Democrat County Supervisor Peggy West of Milwaukee–strong advocate for the City of Milwaukee to boycott Arizona over SB1070–demonstrates the kind of intelligence we have come to expect from pro-illegal alien advocates. (HotAir h/t)
Crazy Dems
Democrats Do Not Think About Their Actions and Consequences, What Thomas Sowell Calls “2nd Tier Thinking”
All three network news shows on Tuesday skipped a report that eight of 15 experts consulted by the Obama administration opposed the government’s plan to halt deepwater oil drilling for six months. Only Special Report With Bret Baier covered the story….
…(read more)…
Those Who Clapped for Mexican President Felipe Calderon Are Dumbasses!
Jay Beeber Discusses L.A. City Councilman’s “Foot In Mouth Disease”
(FLASHBACK: MAY 2010) Jay Beeber of FREEDOM MINUTE and SAFER STREETS LA does a bang-up job once-again on the seemingly hypocritical stance of L.A. Cit Councilman Paul Koretz’s “flip-flop” on what constitutes a “blood-curling analogy.” This audio is via JOHN & KEN’s radio show. At any rate, you will find some great stuff over at Jay’s sites, enjoy his funny interview above… reality is always more comical that fiction! (Jay Beeber’s TWITTER)
Statists, Statism – Labels & Obama
This video is recently uploaded to my RUMBLE to save it from disappearing,
as, the original was uploaded in 2008
Some say we throw terms around too much, like: socialistic, Marxist, fascist, and the like. I tend to agree with some commentators that we need to find one term and stick with it. Like statist. the Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics defines statism as:
The American Heritage Dictionary simply states it as:
- The practice or doctrine of giving a centralized government control over economic planning and policy.
So you could call Obama a statist to sum up all the differing factors of his statements, his acquaintances, and his goals via political-philosophy in growing government. The case against Obama and that he is at the minimum a statist is air tight. So the idea of people who get upset with us conservatives about using terms like socialist, Marxist, and the like, should know the facts before making such (in their mind’s eye) counter attacks. I will only deal with a few of the facts that today’s Left is more radical than anything one could find on the mainstream political opposite. For instance, is there an equivalent to the Socialist Democrats of America organization (The Progressive Caucus):
Remember, the Socialist Democrats have a history of totalitarianism. That is not the point however, does the “right” have something as radical as that where mainstream politicians are active parts or members of? Obama, for instance, ran under the New Party, which can roughly be said to be a Communist political party (CONSERVAPEDIA):
- In 1995 Obama accepted the nomination, signed a contract,[285] and ran as a candidate of the openly Marxist New Party.[286][287] The New Party was an electoral alliance that worked alongside ACORN, formed by members of the Democratic Socialists for America (SPUSA and DSAUSA) and leaders of an offshoot of the Community Party USA (CPUSA).[288] The New Party was funded by literally hundreds of leftist front-groups operating as special interest 527 organizations.[289]
HOTAIR pointed to the many radical positions within this New Party a while ago as well:
Obama has even mentioned he has read and been influenced by Marxists. For example, in this Accuracy in Media article, this fact is pointed out:
BERTHA LEWIS is a name in infamy, thanks to a “pimp and ho” undercover job. But her and Obama’s ties are well-known as illustrated in the above video. However, many do not search out the ties some of these people have. Not only that, but often times one need only go to the “horses mouth” to find this radicalism:
This is one reason that Arizona has canceled radical ethnic classes that go under the guise as multiculturalism but in fact want to create racist separatism in its place. One candidate for office rightly calls some of these people terrorists. Navy veteran, patriot and fierce Obama critic, Les Philip, is running for Republican candidate for Congress, Alabama. He makes the point that the person whom Obama started his political career in the home of is really a terrorist:
As one can see from the following video, Obama was closer to Ayers that at first imagined, not to mention that this was a great political ad that failed to reach the hearts of enough people:
ZOMBLOG got his hands on a photo of Barack Obama reviewing a Bill Ayers book:
