ESPN’s Gettysburg

TWITCHY has fun with General Lee’s doppelganger:

On Tuesday night, ESPN confirmed what people had been assured was not a satirical piece from The Onion, though it would have been a great one — announcer Robert Lee had been pulled from calling a college football game because it just “felt right” at the time, so soon after a woman had been killed while protesting white supremacists in Charlottesville.

In an email to reporters, ESPN said it all came down the simple coincidence of Lee’s name. We know that Merriam-Webster is quick to correct President Trump on Twitter whenever he goofs up, so we hope someone there is paying attention to Reuters’ feed today………

Democratic Strategist Starts Twitter Hashtag: #HuntRepublicans

While the story from BREITBART below notes James Devine apologized… he is actually doubling down on his #HuntRepublicans hashtag via his TWITTER:

BTW, that first Tweet (above) of his is easily disproved, here are a few places to go:

  • No Evidence Sarah Palin’S Pac Incited Shooting Of Rep. Gabby Giffords (POLITIFACT)

According to news reports, Loughner became fixated on Giffords several years before his Jan. 8, 2011, shooting rampage that killed six and injured 14, including the Arizona congresswoman…. According to the Washington Post, there is no evidence Loughner was aware of Palin’s maps. And according to an interview with one of Loughner’s high school friends, the gunman did not watch the news. His rampage was akin to “shooting at the world,” said Loughner’s friend Zach Osler.

Despite the facts which have come out showing that Jared Loughner was not a political person and was motivated by his own delusions rather than politics…. Remember, there is not a shred of evidence that Jared Loughner ever saw the map.  As discussed here numerous times, the connection of the map to the shooting was a complete fiction concocted moments after the shooting by certain left-wing bloggers who spread the connection into the mainstream media.

  • The New York Times Runs The Worst Editorial In Human History, Blames SARAH PALIN For Giffords Shooting AGAIN (DAILY WIRE)

Jared Lee Loughner wasn’t a conservative. He wasn’t a Republican. He wasn’t sane. There is no evidence whatsoever that he ever saw the infamous Palin targeted district map. None. The rumor was discredited within hours of the shooting. But six years later, The Times is still repeating the lie as true — and not just as true, but as the ultimate example of political rhetoric prompting violence.

See more at NEWSBUSTERS and LOUDER WITH CROWDER! Oh, and there are some people late to the Party!

(Via BREITBART) A New Jersey Democratic strategist is capitalizing on the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) by launching the hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen, and he is showing no signs of backing down, claiming “the chickens are coming home to roost.”

James Devine, a longtime political strategist in the Garden State, tweeted in the wake of the shooting at a Republican baseball practice in Alexandria on Wednesday that “we are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people”…


He also accused Republicans of starting a “class war.”

“If you want to invite a class war,” he said, “then you have to expect people to fight back at some point.”

On his website, Devine claims to have served in multiple roles in the state, including as the Democratic State Committee political director between 1992-3, where he “authored the coordinated campaign plan that helped Bill Clinton become the first Democratic presidential candidate to win New Jersey since 1964.”

Here is his information and self aggrandizement:

James J. Devine is a masterful Democratic Party campaign strategist, a crusading journalist and an accomplished leader with extensive experience managing large organizations.

Over the past 35 years, Devine accumulated experience in every facet of politics (running campaigns for local school board, city council and mayor to state legislature, governor, congress and the presidency) and government (as a top level legislative staff member and manager of a federal agency with 1,150 employees under his command).

Contact Jim Devine at 908-458-6397 or


We Call Them Snowflakes, They Call Us NAZIs

That sums up the rhetoric of the Left/Right distinction in dialogue. Two segments from Larry Elder, the “Prince of Pico-Union,” about the rhetoric of the Left when they say — “yes, the tone in politics is out of control… BOTH sides are to blame.” Not. In “Sage” fashion Larry points out the gap in civil dialogue. (See this earlier upload as well.) The “thumbnail” art piece is Norman Rockwell’s Saturday Evening Post cover art entitled, “Breakfast Table Political Argument,” or, “Dewey Vs Truman.”

Are You White? Do You Make Burritos? You’re a Racist!

BTW, I bet those two ladies that lost their business are now ex-Democrats. They will be dumbfounded that they will be voting Trump in 2020.

Dennis Prager reads from a piece entitled, “White-Owned Restaurants Shamed for Serving Ethnic Food: It’s Cultural Appropriation.” It is another sick story of the Segregationist [racist] spirit of the Left that has been with the Democrat Party since they were founded. Here is an excerpt from the piece:

If you’re a white person, you have no business running a restaurant that serves Asian, Latin, African, or Indian cuisine.

That’s according to the creators of a “white-owned appropriative restaurants” list, which accuses several Oregon establishments of engaging in cultural appropriation—a tool of “a white supremacist culture.”

