Dana Loesch
The Left Protecting the Status Quo ~ denying the documented rapes at Occupy protests essentially victimizes the victims all over again.
…Would these rapes have occurred had there been no Occupy camps? Debatable–however it invites questions about why a movement protesting for a free living wage, free education, free health care, free birth control, free stuff, free stuff, free stuff would have among its participants men who think they’re entitled to free sex, too. It’s the entitlement mentality. Additionally: Occupy established its camps in direct opposition to the police and created entire lawless zones subject to a governing body called a General Assembly that communicated through “down twinkles.” Organizers covered up crimes and encouraged others to do the same. There was no protection provided; no one was accountable under the law, as the law was utterly rejected. Not every Occupier is a rapist–of course!–but the movement’s lawless aesthetic and willingness to cover up crime absolutely contributed to the unsafe culture…
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