From this we can surmise that Obama was aware of Ayers. Further more, Ayers mentions Obama on page 82 of that book reviewed by Obama (FLOPPING ACES):
In case you were wondering, Bill Ayers is a self-admitted Marxist who famously said, “Bring the Revolution home; kill your parents.“
- Ayers omits any discussion of his famous 1970 statement, “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.” He also omits any discussion of his wife Bernardine Dohrn’s famous reaction to the Manson killings, as conveyed by journalist Peter Collier: “Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!” (In a 1993 Chicago Magazine profile, Dohrn claimed, implausibly, that she’d been trying to convey that “Americans love to read about violence.”) (REASON)
So we know that some of Obama’s closest political ties are radical socialist, communists, or Marxists. But let’s not try to differentiate between all the minutia between them, let’s just call them statists. Statists want a government similar to the below:
Obama, then, and the left, would speak in terms similar — or at least more at home in — a camp of statist terms and understanding. Let’s see how these few examples fair after this quote:
“From Each According To His Ability, To Each According To His Need (Or Needs)”
Karl Marx, In His 1875 Critique Of The Gotha Program
Okay, test time:
Leading Democrat[s]
I don’t even want to get into Obama’s CZARS, but you can.
ABC News Aligns Global Warming Skeptics with White Supremacists
Read the entire story at NEWSBUSTERS:
Sam Donaldson Defends Mexican President Felipe Calderon
Sam Donaldson compared Calderon’s speech against Arizona to Reagan’s speech against the wall separating East and West Germany! As well as comparing it to Clinton speaking out against Tienanmen Square! These progressive Democrats are all about making disproportionate actions and moral stances on freedom and protection all equal on the world stage. Reagan speaking truth to the tyranny of communism and Gorbachev is equal to Arizona trying to protect its citizens. CRAZY!
This transcript is from NEWSBUSTERS (I will recommend a book that I still think is fitting even after all these years):
Reading Helps (LOL)
Two weeks ago, Governor Jan Brewer took President Obama to task for making Arizonas unsecured borders and illegal immigration crisis a laughing matter. However, since then, Washingtons comedy of errors has grown far worse, with top cabinet officials admitting that they havent even read Arizonas new immigration law. Broken borders are not a laughing matter, but the failure by Obamas trusted officials to read Arizonas law before commenting and condemning it is laughable. Read the law for yourself at:
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin today launched an effort aimed at educating the country on the federal governments failure to secure our nations southern border and its failure to address the human tragedy that is occurring as a result.
Paul Koretz Likened Arizona Law To NAZI’s
FREEDOMMINUTE’S, Jay Beeber, was interviewed on KFI’s The John & Ken Show. Here is that interview after a short commentary from the blog at Freedomminute:
Democrats Clap at Mexican President Misstating the Arizona Law
Here is video of Democrats in the House Chamber, including VP Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others standing to applaud the President of Mexico’s attack on the new anti-illegal immigration law passed by Arizona. In particular, notice Attorney General Eric Holder who was one of the last to stand. He admitted earlier this week he has never read the law, even though he has been criticizing it. Calderon’s contention that the Arizona law is based on “racial profiling’ is not true. In fact, the law forbids “racial profiling.”
BREAKING: Leading Democrat Lied About Military Service!
With this story and Obama’s Supreme Court pick, Elena Kagan, who helped to impose strong restrictions on military recruiters when she was at Harvard, the 2010 election is looking better than ever. Here is Blumenttal agains:
Newsbusters goes on to say — after it points out he had 5-deferments like the press loved to point out Dick Cheney had — that “[t]his clearly shows that the press in Connecticut (and the New York papers, including the Times until now) do not exactly look like deep diggers when it comes to rising Democratic stars.”
Chicago High School Cancels Arizona Basketball Tournament
“Students Have Been Sent To China”: Girls’ B-Ball Team Reveals AZ Boycott Hypocrisy
Basketball team can go to china and play but not Arizona. How stupid is that?