The list, a Google Docs spreadsheet, includes about 60 Portland-area restaurants, the names of their white owners, and the kind of cuisine they serve. (For example, the list informs us that Burmasphere “was founded by a white man who ate Burmese food in San Francisco.”) The spreadsheet also lists competing restaurants that are owned by people of color and urges customers to try them instead.

“This is NOT about cooking at home or historical influences on cuisines; it’s about profit, ownership, and wealth in a white supremacist culture,” wrote the spreadsheet’s authors. “These white-owned businesses hamper the ability for POC [people of color] to run successful businesses of their own (cooking their own cuisines) by either consuming market share with their attempt at authenticity or by modifying foods to market to white palates. Their success further perpetuates the problems stated above. It’s a cyclical pattern that will require intentional behavior change to break.”

The spreadsheet seems to be a response to the controversy over Kooks Burritos, a Portland-area pop-up food truck run by two white women. In an interview with Williamette Week, Kooks owners Kali Wilgus and Liz Connelly explained how they fell in love with authentic Mexican tortillas during a visit to Puerto Nuevo, Mexico.


Anyway, if you’re saying that white people shouldn’t serve ethnic food at all, even if it’s really authentic and popular with customers, you’re going to drastically shrink the pool of non-ethnic people trying, eating, and learning about, ethnic cuisines. That might satisfy the enemies of cultural appropriation, but it doesn’t seem like it would ultimately be in the best interests of anyone, including the ethnic restaurateurs.

Here is another example:

  • “If you’re not Mexican, how is it your holiday? It’s not your holiday!… That’s for white people to figure out, or f**king know! Cinco de Mayo is NOT YOUR HOLIDAY!”

“Mike wears whatever he wants”~ classic!

Cinco de Mayo Chaos – SJWs (UPDATED)


  • A University of New Hampshire student publicly berated and harassed a peer for wearing a serape on his way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, proudly posting a video of the encounter on Facebook.
  • Danique Montique was most incensed by the fact that the student was a white male, complaining that this gives him “the most privilege in this whole f***ing country.”
  • She also loudly told him that Cinco de Mayo is “not your holiday” and that “you white people” need to find different holidays to celebrate.

More chaos via MOONBATTERY:

When utopia has been achieved, white people will no longer be racist by wearing sombreros and ponchos during lighthearted celebrations (assuming there will be any white people in utopia). In the meantime, at the University of New Hampshire:

[A] student group known as “All Eyes on UNH” has released a set of demands, which includes calls for the “administration and town elected officials” to urge “local stores in Durham to stop carrying items like ponchos and sombreros for May 5 celebrations, and instead seek out alternative sources of revenue.”

The stores must stop selling these products because “cultural appropriation contributes to the growing acceptance of racism and xenophobia.”

Meanwhile, the list of demands also calls for the “creation of a campus-wide committee to prevent similar offenses in future years,” with another demand asking Greek-life leaders to “find other ways to celebrate the end of the academic year.”

I can just picture the committee (to the right)….

3-Stories Not Fit for Mainstream Media (MSM)

Dennis Prager discusses a few news worthy stories that would warn the us of a cultural change toward totalitarianism… a cultural Marxist ideology. The previous hour of this day had this story as well:  — as well as playing this audio.

You see, “fake news” is often merely a bias working its way out in “what” gets reported. IN this case, we know nothing about cultural “red-flags” but know a lot about a nonexistent Russian collusion.

Dennis Prager Takes Crazy Pills! (Leftist Radicalism in Education)

Here is the article Dennis is reading from, via THE GLOBE AND MAIL:

…Until recently, Henry Parada was director of the School of Social Work at Ryerson University, Toronto’s big downtown commuter school. His career was going well and he got major research grants. Now he has stepped aside after a handful of students calling themselves the Black Liberation Collective accused him of “a violent act of anti-Blackness, misogyny and misogynoir.” What was this act? It seems that he left a meeting where a black female speaker was giving a talk. No one knows why.

What happened next won’t surprise anyone who has been tracking the steady rise of authoritarian illiberalism on the left. The Black Liberation Collective at Ryerson (which has perhaps the most diverse student body in the nation) issued an escalating series of rants demanding immediate action to address his crimes, along with institutional racism in general. Students disrupted faculty meetings. The administration has issued the standard non-response: Basically it values diversity and inclusion, and is looking into the matter.

But really, it doesn’t matter what Prof. Parada did. He’s a white man, and therefore guilty.

Here’s a partial list of what’s been happening on campus lately. At the University of Toronto, psychology professor Jordan Peterson is under attack – not least by his own administration – for refusing to use invented pronouns for transgender people. (Last year, Kenneth Zucker, a renowned U of T psychiatry professor, was fired from his position at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health because his treatment of transgender kids was deemed not radical enough.)

At Queen’s, a good-natured off-campus costume party blew up into a crisis over racism. Queen’s principal Daniel Woolf denounced the event on his blog as “the unacceptable misappropriation and stereotyping of numerous cultures,” and solemnly vowed yet again to improve diversity and inclusion on campus. In other news from Queen’s, the head of a student theatre group was forced to grovel after announcing a plan to cast a white female as the lead in Othello. “There is absolutely no excuse for making a casting decision that was oppressive and caused people of colour to feel as though they were invalid,” she apologized. The production was cancelled.

At many campuses, students routinely try to shut down controversial speakers because they might make someone feel queasy. When Marie Henein, Jian Ghomeshi’s defence lawyer, was invited to speak at Bishop’s University early next year and have her lecture live-streamed to other schools, one women’s studies major at St. Francis Xavier said that Ms. Henein’s talk was a “disservice to students who are victims of sexual violence.” To his credit, Bishop’s principal Michael Goldbloom wrote a rebuttal – an unusual act of academic courage these days.

How did we get here? Here’s a very short answer.

University campuses have always leaned a little left. But in the 1990s, as the previous generation of academics was replaced by baby boomers, they began to lean dramatically left. The humanities and social sciences were colonized by an unholy alliance of poststructuralists and Marxists – people who believe that Western civilization is a corrupt patriarchy that must be dismantled.

According to studies of U.S. universities, 18 per cent of social-sciences professors say they’re Marxists. Only 7 to 9 per cent identify as conservative. Leftism in the academy is a positive feedback loop – and we’re now well past the point where the radicals have taken over. Those who don’t agree just shut up. “There’s no question there’s an atmosphere of terror,” one (older, white, male) professor told me.

According to classic Marxist ideology, people’s degree of oppression is determined by their ancestry and class. Today’s identity politics simply swaps in race and gender. But the anti-liberal thinking is the same. When your goal is revolution, dissent becomes intolerable, and you have a moral licence to shut down free speech. As the very liberal Jonathan Chait wrote in New York magazine: “Liberalism believes in political rights for everybody, regardless of the content of their ideas. Marxists believe political rights belong only to those arguing on behalf of the oppressed.”


Not so long ago, I thought this craziness would pass. Now I’m not so sure. When institutions cave in to radicals, their demands will only escalate….

Neo-Progressivism – Sargon of Akkad 3-Part Series

Just so you know — for clarity sake — Sargon is an atheist. 3-Parts (will load automatically):

Neo-Progressivism has gone unchallenged for too long and has metastasized into an authoritarian cancer that is consuming the Left…and liberals are silent.

  • See also

Hillary Wants to Pervert Justice

  • “You must not act unjustly when deciding a case. Do not be partial to the poor or give preference to the rich; judge your neighbor fairly.” (Leviticus 19:15)
  • “Do not show favoritism to a poor person in his lawsuit.” (Exodus 23:3)

Back row (left to right): Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel A. Alito, and Elena Kagan;
Front row (left to right): John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Chief Justice John G. Roberts,
Associate Justice Lycurgus of Sparta, and Associate Justice Margaret Sanger.

Via NATIONAL REVIEW and Jonah Goldberg:

In her first answer of the night, Hillary Clinton was asked about the Supreme Court. She said justices should stand up to the rich and side with the people or some such treacle. It should support the usual favored groups, etc. It should fight big money and the powerful. And so on. Only problem: That’s not what justices are supposed to do. The Judicial Oath goes like this:

  • “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States.  So help me God.”

Sometimes they say:

  • “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.  So help me God.”

The relevant point is the same. Standing up to the rich is not the Supreme Court’s job. Standing up for the law is. And, sometimes, the law is on the side of the rich and powerful. You could look it up.

Owning Hawaiian Bobble-Heads Now White Supremacy…

…even if your Asian. I guess I am an imperialist white supremacist Christian cisgender capitalist heteropatriarchal male! Because I am ordering one as I type.

Sinclair Lewis once said,

  • “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

He was wrong. It comes with tattoos, bosoms, and an elitist Valley Girl accent. In-other-words, Sid Vicious would be swinging his bass on these clowns!

DAILY CALLER notes the following about the audio/video:

The video was sent anonymously to libertarian activist Lauren Southern, who uploaded it to YouTube along with a short introduction. The woman berating the driver has been identified as Annaliese Nielsen, who operates an exclusive girls-only online social club in Los Angeles.

Here is Lauren’s short comments and Nielsen’s rant:


There is nothing more enjoyable than seeing an “SJW” liberal attempt to harm someone because they were politically incorrect, and see it whip back and slap them in their smug stupid face instead. That’s exactly what happened to Annaliese Nielsen, a “social justice warrior” who tried to nail a “Lyft” driver, which is a version of the Uber taxi service application, because he had a classic dashboard hula girl figurine.
Yup, that was his sin against liberalism – having hula girl on his dashboard.


Unfortunately for Nielson, although she was hoping the video would cause people to attack her victim, everyone turned on HER!! She’s had to shut down her social media accounts and her personal information has been revealed in a public act of shaming for her stupidity in that video.

It turns out there’s a limit to the “social justice warrior” stupidity that society is willing to put up with, and she surpassed it!!


I like this video personally: