Utah.” It involves the case of Brown v Buhman, where Turley himself is one of the lawyers involved. The introduction to his announcement certainly fanned the flames of those who follow this subject closely.

It is with a great pleasure this evening to announce that decision of United States District Court judge Clark Waddoups striking down key portions of the Utah polygamy law as unconstitutional. The Brown family and counsel have spent years in both the criminal phase of this case and then our challenge to the law itself in federal court. Despite the public statements of professors and experts that we could not prevail in this case, the court has shown that it is the rule of law that governs in this country.

If the name Brown when related to the subject of polygamy is ringing a bell for some of you, that’s because the family in question is one and the same as the stars of the TLC series Sister Wives. This differs significantly from HBO’s highly successful, but completely fictional series Big Love, in that Sister Wives is a reality TV show based on the lives of actual polygamists.

A I mentioned above, this announcement set some people off immediately, including Professor Bainbridge.

  • Next stop on the slippery slope express, I assume, will be consensual adult incest marriages.

He followed that up with a tweet saying,Robert Bork was right. We are Slouching Towards Gomorrah.

…read more…

Indeed! Part of Utah`s Admittance

One of the comments in the GP post that makes TOTAL sense in its conclusions:

Well we went from “Does the sex of the partner really matter?” to “Does the number of partners really matter?”, so my money is on “Do the ages of the partners really matter?”, followed by “Does the genetic proximity of the partners really matter?”, followed by “Does the species of the partners really matter?”, but I think we have a good 50 to 100 years on that last one.

How long do you think it will be before we’re hearing about a 30-something single dad and his teenaged identical twin sons having a three-way wedding?

Another commentator on FreeRepublic notes well that “…wasn’t outlawing polygamy a condition of Utah’s statehood?”

Here is Gay Patriot layin’ down the intelligent commentary on the progressive left in our country being at the center of this rot, not exclusively gays, but gay leftists and hetero leftists:

“Don’t be ridiculous,” they said. “No way does same sex marriage lead to legalized polygamy. The slippery slope argument is a complete fallacy, because enactment of one liberal social policy has never, ever led to the subsequent enactment of the logical extension of that liberal social policy. Ever!”

Well, they may have been wrong about the coefficient of friction on that particular incline. Commenter Richard Bell notes the following: Judge Cites Same-Sex Marriage in Declaring Polygamy Ban Unconstitutional.

Interestingly, the judge’s 91-page opinion cites a series of legal precedents that have gradually redefined marriage, and limited the ability of the state to define it. Almost as though there had been some kind of negative gradient, and the law had been gravitationally drawn to the lower end of the gradient as a result of the lack of adhesion on that gradient.

Since marriage is no longer about creating a stable environment for children, and has become (and this mainly the fault of heterosexual liberals) about personal fulfillment, validation, and access to social benefits, there literally is no constraint on how much more broadly it can be redefined.

(emphasis added)

Ouch! So on the money! Liberalism in political philosophy, scientific paradigms, theology, and the like, all have the same outcome from the affect. Dilution to the point of relativised thinking, to wit Tammy Bruce cogently says — and for those that do not know, she is a lesbian:

★ Even if one does not necessarily accept the institutional structure of “organized religion,” the “Judeo-Christian ethic and the personal standards it encourages do not impinge on the quality of life, but enhance it. They also give one a basic moral template that is not relative,” which is why the legal positivists of the Left are so threatened by the Natural Law aspect of the Judeo-Christian ethic. (Tammy Bruce, The Death of Right and Wrong: Exposing the Left’s Assault on Our Culture and Values, 35.) [read more]

The same arguments in the case SCOTUS decided (Brown v. Buhman) will be used in an incest case here in the states (See the NY Times, as well as Time Magazine). With the fertilization choices, the fact that it takes multiple generations for “webbed feet,” and the idea that a sister-and-sister, or brother-and-brother cannot have children, leave the incest case open, as the Brown case has already been used to argue against polygamy.Incest Star Wars SMALL

Here is the last paragraph of the Time Magazine article that notes the players in the “incest” battle:

The ACLU has filed suit in several states to challenge the few remaining statutes that prohibit unmarried couples from living together. This is the sort of case that may have a better chance of expanding Lawrence’s reach, said Katine.

Here is Scalia, as quoted via U.S. News and World Report:

In his dissent of that ruling, Justice Antonin Scalia angrily warned that if the court was willing to strike down sodomy laws, other state laws on moral choices could soon be lifted, among them gay marriage. He wrote:

State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity … every single one of these laws is called into question by today’s decision.

He further argued:

If moral disapprobation of homosexual conduct is ‘no legitimate state interest’ for purposes of proscribing that conduct … what justification could there possibly be for denying the benefits of marriage to homosexual couples exercising ‘[t]he liberty protected by the Constitution?’