Clinton Laughs As Person Introducing Her Takes “Under God” Out Of Pledge (May 11, 2016). This removal then, divides the nation.
Hillary Clinton
Hot Sauce and Taco Bowls
No, this is not a joke. It is real. Hildabeast and “The Donald” write comedic scripts FOR SNL… SNL doesn’t make it up. What a sad day in our political malaise that THESE TWO people are our candidates. For more resons why conservative should vote different than Trump, see the article and audio at CFA News:
See also CNBC’s article entitled “Taco bowls and crazy tweets: Why Donald Trump will never be presidential
For more clear and humorous exchanges like this, go to The Morning Answer
P.J. O’Rourke Endorses Hillary Clinton
Twitchy notes the endorsement which comes by-way of NPR:
See more articles as well as audio clips at the Constitutional Federalists of America:
Hillary ~ The Bully (Larry Elder)
Larry Elder notes Hillary Clinton’s past involvement in covering up [actively] her husband’s indiscretions. With threats and intimidation. If, Romney is always a bully and not fit for office… is the same true of Hillary? See the previous detailed explanation of the “Nuts and Sluts” strategy by Larry Elder:
All Indications Show Hillary Beating The Donald
Video Info:
Even Bernie Sanders Understands Hillary’s Position
Super-Predators Strike Again ~ Hillary
In her support for the 1994 crime bill, for example, she used racially coded rhetoric to cast black children as animals.
- “They are not just gangs of kids anymore,” she said. “They are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘super-predators.’ No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”
~ Via The Nation
I love this! This is the monster the Left built and it is biting their master.
Who Let the Dogs Out ~ Arf, Arf, Arf-Arf
How Is A Socialist Beating You?
Um, because there’s a scintilla of difference between them:
(Gateway Pundit) A reporter in New Hampshire recently asked Hillary Clinton why she’s getting beaten by a socialist like Bernie Sanders. This is a good question considering the fact that Hillary is a socialist at heart as well.
The Clintons’ War on Women
Author, former campaign aide and political pundit Roger Stone sits down with John Phillips to discuss his new book “The Clintons’ War on Women”. Spanning decades from Nixon’s impeachment to Hillary Clinton’s strong-arming of rape accusers, Roger Stone takes a critical look back at one of America’s most powerful and dangerous families. Join us for for this special three-part interview and see exactly what all the Clintons have been hiding and the lengths they’re willing to go to protect their dynasty.
Hillary Clinton Joins DNC Chair In Obfuscating Terms (+ Chuck Schumer)
Gateway Pundit notes the following about the above:
Remember this question to the DNC head?
HotAir connects the obfuscation…
“The Hammer” ~ The FBI Director Will Determine Dem Nominee