(Post’s thumbnail picture is of Karl Popper) Even though I use the neo-Darwinian theory as my prime example, this applies just as readily to the conspiracy theories revolving around the New World Order, and the like. You can visit my “Conspiracy Mantras” page to go to some of my posts on the various topics, there.
“Darwinian explanations for such things are often too supple: Natural selection makes humans self-centered and aggressive—except when it makes them altruistic and peaceable. Or natural selection produces virile men who eagerly spread their seed—except when it prefers men who are faithful protectors and providers. When an explanation is so supple that it can explain any behavior, it is difficult to test it experimentally, much less use it as a catalyst for scientific discovery.”
Skell, P.S., Why do we invoke Darwin? Evolutionary theory contributes little to experimental biology, The Scientist 19(16):10, 2005; quoted by Jonathan Sarfati in Creation 36(4):1 September 2014.
Charles “The Hammer” Krauthammer makes this point in regards to the Climate Change frenzy:
The following is one of the reasons I reject Darwinian evolution (and, frankly, conspiracy theories like WTC-7 being a conspiracy), and any scientist would reject anything for.
“Insofar as a scientific statement speaks about reality, it must be falsifiable: and insofar as it is not falsifiable, it does not speak about reality.”
K.R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (London, England: Hutchinson & Co, 1959), 316; found in, Werner Gitt, Did God Use Evolution?Observations from a Scientist of Faith (Portland, OR: Master Books, 2006), 11. (See also: SCIENCE AS FALSIFICATION)
That is to say, if a theory explains everything it explains nothing:
“The underlying problem is that a key Darwinian term is not defined. Darwinism supposedly explains how organisms become more ‘fit,’ or better adapted to their environment. But fitness is not and cannot be defined except in terms of existence. If an animal exists, it is ‘fit’ (otherwise it wouldn’t exist). It is not possible to specify all the useful parts of that animal in order to give an exhaustive causal account of fitness. [I will add here that there is no way to quantify those unknowable animal parts in regards to the many aspects that nature could or would impose on all those parts.] If an organism possesses features that appears on the surface to be an inconvenient – such as the peacock’s tail or the top-heavy antlers of a stag – the existence of stags and peacocks proves that these animals are in fact fit.
So the Darwinian theory is not falsifiable by any observation. It ‘explains’ everything, and therefore nothing. It barely qualifies as a scientific theory for that reason….
The truth is that Darwinism is so shapeless that it can be enlisted is support of any cause whatsoever…. Darwinism has over the years been championed by eugenicists, social Darwinists, racialists, free-market economists, liberals galore, Wilsonian progressives, and National Socialists, to give only a partial list. Karl Marx and Herbert Spencer, Communists and libertarians, and almost anyone in between, have at times found Darwinism to their liking.”
The above is from an article by Tom Bethell in The American Spectator (magazine), July/August 2007, pp. 44-46.
Another Quote:
DARWIN CONCEIVED OF EVOLUTION in terms of small variations among organisms, variations which by a process of accretion allow one species to change continuously into another. This suggests a view in which living creatures are spread out smoothly over the great manifold of biological possibilities, like colors merging imperceptibly in a color chart.
Life, however, is absolutely nothing like this. Wherever one looks there is singularity, quirkiness, oddness, defiant individuality, and just plain weirdness. The male redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti), for example, is often consumed during copulation. Such is sexual cannibalism the result, biologists have long assumed, of “predatory females overcoming the defenses of weaker males.” But it now appears that among Latrodectus hasselti, the male is complicit in his own consumption. Having achieved intromission, this schnook performs a characteristi somersault, placing his abdomen directly over his partner’s mouth. Such is sexual suicide—awfulness taken to a higher power.
It might seem that sexual suicide confers no advantage on the spider, the male passing from ecstasy to extinction in the course of one and the same act. But spiders willing to pay for love are apparently favored by female spiders (no surprise, there); and female spiders with whom they mate, entomologists claim, are less likely to mate again. The male spider perishes; his preposterous line persists.
