I feel like I shouldn’t have to upload this ECON 101 type stuff, however, many may not realize this fact… ESPECIALLY if they went to college. I clip Dennis Prager noting this truth and then add a classic from Milton Friedman (longer video is HERE). See as well Congressman Bill Posey make the same point on the House floor.
Econ 101
Zero Sum Myth
See Also: “Why Capitalism Works“
Capitalism, the exchange of markets did this:
- Since Deng Xiaoping began instituting market reforms in the late 1970s, China has been among the most rapidly growing economies in the world, regularly exceeding 10 percent GDP growth annually. This growth has led to a substantial increase in real living standards and a marked decline in poverty. Between 1981 and 2008, the proportion of China’s population living on less than $1.25/day is estimated to have fallen from 85% to 13.1%, meaning that roughly 600 million people were taken out of poverty.
Wealth and Wealth Creation IS NOT a zero sum game!
Why YOU Love Capitalism
Do you use an iPhone? Watch Netflix? Listen to Spotify? Then you love capitalism and can’t stand big government. How do we know? Jared Meyer of the Foundation for Government Accountability explains.
Neumark/Wascher Bitch Slap Card/Krueger
I was listening to Larry Elder interview Lee Ohanian, who is professor of economics, University of California, Los Angeles. During the conversation Larry asked the professor about the Card Krueger study, and he mentioned the book that I excerpt below.
- David Neumark and William L. Wascher, Minimum Wages (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008), 71-77.
(See more in my MINIMUM WAGE section of my Economic’s “mantra page“)
If You Hate Poverty, You Should Love Capitalism
Did you know that since 1970, the percentage of humanity living in extreme poverty has fallen 80 percent? How did that happen? Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, explains.
Even Leftists Get It – Minimum Wage (UPDATED)
(Rearranged for homogeneous play) This is originally from Southwest Business Association: “Small business owners share their story and how a Minneapolis specific minimum wage will impact their business.” (Learn more at their website)
I find it sad that Leftists HATE big-business and the corporate models of doing business… yet they are all for getting rid of the small business owner by pricing them out of the market. Much to the GLEE of corporations.
Here are the three business highlighted in the video:
- Alaina Nelson – co-owner of Nicollet Ace Hardware (FACEBOOK)
- Jane Elias – Owner of Simply Jane Art Studio (WWW)
- Heather Bray – co-owner of The Lowbrow Burgers and Beer (WWW)
SEE MY: Economics 101 | Minimum Wage
Just to note though, as many of the comments to follow from my YouTube and LiveLeak also note… these are the same people running around screaming for “free college,” more welfare benefits, etc. They only speak up with economic common sense when THEIR bottom line is hit.
- I’m sorry to say, but it serves you right… and I have no sympathy for you. These people who are proud Bernie supporters and die-hard “progressives” staunchly support these horrific agendas as long as it’s someone else who has to foot the bill.
- The left is so f’ing stingy with their minimum wage anyway. Why not $50 a hour?
- So basically they support Bernie and his socialist ideas, except for when they personally need to chip in. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of these a$%holes.
- f&*k these twats, if it didn’t effect them they’d be out on the streets screaming for $15 an hour.
- Libtards are economically illiterate people, and the only way to make them understand how idiotic their policies are is to hit them in the pocketbook. Unfortunately most of them own nothing of value and spend most of their time hating and envying people who are better off than them, so it’s not an easy battle.
- Liberals only understand economics when it bites them in the ass personally.
- Self hating Leftist…
- funny how they wake up the minute it is not OTHER peoples money!
- Sad that they’re speaking the truth, and yet nobody would believe them unless they identified themselves as far left. Because hey, if a conservative said the exact same thing, it MUST be a lie!
- Hard to believe lefties get basic economics.
- I want to ask these people why it’s okay for them to not pay 15 dollars an hour but say corporations are greedy for not wanting to pay 15 dollars an hour.
Economics 101
“One of the great non sequiturs of the left is that, if the free market doesn’t work perfectly, then it doesn’t work at all-and the government should step in.” — Thomas Sowell
No really! The Russian jeep carrying the ashes of the late Cuban leader
Fidel Castro broke down and had to be pushed for a period on Saturday.
- 3-Questions Liberals Never Ask (EXTENDED VIDEO)
- 10 Myths About Government Debt
- America’s Debt Crisis Explained (Video)
- Are Regulations Causing Pain at the Pump? (PragerU)
- Concepts: “What Does ‘Free’ Mean?” (Smaller Government)
- California Has Debt, Not Surplus
- California’s Unfunded Liabilities
- Can the Government Run the Economy? (PragerU)
- Capitalism Works (See Video)
- Corporations Pay ZERO% In Taxes
- Crony Capitalism ~ What Is It
- Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share? (PragerU)
- Does the Minimum Wage Prevent Poverty? (PragerU)
- Free Enterprise Is About Morals, Not Materialism
- Food Stamp Mantra[s] from Democrats Rebutted
- Game of Loans (PragerU)
- Gender-Gaps, The Peace Index, and Happiest Countries
- Gender Wage-Gap Myths
- Gender Wage-Gap Debunked ~ yet again (PragerU)
- Greedy Rich Stuff Mattresses with Their Money
- Hayek vs. Keynes
- Housing Crisis of 2008 Revisited
- How Regulations Hurt Small Businesses (PragerU)
- How This Government Agency Hurts Us All (PragerU)
- How to Solve America’s Spending Problem (PragerU)
- I Pencil ~ The Invisible Hand
- Income Inequality is Good (PragerU)
- Is Capitalism Moral? (PragerU)
- Is the Unemployment Rate Lying to You? (PragerU)
- Is America’s Tax System Fair? (PragerU)
- Lemonade Stand Economics (PragerU)
- Lower Taxes, Higher Revenue – Laffer Curve (PragerU)
- Military Spending ~ We Spend More On It Than Education and Health
- Milton Freidman on the Phil Donahue Show – “Greed” (VIDEO)
- Money in Politics (PragerU)
- Myths, Lies and Capitalism (PragerU)
- Poverty Causes Terrorism?
- Price Gouging During Emergencies | Are There Benefits?
- Private Sector vs. Public Sector (PragerU)
- Profits Are Progressive (PragerU)
- Quantitative Easing (Inflation)
- Rich and Greedy Republicans Influencing Politics
- Rich Get Poorer ~and~ Poor Get Richer (+More Mantras Destroyed)
- [Evil] Rich HIDE Their Money
- TAX THE RICH! (Plus: CEO Pay vs. Worker Pay)
- Taxes Are Killing Small Businesses (PragerU)
- The Bigger the Government… (PragerU)
- The Case for a Flat Tax (PragerU)
- The Democratic Party Are Run By Old, Rich, White (Obstructionist) Men
- The General Welfare | Righting Constitutional Misconceptions
- The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers (PragerU)
- The Promise of Free Enterprise (PragerU)
- The War on Work (PragerU)
- There Is Only One Way Out of Poverty (PragerU)
- Trickle Down Economics Myth
- Tuition Costs ~ “Game of Loans”
- Wealth Inequality in America ~ Critiques On Inequality
- What Creates Wealth? (PragerU)
- What’s Killing the American Dream? (PragerU)
- Which Is More Dangerous: Big-Business or Big-Government? (Video)
- White House Use Beer Drinking Story To Explain Tax Cuts (Video: White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders)
- Why Is America So Rich? (PragerU)
- Why Are Americans Working Fewer Hours? (PragerU)
- Why Are Your Payroll Taxes So High? (PragerU)
- Why Do American Companies Leave America? (PragerU)
- Why is College So Expensive? (PragerU)
- Why Is Healthcare So Expensive? (PragerU)
- Why You Love Capitalism (PragerU)
- Working Overtime or Working Less? (PragerU)
- Zero Sum Myth
- America’s Socialist Origins (PragerU)
- Democratic Socialism’s Failure – Some Examples (Video)
- Democratic Socialism is Still Socialism (PragerU)
- How’s Socialism Doing in Venezuela? (PragerU)
- How Socialism Ruined My Country (PragerU)
- Immigrants! Don’t Vote for What You Fled (PragerU)
- Jamie Foxx | Plus: Caller From Caracas, Venezuela (Audio)
- John Stossel vs. Noam Chomsky on Venezuela (Video)
- Larry Elder – Bernie Sanders’s Socialist Paradise (Audio)
- Milton Friedman – Why Socialism doesn’t work (Audio)
- Questions To Ask a Socialist – Charlie Kirk Crushes Socialism (Video)
- Scandinavian Socialism
- Scandinavian Socialism Works #BecauseNorthAmerica (Audio)
- Should Government Bail Out Big Banks? (PragerU)
- Socialism Defined (Professor DiLorenzo)
- Socialism’s Failure (Professor DiLorenzo)
- Socialism Makes People Selfish (PragerU)
- The Venezuela Diet! (Video)
- Viva La Venezuela! (Video)
- What’s Wrong with Socialism? (Prager University Videos)
- Who Is Karl Marx (PragerU)
- Why “Democratic” Socialism Doesn’t Work (Video)
Dennis Prager Series – Left vs. Right:
- How Big Should Government Be?
- Does it Feel Good or Does it Do Good?
- How Do You Judge America?
- How Do You Deal With Painful Truths?
- How Do We Make Society Better?
MINIMUM WAGE (>>> Main Page <<<)
What happens when politicians decide they are in a better position than business owners to know how much workers should be paid? We don’t have to guess. Cities like Seattle and New York have already done so with their $15/hour minimum wage mandates. Simone Barron, a lifelong restaurant worker, recounts how “helping” her impacted her wallet, her career, and her life.
Corporations can absorb this “do-goodism”, small business owners cannot!
“Any Econ 101 student can tell you the answer: ‘The higher wage reduces
the quantity of labor demanded, and hence leads to unemployment’.”
(Larry Elder)
- $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Backfiring on Workers? (Video)
- $15 Minimum Wage: What We Can Expect | Forbes (Video)
- Applebees Franchisee On Min Wage Impact (Video | TownHall)
- Dunkin Donuts vs. Minimum Wage (Audio)
- Former McDonald’s CEO Ed Rensi Speaks About Minimum Wage
- Gutfeld: Seattle’s minimum wage hike failures (Video)
- How Does the Minimum Wage Work? (PragerU)
- How High Would You Make the Minimum Wage? We Asked L.A. Residents (Video)
- How the Minimum Wage Hurts Young People (PragerU)
- Is Raising Minimum Wage A Bad Idea? – Learn Liberty (Video)
- John Stossel – Minimum Wage, Maximum Folly (Video)
- John Stossel – The Politics of Income (Video)
- L.A.’s Garment Dist vs. Left-Coast Values (Audio)
- L.A.’s Minimum Wage Law Hurts Poor/Middle-Class People
- Larry Elder Discusses $15 Minimum Wage (Audio)
- Liberal Bias at the L.A. Times and Minimum Wage Debates ~ Michael Hiltzik & David Neumark (Audio)
- McDonald’s & The Minimum Wage (Video)
- Minimum Wage and Automated Kiosks (Audio)
- Minimum Wage Basics
- Minimum Wage Realities
- Minimum Wage and Regulations Killing L.A.’s Garment District
- Neumark/Wascher Bitch Slap Card/Krueger
- Ontario minimum wage increase “not about helping poor people” (Video)
- Popeye’s CEO on $15 minimum wage (Video)
- The “Card-Krueger” Study Debunked
- The Cruelty of the $15 Minimum Wage (Video)
- The Fifteen Dollar Minimum Wage is NONSENSE (Video)
- What’s the Right Minimum Wage? (PragerU)
- White Castle vs. New York Values (Audio)
See more on their website, HERE.
TeXaS vs CaLiFORNia
- America’s Future: California Or Texas? If California Is America’s Future, Then That Future Is Overrun With Poverty
- What is the cost of living difference between Texas and California?
- Texas v. California: The Real Facts Behind The Lone Star State’s Miracle
- California Wins ‘Worst State to do Business’ for 11th Year
- ‘Two-States of California’- Victor Davis Hanson at American Freedom Alliance (Video)
Minimum Wage
(I am changing some of my “Pages” to “Posts,” so some of this info is older to my site)
These people must be crazy! When there is near [damn] consensus on a topic… people should know about it, especially when the raising the minimum wage hurts the black community. But the left thinks and rants that not raising minimum wage is hurting the poor and minorities… when it is the exact opposite. What a crock!
(Minimum wage laws make discrimination on ethnicity and gender easy, via Milton Friedman) Here is Walter Williams referencing some statistics to make his point (including Neumark), followed by the excellent lead-up to the debate between [included as well] between L.A. Times columnist, Michael Hiltzik, and professor of economics at UC Irvine, David Neumark:
More by Walter Williams:
How will the forced raising of the minimum wage hurt the poor?
As the #FightFor15 movement get fast food workers to strike in order to get a $15, and they watch businesses in Seattle closing because of the forced raise in wages. Automated cashier options are now an option to be weighed. Of course a business wants a human face to represent it. But the business wants to stay in business, so many are being forced to choose a cheaper, more sustainable option for its budget.
The BELOW is and update to the above story about MceeDee’s in Seattle:
Via BizPic!
And this real world affect of what politicians can merely raise taxes to meet budgets with (or, on the Federal level just print more money [a dumb move BTW]) is that small business go out of business, thus affecting the poor who want jobs.
But now the option through technology is to replace workers for businesses altogether:
See also: Businesses Forced To Hurt The Poor ~ Thanks Dems
- “I’m hearing from a lot of customers, ‘I voted for that, and I didn’t realize it would affect you.’” (IJ-Review)
Powerline has a great short article about minimum-wage laws pushed by Democrats bumping into the steel reinforced wall of reality:
“Any Econ 101 student can tell you the answer: ‘The higher wage reduces
the quantity of labor demanded, and hence leads to unemployment’.”
(Larry Elder)
- $15 Minimum Wage: What We Can Expect | Forbes (Video)
- Minimum Wage Basics
- Dunkin Donuts vs. Minimum Wage (Audio)
- Former McDonald’s CEO Ed Rensi Speaks About Minimum Wage
- How High Would You Make the Minimum Wage? We Asked L.A. Residents (Video)
- Is Raising Minimum Wage A Bad Idea? – Learn Liberty (Video)
- John Stossel – Minimum Wage, Maximum Folly (Video)
- John Stossel – The Politics of Income (Video)
- L.A.’s Garment Dist vs. Left-Coast Values (Audio)
- L.A.’s Minimum Wage Law Hurts Poor/Middle-Class People
- Larry Elder Discusses $15 Minimum Wage (Audio)
- Liberal Bias at the L.A. Times and Minimum Wage Debates ~ Michael Hiltzik & David Neumark (Audio)
- Minimum Wage and Automated Kiosks (Audio)
- Minimum Wage and Black Families ~ Walter Williams (Audio & Video)
- Minimum Wage Realities
- Minimum Wage and Regulations Killing L.A.’s Garment District
- Popeye’s CEO on $15 minimum wage (Video)
- The “Card-Krueger” Study Debunked
- The Cruelty of the $15 Minimum Wage (Video)
- The Fifteen Dollar Minimum Wage is NONSENSE (Video)
- White Castle vs. New York Values (Audio)
Economists aren’t certain about many things, but on the minimum wage, nearly all of them (90 percent, according to one survey) believe that the case is open and shut. All else being equal, if you raise the price of something (for instance, labor), then the demand for it (for instance, by employers) will decline. That’s not just a theory; it’s a law.
