Where Do You Live, Mark Zuckerberg? ~ FIREWALL & More

This first video is another wonderful Trey Gowdy anthem. Click his name in the “TAGS” to see other “music to your ears” speeches:

Video description: Rep. Gowdy’s floor speech in favor of H.R. 4138 the ENFORCE the Law Act.

And this is a recent Jonathan Turley statement before Congress (do the same, check out Turley in the “TAGS”):

Video description:

Via The Blaze ~ I did turn the volume up from the original file… so prep your volume control.

A constitutional law expert warned Congress during a hearing Wednesday that America has reached a “constitutional tipping point” under the watch of President Barack Obama.

Jonathan Turley, professor of public interest law at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., said the legislative branch of the U.S. government is in danger of becoming irrelevant in the face of continued executive overreach.

“My view [is] that the president, has in fact, exceeded his authority in a way that is creating a destabilizing influence in a three branch system,” Turley said. “I want to emphasize, of course, this problem didn’t begin with President Obama, I was critical of his predecessor President Bush as well, but the rate at which executive power has been concentrated in our system is accelerating. And frankly, I am very alarmed by the implications of that aggregation of power.”

“What also alarms me, however, is that the two other branches appear not just simply passive, but inert in the face of this concentration of authority,” he added….

Democrats Creating a Health Crisis (Tuberculosis, H1N1, Chicken Pox)

An illegal immigrant infected a Maryland class of kids who were forced to get TB shots.

This from Gateway Pundit:

Dr. Elaina George, an ear, nose, throat and chest specialist from Atlanta, told Charles Payne on FOX News today that the US could be facing a health crisis as the thousands of newly illegal children enter the classrooms this fall.

“There’s an example in Maryland, where parents got a letter from the school that there children had been exposed to an illegal child who had TB who was one of their classmates. So this fall it is potentially possible that these children entering the school systems could be carrying all sorts of things, diseases that are not on the radar.” 

ABC News likewise notes the issue. I do take notice with their claim this will have no impact on the greater population… as they fly these illegals all over the country on confined — air recycled — planes.

The federal government is so overwhelmed by the current tide of migrants crossing the border it can’t provide basic medical screening to all of the children before transporting them – often by air – to longer-term holding facilities across the country, ABC News has learned.


Inside the government, officials are sounding alarms, fearing that they and their teams who come in contact with the sick children face potential exposure to infectious diseases from chicken pox to influenza, including rare cases of H1N1, more commonly called swine flu.

Two unaccompanied children were flown from Nogales to California despite having 101-degree fevers and flu-like symptoms, according to the Department of Defense memo. Those children had to be hospitalized.

The memo said pointedly that officials in charge of moving the immigrants from Border Patrol processing centers to Health and Human Services facilities are “putting sick [fevers and coughing] unaccompanied children on airplanes inbound for [Naval Base Ventura County] in addition to the chicken pox and coxsackie virus cases.”

And this note from Lonely Conservative:

This can’t be repeated enough. The illegal immigrants surging across the southern border are not being properly screened for diseases. While they wait to be processed and sent to communities all around the country they live in extremely unsanitary conditions, making the problem even worse. This is a public health threat that could affect every citizen and legal immigrant living in the United States.


…Border Patrol agents in Murrieta, Calif., have tested positive for tuberculosis. Hand and foot disease and Chagas disease, a tropical parasitic illness, both previously eradicated from the area, are on the rise.

The possibility also exists in these conditions for diseases such as dengue fever to hit the U.S.

“We had one get bacterial pneumonia a couple days ago,” Border Patrol union vice president Chris Cabrera told host Martha MacCallum on Fox News Channel’s America’s Newsroom Monday. “A lot of our guys are coming down with scabies or lice.”

Read the whole thing. This is scary. 

..read it all…

Comedian Paul Rodriguez Strays from CNN’s Script (+Mark Levin)

Via SooperMexican! (h/t to Libertarian Republican):

The popular Mexican-born comedian Paul Rodriguez shocked the CNN panel on illegal immigration when he advocated for deportation for illegal immigrants. Shamelessly, Don Lemon accosted him by insinuating that legal immigrants like Rodriguez can’t be against illegal immigration. Yeah, that’s pretty pathetic.

What about the leftist hero who was recently lionized by Obama? Mark Levine takes you on a short tour-de-forces of how Democrats try and re-write history:

Breitbart notes a recent visit by Mark Levin to the Sean Hannity Show:

…Chavez, who was also against ethnic organizations like La Raza, would tell illegal immigrants to get out of the country, especially because they lowered the wages of American workers. And he was often far from compassionate in handling illegal immigrants.

As Breitbart News has reported, “Chavez was so opposed to amnesty that even the film’s producers, who have a history of making politicized movies, decided, out of respect, to steer clear of the subject”:

As the New York Times noted, Participant Media, which produced the film, has a “fondness for films about social issues.” The company made Lincoln as a statement about bipartisanship, The Help to “highlight the plight of domestic workers,” and Promised Land as a “call for environmental action” against fracking.

But the producers avoided immigration reform in the movie because Chavez “fought for better wages and conditions for workers but held complex and evolving views on the status of unauthorized immigrants, some of which would be at odds with the changes many Hispanics and others are seeking today.”

Breitbart News has also detailed how much Cesar Chavez opposed amnesty:

Ruben Navarrette, Jr., a supporter of comprehensive immigration who has “studied and written about Chavez and the United Farm Workers … for more than 20 years,” wrote in a 2010 essay that “the historical record shows that Chavez was a fierce opponent of illegal immigration.” He added that “it’s unlikely that he’d have looked favorably on a plan to legalize millions of illegal immigrants.”

Chavez also wanted stiffer sanctions against employers who hired illegal immigrants, and Navarrette emphasized that it was “absurd for anyone to invoke the name of Cesar Chavez to pass immigration reform.” He stressed, “As I said, were he alive today, it’s a safe bet that Chavez would be an opponent of any legislation that gave illegal immigrants even a chance at legal status.”

Navarrette wrote that, according to numerous historical accounts, “Chavez ordered union members to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service and report illegal immigrants who were working in the fields so that they could be deported.”  

He noted that while Chavez was with the UFW, “UFW officials were also known to picket INS offices to demand a crackdown on illegal immigrants,” and the UFW even “set up what union officials called a ‘wet line’ to stop Mexican immigrants from entering the United States. Under the supervision of Chavez’s cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to convince immigrants not to cross the border”:

When that didn’t work, they physically attacked the immigrants. Covering the incident at the time, the Village Voice said that the UFW was engaged in a “campaign of random terror against anyone hapless enough to fall into its net.” A couple of decades later, in their book The Fight in the Fields, Susan Ferris and Ricardo Sandoval recalled the border violence and wrote that the issue of how to handle illegal immigration was “particularly vexing” for Chavez.

Chavez was also against ethnic groups like La Raza. In fact, he saw the dangers of such organizations from the beginning. 

“I hear more and more Mexicans talking about la raza—to build up their pride, you know,” Chavez told Peter Matthiessen, the co-founder of the Paris Review, for a profile piece in The New Yorker in 1969. “Some people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and it won’t stop there.”…

Obama Said the Border Was Secure ~ LOL

See more at Gateway Pundit

Bill O’Reilly cuts through the nonsense and the rhetoric. He features a statement by Border Patrol spokesperson agent Hector Garza, as well as a statement made on national television by Texas Governor Rick Perry. Both of the men share the opinion that the Obama regime is not engaged, at least not in a positive manner, in the border crisis.

O’Reilly also shows a clip of a woman who travelled from Honduras to the United States and was relocated into Maryland and given a court date. The news crews were there at her appointment, but she wasn’t. She also doesn’t answer at the address she listed as her residence.

While O’Reilly reports a 20% figure as those who actually meet their immigration appointment, that seems high.

He offers some lively commentary on the Obama response to the border situation and the lax immigration enforcement in general. It is accurate and not very complimentary.

“Illegal” the New “N” Word? ~ Orwell Would Be Proud

This incredible story comes via The Blaze:

Progressive commentator Sally Kohn took aim at a word she deemed derogatory and dehumanizing in a CNN column published on July 4.

She compared the term to “n*****” and “f*****” and called for an end to its public usage.

The word: “illegal.”

Here’s how she opened her column:

During the civil rights era, Alabama Gov. George Wallace was asked by a supporter why he was fixated on the politics of race. Wallace replied, ‘You know, I tried to talk about good roads and good schools and all these things that have been part of my career, and nobody listened. And then I began talking about n*ggers, and they stomped the floor.’

In the 1980s, during the rise of the gay rights movement, North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms accused a political opponent for supporting ‘f*ggots, perverts [and] sexual deviates of this nation.’

Today, opponents of immigration reform attack undocumented immigrants as ‘illegal immigrants.’ Even worse, like anti-immigration extremists, some prominent elected officials use the term ‘illegals.’ Maine Gov. Paul LePage, a Republican, said, ‘I urge all Mainers to tell your city councilors and selectmen to stop handing out your money to illegals.’

Not the same thing? Of course it is.

She goes on to call for the elimination of the term “illegal” from public discourse, essentially arguing that social pressure should be employed to rid American parlance of the adjective.

Walter Hudson (PJ Media) explains what we are not going to do… and that is, dilute real evil, real meaning, to terms that are TRULY offensive:

  • “We’re not changing our language to suit your agenda. We’re not going to stop categorizing people objectively as illegal immigrants. We’re not going to dilute the gravity of truly derogatory terms by conflating them with one that is not.

Even the MMA guys/gals get it… but don’t hold your breath for the cultural Marxists to do anything else thean want to change and control language — to suit their purposes.

The State of Immigration ~ Busses, Taxes, Health & Military Bases

(AP) The Border Patrol has been overwhelmed by a surge of undocumented immigrants crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, including nearly 50,000 children traveling on their own, the AP reported.


(American Thinker) …Then there are contagions like Chagas Disease, a parasitic illness that was endemic to South and Central America but now infects between 100,000 and 500,000 illegal immigrants currently living in the US. 

The CDC considers Chagas Disease one of the “neglected parasitic infections (NPI), a group of five parasitic diseases that have been targeted by CDC for public health action,” another of which is guinea-worm. The guinea-worm parasite, an uninvited alien of a different kind, causes severe pain as the worm works its way though a human host’s subcutaneous tissue.

Hepatitis A-E are viral infections that attack the liver.  And then there’s highly-contagious tuberculosis, which had been brought under control in the US, but thanks to a border that remains open, is growing harder to control.

Incurable Multi-Drug-Resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis, a strain resistant to all standard anti-TB drugs, is now on the rise in the US.

In an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Reuben Granich, a lead investigator for the CDC, concluded: “Reluctant to label the infected as ‘illegal’ or even ‘undocumented’ aliens…407 known cases of MDR-TB, 84% were ‘foreign-born’ patients, mainly from Mexico and the Philippines who’d been in the U.S. less than five years.”…

…Recently, shoppers in Nyack, NY were exposed to measles in Palisades Center Mall. So, a word to the wise: the next time a French fry falls on the table in the food court or the handle of a shopping cart is grabbed, remember that along with open borders and liberal politicians come diseases and various deadly pathogens either formerly eradicated or never endemic to the US in the first place, are waiting for a new host, and you are nominated.

The Washington Examiner has this bit of a stat I have been seeing floating around:

A city-sized rush of about 120,000 illegal immigrant children and teens from Latin America is expected to crash through the U.S. border this year, twice the administration’s prediction, leading humanitarians to seek much more than the $1.5 billion spent to handle the runaways.

U.S. authorities report that there was massive surge in May of children trying to escape crime, drug gangs and sexual exploitation in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, leading them to cast aside the administration’s prediction of 60,000, which was still more than twice the 24,000 apprehended last year.

“It’s a city of children,” said Annie Wilson, executive vice president for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), a national group that works with the government to settle child refugees and exiles.

“It’s 100,000 kids on their feet walking out of their country,” she said, adding that the numbers are “unprecedented” and due more to avoiding threats back home than the lure of America.

“In desperation, people have chosen the impossible odds of fleeing over what seems like the certainty of death and fear,” added Rev. David Vasquez, a campus pastor for Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and an immigration advocate….

Some scary warnings creep into the large amount of illegals crossing our very porous border with major health problems, as Front Page Magazine notes, illegal aliens bringing 60 percent lethal drug-resistant TB to the united states.

They have a dream. And it just might kill you.

A member of Congress who for more than 30 years worked as a doctor says the baggage that illegal aliens are bringing into the United States now is killing people.

Last week it was reported that a persistent strain of tuberculosis had developed in some Los Angeles neighborhoods. Officials said as many as 4,500 people may have been exposed to the disease.

Besides California and Florida, the states with the greatest number of multi-drug-resistant TB are Texas and New York, all having large numbers of illegal aliens within their borders. Florida was recently ranked as having the third largest illegal alien population by the Department of Homeland Security. Many illegals in Florida come from the Caribbean and other countries in the Southern Hemisphere, some of which have widespread problems with tuberculosis.

Diversity is bringing a diverse variety of plagues to the United States allowing Americans to benefit from exposure to new and exotic strains of diseases.

The Nepalese man detained at the U.S. border carries a particularly deadly strain—XDR, “extensively drug-resistant” TB. His TB is resistant to at least eight of the 15 or so standard drugs, according to a U.S. government description of the case reviewed by the Journal. His XDR strain has been seen only once before in the U.S., in another patient of Nepalese origin, according to the government description.

The Nepalese patient was taken into custody by the U.S. Border Patrol in late November as he tried to cross the border illegally near McAllen, Texas.

It remains unclear whether other people in custody with the Nepalese detainee might have been infected. By the time the Border Patrol learned of his infection, other people detained with him would have been transferred elsewhere, the CBP official said. Detainees who are suspected of being ill are placed in cells by themselves.

Daily Mail: Obama opens third military base to deal with flood of illegal child immigrants as officials insist they are being cared for despite abuse allegations

  • Base at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, will initially hold 600 ‘unaccompanied minors’
  • There has been a tidal wave of children trying to slip into the States
  • They are largely from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala

ABC 15: “We are starting to see chicken pox, MRSA staph infections, we are starting to see different viruses,” ….”It’s unclear how many were treated for illness.

Watchdog Wire: While traditional media sources report researchers as attributing the rise in whooping cough cases to a new type of pertussis vaccine considered safer but less effective over time along with reduced rates of inoculations, one has to also wonder the impact of illegal immigration. ….. “‘Data from the Texas Department of Health Services shows that Austin’s Travis County had 79 infant pertussis cases last year, which was the highest number of cases among major counties in Texas. Also, Travis had the smallest number of infant population [2010 Census] but also the highest percentage of infants that contracted the disease. Dallas County was the second highest with 63 cases, Harris County in Houston third with 43, and Bexar County of San Antonio with 21 cases.'”

ABC 15: PHOENIX – After finding out bus loads of undocumented immigrants were being dropped off in Phoenix, many wonder what’s happening to them when they step off the bus.

A local organization is helping them by letting them use cell phones to call family in other states so they can get bus tickets out of Phoenix.

Many of those bused to Phoenix are families with children. Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials say most are from Central America and were detained in Texas.

Xiomara Maldonado told ABC15 that when she dreamed of coming to the United States, she never imagined how it would turn out.

“They saw us like animals,” she said about the holding facility in Texas.

She and her son are from Honduras. They entered the U.S. illegally and were caught in McAllen, Texas.

She said conditions were horrendous.

“Everyone was packed in like sardines. Too close to sleep. They came in the middle of the night to drop off bread and bang on the doors,” she said.

They both hadn’t bathed or slept in days when they were taken from Wilcox, Ariz. and loaded onto a bus headed for Phoenix….

Bill Whittle is joined by Steve Green, and, in for Scott Ott, Eboni K. Williams. Incensed about the recent decision to place illegal immigrants in Arizona (without asking the state or having any clear strategy), and also concerned about Eric Holder’s recent announcement that the Justice Dept. will provide attorneys to illegals, Bill vents about the lawlessness on Trifecta.

Michelle Malkin: …San Antonio’s Lackland Air Force Base opened its doors as an illegal immigrant camp last month. Port Hueneme Naval Base in Ventura County, California will shelter nearly 600 illegal border-crossing children and teens. The Fort Sill Army post in Lawton, Oklahoma, was ordered on Friday to take in 1,200 illegal aliens despite the objections of GOP Gov. Mary Fallin, who blasted the White House for blindsiding her and her state:

“The Obama administration continues to fail in its duty to protect our borders and continues to promote policies that encourage, rather than discourage, illegal immigration.”

A makeshift detention center in Nogales, Arizona is being used as the central clearing station for the latest illegal alien surge. The deluge is a threat to national security, public safety, and public health – not to mention a slap in the face to the law-abiding men and women in uniform on those bases and a kick in the teeth to law-abiding people around the world patiently waiting for approval of their visas.

Meanwhile, a law enforcement source in Texas tells me this week that countless illegal aliens are being released into the general public despite testing positive for tuberculosis. “The feds are putting them on public transportation to God knows where,” he said….

Breitbart: …Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said more than 1,000 illegal immigrant children will be dropped off in Arizona this weekend, continuing what she said is the Obama administration’s “dangerous policy” of dumping illegal immigrants from Central American countries into Arizona, something that will continue into the foreseeable future. Officials in Arizona said that though the illegal immigrants have been told to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) center within 15 days, they have no idea where the illegal immigrants are going.

The Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs told Brewer that 432 such children were expected to be transported on Friday and another 734 over the weekend.

Brewer said that she was “disturbed and outraged” that the Obama administration continues to implement this “dangerous and inhumane policy” while “neglecting to answer crucial questions our citizens demand and deserve.” She noted, “Not only does the federal government have no plan to stop this disgraceful policy, it also has no plan to deal with the endless waves of illegal aliens once they are released here.”

“If the Obama administration put half the effort into securing our border as it has invested to institute this operation, our state and nation would not be facing this situation,” she said. “This is a crisis of the federal government’s creation, and the fact that the border remains unsecure – now apparently intentionally – while this operation continues full-steam ahead is deplorable.”

Breitbart Texas first reported photos of illegal immigrants from Central America being warehoused in Texas, and Arizona may face a similar situation as officials scrambled to find medical supplies for the recently dumped illegal immigrants.

A holding center in Nogales had to be opened “because the Department of Health and Human Services had nowhere to turn,” and a Department of Homeland Security official told the Associated Press “that children are sleeping on plastic cots but about 2,000 mattresses have been ordered, and portable toilets and showers have been brought to the holding center –  a warehouse that has not been used for detention in years.”

The warehouse reportedly has a capacity of about 1,500, and a Homeland Security official said, “As quickly as we move them out, we get more. We believe this is just a start.”…

Elitist Liberals, Sound Analogies, and Tolerance Over a Cup-O-Joe

Do as I say, not as I do… dammit.

Zo Peacefuly attends his California Assemblyman’s Meet & Greet, only to get harassed by a woman “attorney” attendee, who actually sics the cops on him!

Meanwhile, Democrat Al Muratsuchi shows his true hypocritical self. Just another example of how liberals like Al are not tolerant of things, but want to make it a law for others to be tolerant of the things they wouldn’t tolerate. Hear more in this ZoNation.

Experience the creative energy and conservative insight that Zo delivers in every show. Click here to buy the ZoNation Complete Series Collection: http://bit.ly/ZoNationCompleteSeries

Marked Pattern Of Lower Support For Pro-Liberty Views Among Immigrants ~ Statistically Significant And Sizable

Anti-Liberty Votes

Democrat operatives have been seen busing Somali immigrants to early-voting stations in the swing state of Ohio, and telling them how to vote for the Democrat Party, sources report.

The Somalis, who cannot read English, are told by the Democrat operatives to “vote Brown all the way down,” anonymous eyewitnesses have told Human Events. The statement is an apparent reference to Senator Sherrod Brown, the incumbent Democrat Senator in Ohio who is on the ballot….

~The Right Perspective (Oct 2012)

Libertarian Republican’s post caused me to wonder the following:

Wouldn’t there be then, a correlation to these “less-liberty” immigrants voting overwhelmingly Democratic? Doesn’t this — anecdotally — show that maybe, just maybe, the “statistically significant and sizable differences” signify something? Hmmmmm?

Here is LB’s post:

  • “Marked pattern of lower support for pro-liberty views among immigrants… statistically significant and sizable” differences from Americans

Excerpted, MarginalRevolution, “U.S. Immigrants’ Attitudes Toward Libertarian Values” (link to study by UCSD psychologist Hal Pashler):

While there has been much discussion of libertarians’ (generally although not universally favorable) attitudes toward liberal immigration policies, the attitudes of immigrants to the United States toward libertarian values have not previously been examined.

Using data from the 2010 General Social Survey, we asked how American-born and foreign-born residents differed in attitudes toward a variety of topics upon which self-reported libertarians typically hold strong pro-liberty views (as described by Iyer et al., 2012). The results showed a marked pattern of lower support for pro-liberty views among immigrants as compared to US-born residents.

These differences were generally statistically significant and sizable, with a few scattered exceptions. With increasing proportions of the US population being foreign-born, low support for libertarian values by foreign-born residents means that the political prospects of libertarian values in the US are likely to diminish over time.

Pro-Open Borders, liberal-leaning libertarian Cato Inst. admits increased immigration will lead to electoral failure for libertarians

[To wit]

From Cato.org:

Here are some reasons why Pashler’s paper shouldn’t worry libertarians much or convince many to oppose immigration: First, libertarians generally support immigration reform, the legalization of unauthorized immigrants, and increasing legal immigration because it is consistent with libertarian principles – not because immigration reform will lead to breakthrough electoral gains for libertarian candidates. The freedom for healthy non-criminals to move across borders with a minimum of government interference is important in and of itself. General libertarian support for immigration reform does not depend upon immigrants producing a pro-liberty Curley effect – as nice as that would be.

LR comments on CATO’s position:

Editor’s note – Of course, the Cato Institute is not in the business of electoral politics. They’re in the business of pointy-headed intellectualizing and policy paper pushing. Why should they give a “f” what the electoral consequences are, of vastly increasing liberty-hating immigrants into the U.S. and putting them immediately onto the voter rolls.

A mighty f-u you goes out to our friends at the Cato Institute this morning from the political arm of the libertarian movement.

Oprah Uses Ignorance of the Facts To Embolden Her Use of the `Race-Card`

PJ Media has this:

On Sept. 9, 2009, President Barack Obama delivered a major address on the subject of his health care reform bill, which at that time had not passed Congress. The president declared in that speech, delivered before a joint session of Congress and entire nation on television, that ObamaCare would not apply to illegal aliens. Specifically, he said:

There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms — the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: You lie! (Boos.)

The audience member was Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina. Here’s video of the moment.

Wilson’s outburst stirred condemnation from the Democratmedialeft but didn’t hurt him: He raised a load of campaign cash while the left denigrated him, and he became an instant national figure and hero here on the Right. And he was re-elected.

And it turns out that Wilson was right all along. The president was lying.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Tuesday that it has awarded $28.8 million to 67 community health centers with funds from the Obamacare health reform law.

Of that $28.8 million, “approximately $8.5 million will be used by 25 New Access Point awardees to target services to migrant and seasonal farm workers,” Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Spokeswoman Judy Andrews told CNSNews.com. HRSA is a part of HHS.

Andrews said that grant recipients will not check the immigration status of people seeking services.

“Health centers do not, as a matter of routine practice, ask about or collect data on citizenship or other matters not related to the treatment needs of the patients seeking health services at the center,” Andrews said.

Further, the grant recipients are required to serve ”all residents“ who walk through their doors.

Points of emphasis added. There are between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens in the United States.

…read more… (see also American Spectator)

Stand with Arizona elaborates:

…The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Tuesday that it has awarded $28.8 million to 67 community health centers with funds from the Obamacare health reform law. But as part of that sum, CNS reports that ”approximately $8.5 million will be used by 25 New Access Point awardees to target services to migrant and seasonal farm workers,” and an HHS official said:

“grant recipients will not check the immigration status of people seeking services. ‘Health centers do not, as a matter of routine practice, ask about or collect data on citizenship or other matters not related to the treatment needs of the patients seeking health services at the center,’ Further, the grant recipients are ‘required to serve all residents’ who walk through their doors”.

So say it again, Joe Wilson: Obama lied. Since “50% of “migrant” agricultural workers are illegal aliens”, according to the New York Times, that means it will be guaranteed that tens of thousands of illegal aliens will be covered under ObamaCare