This explanation resolves one question only at the cost of inviting another: why such bizarre behavior? In no other Latrodectus species does the male perform that obliging somersault, offering his partner the oblation of his life as well as his love. Are there general principles that specify sexual suicide among this species, but that forbid sexual suicide elsewhere? If so, what are they Once asked, such questions tend to multiply like party guests. If evolutionary theory cannot answer them, what, then, is its use? Why is the Pitcher plant carnivorous, but not the thorn bush, and why does the Pacific salmon require fresh water to spawn, but not the Chilean sea bass? Why has the British thrush learned to hammer snails upon rocks, but not the British blackbird, which often starves to death in the midst of plenty? Why did the firefly discover bioluminescence, but not the wasp or the warrior ant; why do the bees do their dance, but not the spider or the flies; and why are women, but not cats, born without the sleek tails that would make them even more alluring than they already are?
Why? Yes, why? The question, simple, clear, intellectually respectable, was put to the Nobel laureate George Wald. “Various organisms try various things,” he finally answered, his words functioning as a verbal shrug, “they keep what works and discard the rest.”
But suppose the manifold of life were to be given a good solid yank, so that the Chilean sea bass but not the Pacific salmon required fresh water to spawn, or that ants but not fireflies flickered enticingly at twilight, or that women but not cats were born with lush tails. What then? An inversion of life’s fundamental facts would, I suspect, present evolutionary biologists with few difficulties. Various organisms try various things. This idea is adapted to any contingency whatsoever, an interesting example of a Darwinian mechanism in the development of Darwinian thought itself.
A comparison with geology is instructive. No geological theory makes it possible to specify precisely a particular mountain’s shape; but the underlying process of upthrust and crumbling is well understood, and geologists can specify something like a mountain’s generic shape. This provides geological theory with a firm connection to reality. A mountain arranging itself in the shape of the letter “A” is not a physically possible object; it is excluded by geological theory.
The theory of evolution, by contrast, is incapable of ruling anything out of court. That job must be done by nature. But a theory that can confront any contingency with unflagging success cannot be falsified. Its control of the facts is an illusion.
David Berlinski, The Deniable Darwin & Other Essays (Seattle, WA: Discovery Institute Press, 2009), 45-47.
One last example via:
So too is the conspiratorial view of history (Bilderbergers, Council of Foreign Relations, Banking Institutions, Rosicrucians, The Knights Templars, on-and-on). It is used as an over-arching meta-narrative by Marxists, libertarians, anarcho-leftists, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, druggies (stoners), to Christian Evangelicals.
If someone or something disproves an aspect of this theory that person is branded a “shill” ~ or the fact has been “planted” by those in power who wish people to believe this “counter-point.” It explains everything and therefore nothing.
It becomes a metaphysical explanation… religious, so-to-speak. God, or theism, while having evidential aspects, IS ultimately a metaphysical program, and thus, outside of material explanations. So is evolutionary naturalism as well as the New World Order — taking into account the above.
Before getting to two fun videos, I want to give an example of the depth of people not self-reflecting on what they are saying… applying it to themselves to see if their sweeping statements are true or just platitudes. After explaining via another site’s excellent work refuting yet another convoluted “matrix” of conspiratorial shenanigans regarding World Trade Tower Seven (WTC-7), I got this “challenge”?
Shaun your proof that Chemtrails are working!
Besides spelling my name wrong, here is my response (reformatted for ease of reading… but response 100% intact):
Jeffrey M.C., you believe in chem-trails?
As with other issues, like with an atheist saying Christianity is a crutch… not realizing that this argument cuts both ways and that atheism can be a crutch to escape judgement and wanting to live under an umbrella of full autonomy in the universe [being your own god]… this argument cuts both ways.
If chemtrails were a program to control one’s thinking in some way, why would it be proof if someone rejected “conspiracies”? Why couldn’t people who believe in whatever conspiracy theory be evidence for the program?
