FLASHBACK: Red Eye [Greg Gutfeld] Exposes Contessa Brewer’s Bias

(Originally posted here November 2011) YouTube nixed this a long time ago from my Channel. So I grabbed it from a hard-drive and with new A.I. TECH, I made the audio waaay better.

(ABC 15 News Phoenix) On August 17, 2009 an unidentified black man carried an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle during an ObamaCare protest outside of the Phoenix Convention Center in Arizona. At a safe distance, President Barack Obama was speaking to Veterans of Foreign Wars for a health care reform rally.

On August 18, 2009 on MSNBC Morning Meeting, Contessa Brewer portrayed the man, displayed above, as a gun carrying white man — near the President ( ‘a man of color.’)

Here’s what she brewed up:

  • “The reason we’re talking about this — a LOT of talk here, Dylan [Ratigan] — cause people feel like — ‘Yes, there are Second Amendment Rights’ for sure, but also there are questions about whether this has a racial overtones (sic) — I mean — here you have a man of color in the presidency and there’s white people showing up with guns strapped to their waist, or onto their legs.” ….

(Background via: Arlington Cardinal)

Usually I upload so there are no ads, but this way more people can see it:

The Media Narrative About the Portland Stabber Crumbles

(The Portland Stabber’s Facebook)

I have a theory that almost all racist/nationalist cults in America vote primarily Democrat for various reasons, but especially white/nationalist groups:

  • “They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) or ideological reasoning (socialist), or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak.” (Trump Sized Mantras)

I also have a short bio of many of the early accused right-wing violence (shooters and stabbers) that end up being Left leaning individuals, HERE. However, I am going to facetiously continue my idea that most racist/nationalist-cult members vote Left. The PORTLAND MERCURY reports that the suspect was a “known local white supremacist”…

…The man accused of the brutal hate crime slayings of two people at the Hollywood Transit Center on Friday afternoon is a known local white supremacist.

Jeremy Christian, 35, was booked early Saturday morning on two aggravated murder charges, an attempted murder charge, two intimidation (hate crime) charges, and a felon in possession of a restricted weapon charge.

The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reported that the man “was on the MAX train yelling various remarks that would be best characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions. At least two of the victims attempted to intervene with the suspect and calm him down. The suspect attacked the men, stabbing three, before leaving the train.”…

Likewise, NPR reported much the same: “White Supremacist Charged With Killing 2 In Portland, Ore., Knife Attack” Okay, let’s say that I believe the media taking the single statement from the Portland Mercury as factual (more on this in a second), the question becomes this — at least for me: was he a supporter of Republicans (say, by voting for Trump)” Or, did he vote like many other racists white nationalists do… supporting the most socialist candidate?

As usual, merely waiting a few days allows the truth to start to kreep to the forefront — in spite of the mainstream media’s (MSM) narrative. Here is one hint at Jeremy Christian’s political leanings grabbed from ARCHIVE:

As people did more digging, some Facebook posts by Jeremy showed a more Left-leaning bent in his politics. Here are a couple of responses to Jill Stein’s Tweet via TWITCHY, the first incorporates the Facebook post (h-t to GAY PATRIOT):

Oh man! Accepting he is a white supremacist and now knowing his politics — this goes a long way to support my earlier claims. Below is a video of Tucker Carlson correcting the lawyer defending the Leftist professor hitting Trump supporters by throwing bike locks at their heads in the name of Antifa (SEEN CLEARLY HERE thanks to 4CHAN):

The above was merely an excerpt of a longer video seen at Donetec’s YOUTUBE HERE. So, another media narrative crumbles… it still is not as hilariously obvious as this one!

But it exposes the Left’s propensity to shape false American opinion through the MSM. Take note as well that he affiliated with paganism and hated theism apparently… what I term as “theophobia”

  • “Fuck all you Christians and Muslims and fucking Jews,” he says. “Fucking die. Burn you at the stake, just like you did to my pagan ancestors.” (WILLAMETTE WEEK)

TOWNHALL makes a great point in regard to the above hatred for theism:

…On his Facebook wall, Christian called for a “Monotheist Holocaust,” the “Final Solution to the Monotheist Question.” He wrote that he wants to “put an end to the Monotheist Question.  All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ’s teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!”

In another post, he wrote: “I want a job in Norway cutting off the heads of people that Circumsize Babies…Like if you agree!!!”

Judging from what we know, it would seem that Christian equally disdains all three of the Earth’s great monotheistic traditions, or at least those of their forms that Christian takes to be their perversions (Zionist Judaism, Jihadi Islam, Christians who do not follow Christ).  Police have confirmed that Christian was hardly the obsessed “Islamophobe” that the media is making him out to be, instead ranting about all sorts of matters.

Yet the Christophobes in the media, always on the hunt for the Big, Bad White Supremacist—who they want for the public to at least subconsciously associate with Christianity—ignore Christian’s “Christophobia” to make it sound as if he has a singular obsession with Muslims. 

I also note he is into “Info Wars”/”Prison Planet” type stuff as well. I have a section rebutting the FEMA camps/coffins here. He was a “Misanthropic Nihilist” — which he described online as combining elements of Norse mythology, a disdain for women and minorities, and the right-wing “patriot” movement that wants to overthrow the federal government.


Earlier, I promised more on an aspect of believing a narrative about his racism. And this is more of a commentary on a point (a threshold really) made by someone in discussion with me that the four people arrested for kidnapping and torturing that disabled white kid NOT BEING CHARGED with a racially motivated or politically motivated hate-crime (even thought they said “fuck white people” and “fuck Donald Trump” as they kicked him) — was because the young black male teens dated white girls. Newt Gingrich was right, BTW, when he said: “If this had been done to an African-American by four whites, every liberal in the country would be outraged and there would be no question it is a hate crime.”

So, using that threshold of black people in one’s life to be the determiner of whether an attack is racially motivated, I submit this:

…Tomica Clark is black and the pair became friends in elementary school.

Clark told The Oregonian Christian had many black friends.

“He never disrespected me,” Clark said. “Prison took the real him away.”

On his Facebook posts, the six-foot, 235-pound accused killer said he likes comics, reefer and heavy metal…


Granted, he changed during his time in prison according to his friend Tomica Clark… which having been to jail I could see this changing a person not grounded in some sort of Judeo-Christian values vs. “comics, reefer and heavy metal.” But, going for my Leftist friends threshold, Jeremy wasn’t a racist… right?

So let’s recap a bit… He:

  1. had many black friends;
  2. was a Pagan;
  3. hated Christians, Jews, and Muslims (of all colors);
  4. smoked weed;
  5. was a criminal;
  6. was a segregationist (like most nationalist groups and many Democrats [Cal State L.A.; Harvard; University of Connecticut]);
  7. called Timothy McVeigh (an atheist) a “true patriot”;
  8. supported Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders;
  9. hated Hillary Clinton and Trump…
  10. etc.

Nope, no right-wing Christians here stabbing people.