James Glassman, “Don’t Raise the Minimum Wage,” Washington Post (Feb 24, 1998).
A majority of professional economists surveyed in Britain, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States agreed that minimum wage laws increase unemployment among low-skilled workers. Economists in France and Austria did not. However, the majority among Canadian economists was 85 percent and among American economists was 90 percent. Dozens of studies of the effects of minimum wages in the United States and dozens more studies of the effects of minimum wages in various countries in Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Indonesia, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were reviewed in 2006 by two economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research. They concluded that, despite the various approaches and methods used in these studies, this literature as a whole was one “largely solidifying the conventional view that minimum wages reduce employment among low-skilled workers.”
Thomas Sowell, Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy, 4th Edition (New York, NY: Basic Books, 2011), 241. [Link to 5th edition]
…percentage of economists who agree…. A minimum wage increases unemployment among young and unskilled workers. (79%)
Robert M. Beren, Professor of Economics at Harvard University ~ (More: Wintery Knight)
Economically, minimum wages may not make sense. But morally, socially, and politically they make every sense…
Jerry Brown (Reason.org)
The Paris Agreement B.S. (Updated)
“I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,” ~ TRUMP
(ABOVE) The Paris Climate Agreement will cost at least $1 trillion per year, and climate activists say it will save the planet. The truth? It won’t do anything for the planet, but it will make everyone poorer–except politicians and environmentalists. Bjorn Lomborg explains.
I Love Capitalism over at GAY PATRIOT notes quickly this:
Here is an excellent article via IBD:
Food Stamp Mantra[s] from Democrats Rebutted
Michael Medved responds to the food stamp issue that Democrats and the Left are bringing up. I take a clip from yesterday’s show and insert it into the middle of today’s show to give the listener some ammunition when these banal arguments come up. At the 5:17 mark, the caller mentions taxes for the millionaires as part of his argument. Medved Responds well to this challenge at the… and at the 6:24 mark you hear the caller respond with a bumper sticker jingle. In other words, talking about facts matters little to these people, but at least you will be able to influence those around you eavesdropping in on the conversation.
- For some good food stamp news items, see FOX NEWS.
- For my own “comparison,” see my post, COMPARE AND CONTRAST.
I posted this video on LIVELEAK, and a comment got me “clicking around” the internet to test what the person said. Here is the comment:
First, it should be noted that this idea was championed mainly by Moody’s chief economist Mark Zandi, a hard-core Keynesian. However, it should be noted that unfortunately “for Zandi, there has never been any empirical evidence of the Keynesian multiplier. Government doesn’t take one dollar and turn it into more by spending it. God doesn’t live in the White House, no matter how much Paul Krugman prays.” (AMERICAN THINKER)
HERITAGE FOUNDATION puts it like this:
They then respond to the above:
CATO likewise notes that the numbers were fudged to provide exaggerated outcomes:
Valerie Jarrett and Nancy Pelosi said similar things:
- JARRETT: Let’s face it: Even though we had a terrible economic crisis three years ago, throughout our country many people were suffering before the last three years, particularly in the black community. And so we need to make sure that we continue to support that important safety net. It not only is good for the family, but it’s good for the economy. People who receive that unemployment check go out and spend it and help stimulate the economy, so that’s healthy as well.
- PELOSI: Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way. It immediately injects demand into our markets and increases employment. For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, the economy grows by, according to one estimate, $1.52; by others, $2. So somewhere in that range, but much more than is spent on it…. We have a responsibility to the American people. These are people who have played by the rules, have lost their job through no fault of their own, and need these benefits in order to survive. So we must extend this insurance before the end of the year and we must extend it for at least a year. And I’d like to see that as we go forward before this year ends. Hopefully it could be part of a budget, but it doesn’t have to be part of a budget. It could be in its own vehicle as it goes forward, but it’s something we must consider.
Again, similar responses happened then as well:
“Game of Loans” ~ College Tuition Costs (ECON 101)
There is a law in economics, it deals with artificially propping up businesses, “goods” politicians deem necessary, production, etc. George Gilder notes this in a clip I isolated in an interview:
This applies to the real world in many ways, one being the co$t of college. Here is a very short video explaining this well:
OF course, one of my favorite videos of ALL TIME shows how students “benefit” from a subsidizing of college majors when in reality if they had to pay for college themselves it would be (a) cheaper, and (b) they would go into careers other than their majors… like sign flippers and bartenders (or other fields that are hurting):
(For full disclosure, my degree — theology — is one of the lowest paying degrees out there, and the lowest in employment opportunities.) In a short debate of the issue, Peter Schiff notes this “propping up” of useless degrees:
In the above discussion, Diana Carew seems to want jobs created by the government to fit the degrees earned. Otherwise, how would you force the private sector to create such opportunities unless you artificially demand [create] such opportunities? ~ There was zero unemployment in Soviet Russia, but all this “opportunity” collapsed due to economic laws… “this is how the USSR ended up with warehouses FULL of “widgets” (things made that it could not use or people did not want) no one needed in the real world. This economic law enforcers George Gilder’s contention that when government supports a venture from failing, no information is gained in knowing if the program actually works. Only the free-market can do this.” (Peter Schiff gets into the weeds a bit in this video.)
Here is another great PRAGER U video discussing the issue:
This is one of the areas Gary Johnson was correct — supply and demand:
FORBES notes well that most on the Left-end of the spectrum “don’t hate entrepreneurship and innovation,” but that their Econ 101 “part of the brain that deals with economics tends to shut down when discussing sectors like higher education (or healthcare).”
A WASHINGTON FREE BEACON post relates findings from a Federal Reserve Bank (NY) study showing that the federal student loans have increased the cost of college tuition while at the same time college enrollment did not increase:
Which brings me to finish this post with a humorous look at the hipster douche-bags scratching his or her head in regard to high tuition costs via REASON-TV:
In an article entitled, Why Is College Tuition Rising So Much? And What Can You Do?, that updates some of the numbers we are dealing with, I found this part sad (and I include myself in this paradox), because often times the young person takes as much money as they can get for the semester rather than get the bare minimum and subsidize the rest with income from work. (Editor’s note: this in part delays adulthood and why matters important to our body politic being expressed in an elementary way at the college level.) Here is the section:
Mary Bromley, the articles author, while making some good points didn’t include the idea that getting liberal arts degrees is not prepping the student for the shift towards technological needs for the future, nor did she deal with getting degrees that are actually useful in the real world environment. Mind you, that wasn’t the main idea or push of the article and may be a good “part deux,” but one of the main reasons tuition has risen IS BECAUSE the Federal Government is involved… practical ways to keep costs down that are in the article aside.
Likewise, automation (“robots”) will increasingly replace people in a “growing number of jobs, the skills employers are now looking for are technical skills.” But that doesn’t mean people will lose work over the issue, it means that society as a whole will need to change their focus to more technologically minded degrees. Frank Roberts in an earlier article continues:
So a change to practical degrees dealing with the change in society is a requirement. NOT TO MENTION the trades that support families well should be encouraged as well. (Like a master tool maker, a carpenter, or a plumber, etc., these are high paying jobs that society will always need — and jobs like these are more apprenticeship driven rather that degree driven.)
FORBES notes one study that challenges the status quo:
- …Beyond.com, found that a striking 64% of hiring managers said they would consider a candidate who hadn’t gone to a day of college. At the same time, fewer than 2% of hiring managers said they were actively recruiting liberal arts grads….
A person starting out in life should consider all of the above. Their choices made now will have lasting effects — speaking from experience.
The Venezuelan Diet!
See: Bernie Sanders Socialist Paradise!
Using an ancient Soviet method, 75% of Venezuelans have lost an average of 19 pounds and so can you! Who needs human rights and free press when you can get back to your old college weight? Watch the video and let Remy show you how it all works.