Like I point out in my “Alex Jones Section,” and elsewhere… conspiracy people think Jones is being controlled by the New World Order to spread misinformation — leading people away from the more important conspiracies.
And that is the point… small phrases like “pull-it” are taken [ripped] from their context, the evidence from the two parties involved in those [actual] conversations are ignored, and a matrix of unfounded and false evidence is then laid on top of this phrase… and then after this is distorted… people move on to the next myopic point to do the same.
MUCH LIKE when skeptics or the cults come in and rip a small portion of the text out of context, ignore the clear testimony of those involved in the verse itself, and lay a false history or hermeneutic over the text… moving on to do the same with another verse. [Like Jehovah’s Witnesses as an example with John 1:1]
In other words…
your contention,
or the person who says these programs are to obfuscate the “real conspiracies,”
…use the same amount of evidence [hint, inference only] and the competing contentions raised by conspiracy theorists are not provable of disprovable. BECAUSE there will always be another contention [twisted as discussed… inferred] to explain away the refutation.
For instance, I make good arguments against the main propositions used to support the deliberated destruction of WTC-7… and I am tricked by chemtrails. You see, there is no winning
…[and I linked to this post]…
And thus, no information [truth] is passed on.
I further explain for people who cannot pick-up what I am laying down:
In other words…
I could simply respond to Vytas S. when he said,
“Sean, I remember watching a CNN video of the countdown to when Building 7 came down,”
by saying:
Vytas, you’re proof that Chemtrails work!
[“Proof” ~ as used above ~ should be in quotation marks signifying another intent for it.]
Here is M.C.’s response (try not to laugh):
On the same Note Sean how do you know your information is correct… think about it. Most media information is impregnated with NWO progressive Liberal Spinbull. Alex has dedicated his life exposing mainstream media no matter who is in White House. If he is only right 30% of the time we are screwed. I will say he is right about 83% of the time and have watched his truths come to the forefront. ChemTrails are real…. and a threat to all of us. Weather Manipulation IS FOR REAL!. The Fight between Republicans and Democraps is a manipulated NWO Farce to keep us occupied and seperated…. WAKE UP AMERICA!
There is no way to argue reasonably with such a person… he will explain e v e r y t h i n g as a conspiracy — so I tap out — as truth is unknowable in his scenario.
This is with thanks to GAY PATRIOT, and can be added to my “CHEMTRAIL” response.
At the start of this past week, a Democrat City Councilman in the capital city of our country speculated that a Jewish conspiracy was manipulating the Earth’s weather in order to control urban areas. I am not making this up.
To bookend that, the Democrat Feminist Naomi Wolf (the one who advised Al Gore to wear Earth tones in order to project a more Alpha Male image) blames Chemtrails for controlling the weather over New York City. I am also not making this up.
When we noted major corporations such as Nestle have been buying up municipal water rights, hedge funds betting on water scarcity — and that cloud seeding redirects (doesn’t create) water — we got a flood of trolls. (Corps can hire troll farms, not just Russian). I say we look.
In a recent exchange, a believer in chemtrails posted the above photo and sarcastically asked if these pilots were drunk. Actually [I thought to myself] they looked like military maneuvers via fighter jets… so I got to looking. I eventually found out where this person got it from, Geoengineering Watch:
(click to enlarge)
(BTW, just about every photo on that page does not support their premise!)
So I did about 45-minutes of looking and eventually found the source of the photo (thanks to a feature in BING). It is a Chinese media internet channel (see original post here, be sure to have google translate the page if you are still a skeptic). Bingo… military.
“It’s actually from a 2007 photo of contrails left during an exercise of the Chinese air force practicing high altitude dogfights between F-10 and SU-27 fighters”
Yep. Geoengineering Watch caught knowingly lying and misleading people again:
METABUNK is supposedly owned by the evil, nefarious government set to control us through ice-crystals.[/sarcasm]
THIS IS THE MAIN POINT (humor aside) to remember when someone is backed in a corner and they say this type of thing… say, “okay, let us assume you are right… how does that information of a government owned entity negate these counter points and seeing the phenomenon happening since the dawn of flight?“
In-other-words, if the government, or Sasquatch owned the website (which neither do) , that would not impact at all the point made.
The person who posted the original photo keeps telling me to look up in the sky and see for myself… take note I have pointed out this phenomenon has happened all the time, and that all the below picture ARE someone looking up! To wit, here are a couple other pics I thought were very interesting due to their historical connection to WWII. Here is the info on this first picture (via WIKI):
Fighter plane contrails mark the sky over Task Force 58, during the “Great Marianas Turkey Shoot” phase of the battle, 19 June 1944. Photographed from on board USS Birmingham (CL-62). (Battle of the Philippine Sea, June 1944)
Here is the second historical shot described (I found this one at The Atlantic):
The condensation trails from German and British fighter planes engaged in an aerial battle appear in the sky over Kent, along the southeastern coast of England, on September 3, 1940
This third one is a Life Magazine shot (many more Life Mag pics can be found here at Contrail Science):
1944 – Allied aircraft vapor trails in skies above (prob.) farmhouse in the Ardennes Forest during last days of the Battle of the Bulge, the final major German offensive of WWII.
Debunked: German Aeronautics Engineer “I Installed Chemtrail Devices” Whistleblower
Someone linked a story to a conspiracy article about chem-trails being proven by an unnamed “aerospace” engineer that was fired from an unnamed business at an “open mic” event. Yes, like an “open-mic session” at some hipster douche coffee joint… but on a sidewalk or park. It is almost like “no-proof” is proof… like atheists say nothing is something.
Here is the post:
(The article mentioned originally is linked in the above pic.)
In an excellent article, the whistle-blower is debunked by MetaBunk:
On May 12th, 2014, at a German Peace Demonstration in Dresden, a person who claimed to be a former aerospace engineer (later identified as “Jens”) gave a brief talk, claiming to have have installed “chemtrail” spray equipment on planes. But his story fell apart after he presented his “evidence”. The plane he claims to have worked on in 2008 was an 2003 icing test plane, retired in 2005.
You see there! MORE proof this conspiracy is real… er… unless that is… you do just a bit of research.
Just a bit.
In each new jet model, prototype are made for various tests. At MetaBunk, you can find MANY pictures of these preceded with this explanation:
There are several photos that crop up on a daily basis on Facebook chemtrail groups with descriptions like “Chemtrail Plane Interior”. These are almost all photos of pre-production test aircraft which are fitted with ballast barrels, although there are a few that are interiors of firefighting planes. I’ll try to make this post be a comprehensive explanation of all the photos. Let me know if I miss any. And if you see some chemtrail promoters using this photos in error, then please let them know.
Ballast barrels are just big barrels of water that are used to simulate passengers when testing various configurations of weight and balance on the aircraft during test flights. The barrels are sometimes isolated, and sometimes connected with tubes, so water can be pumped around in flight to simulate passenger movements….
One of the reasons I love doing posts like this is that I learn a lot about both the lows of human reasoning can reach as well as all the neat science/engineering stuff your learn. Here is the video:
Here is a photo during a tour of one of these 787-8 Dreamliner test jets (if you right click and open in other tab you will see the full rez of the photo):
How fun. BTW, the comments section of the MetaBunk post on this is very informative as well.
After pointing a couple of these things out to the person posting the original conspiracy article that is easily disproved by a ninth-grader (well, when my boys were freshman at least), I immediately got the cut-n-paste of all the “patents” via the geoengineeringwatch.org’s conspiracy site started coming in. Here is one on the list commented on:
Patent 5003186
Here is the commentary:
The ‘Welsbach’ patent is well known, old (it’s patent has expired), and more importantly, there’s no evidence that it has ever been fitted, let alone used. But what if it had been used, it’s just a delivery system for a form of SRM. Geoengineering, if it ever happens, will be taking place in the stratosphere, and would not look like contrails, you sure as hell wouldn’t be able to see the aircraft, if they went that way. Balloons or rockets are as likely, as there are few planes that could fly to the required altitude.
Here is a great video debunking the claims made by geoengineeringwatch.org:
Here is another video dealing with some false claims made by Dane Wigington, lead researcher at geoengineeringwatch.org, on the same patent:
Leap of Logic
So the simple question becomes: since when does the existence of a patent mean anyone is doing anything with it? Its a jump in logic that does not prove a thing. Not only that, but even the success rates of patents getting to the end (being made and successfully implemented. is very-very low. For instance, here is one YouTuber making some common sense points MetaBunk makes in their article on the matter as well, “Debunked: Patents. As Evidence of Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Existence, Operability, or Intent“
Patent 1338343
The second patent used in the supplied — tired — list (normally the first) is this one: 1338343– August 14, 1990 – Process and Apparatus for the production of intense artificial Fog. Here are comments on it:
Since no explanation was given on the purpose of the first patent on the list, I thought I would try to figure out what it was about. The US patent doesn’t mention the intended use for the invention. My first thought was that maybe it was for special effects in the movie industry. But, I looked at the corresponding UK patent, and it mentions that it’s for military use.
Makes sense. The patent was filed during the middle of WWI. And, titanium tetrachloride, the chemical used in the patent, is included in a list of chemicals used for making military smoke screens
You can see it in action in this joint Korea/U.S. amphibious beach landing to surely ruffle the gulag cult to the north:
Misc. Others
After another very long cut-n-paste by a person in a forum similar to the one I am dealing with, we have this zinger:
… if you can tell us WHY each of those patents is relevant, it would be a help.
For example. patent 3899144 1975 Powder Contrail Generator.
This patent was issued for a device to be affixed to a target used in Aerial Gunnery Target Practice. The target is towed behind an aircraft and the Powder Contrail Generator leaves a trail of white particles behind it so the Gun Crew can see their target.
It uses 1.5 kilos of powder.
What does this have to do with “chemtrails”?
Also, please note that the issuing of a patent does not mean that the invention patented is actually in use otherwise we would be born by centrifugal force
You can’t just post up a list of patents and say “These prove chemtrails!” You should explain WHT you think these prove chemtrails
For example, from the list you posted:
“6030506 – February 29, 2000 – Preparation of independently generated the highly reactive chemical species “
What does this patent have to do with alledged spraying????
Keep in mind since I have been following these stories/conspiracies, they have changed… as do all conspiracies that fail to meet the simplest evidential standards. Which is why, for example, most of the “evidence” in the first Loose Change (a “documentary” about our government or massive insurance fraud being behind 9/11) is shed for new “evidence.” As these “so-so” stories fall apart, many are getting away from the spraying of what is typically thought to be aluminium or barium. Other conspiracy nuts would site Manganese (as the video to the right exemplifies).
A great collection of discussions can be found at Contrail Science. I also have a section on my C-O-N-Debunker Page on this topic. Take note as well that amateur rain collectors report high levels of harmful chemical. However, upon review of their collecting techniques, contamination would be the rule.
While a bit off topic… I love this exposing of lies and misinformation of some geoengineeringwatch article’s:
The artist known as Princehas died … TMZ has learned. He was 57.
Prince’s body was discovered at his Paisley Park compound in Minnesota early Thursday morning.
The singer — full name Prince Rogers Nelson — had a medical emergency on April 15th that forced his private jet to make an emergency landing in Illinois. But he appeared at a concert the next day to assure his fans he was okay. His people told TMZ he was battling the flu.
I found out via a friend in a text with thgis graphic… asking if this was too soon:
Keep in mind Prince was a bit off his rocker (see my section refuting this conspiracy here):
This is Dick Gregory in a montage talking about it: