Michael Medved interviews Dr. Melina Abdullah, a professor at California State University-Los Angeles (CSU-LA) who is also a national Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader. Her racism is very apparent in this interview. She is a converted Muslim, is a Marxist, and really, an anti-American.
THE DAILY WIRE has more:
….Abdullah, who descends from a family of Marxist organizers, made the comments on her weekly KPFK radio show called “Beautiful Struggle,” which features songs like “5 Million Ways to Kill a CEO” as bumper music. She was joined by Dr. Anthony Ratcliff, also a professor at CSU-LA, who organized BLM’s first youth activist camp last summer.
“Black Lives Matter and other organizations build a strong critique and understanding of racism and white supremacy and sexism and homophobia, transphobia, but we have to have as much hatred or vitriol against capitalism,” Ratcliff said. “Until we start to see capitalism just as nefarious as white supremacy, we will always be struggling.”
BLM launched a Black Xmas website on Saturday which calls for “no spending with White corporations” through New Year’s Day, encouraging supporters to donate to allied, black-led community groups or black-owned businesses instead…..
Two comments from my LIVELEAK I thought worth sharing:
I am white just for the record.
I agree with a lot she said.
Blacks should invest in their own neighborhoods.
I’ve always found it strange that the local 7/11 is run by an Asian in most black neighborhoods.
Her condemnation of Wal-Mart is a little under informed.
From district managers, store managers, assistant managers department managers people of color are very common.
Some guy waving around a realistic looking pellet gun got shot.
You don’t blame the gun you blame the man with the gun.
If you walk into a New York trading company and don’t see a lot of black faces that’s discrimination.
If you walk into an NFL locker room and don’t see a lot of white faces that’s talent.
Double standard double standard double standard.
The black community needs leadership, encouragement, and talent.
It doesn’t need blame the white guy. If they’d get over that I can get on with it.
Here is a “here-here” of sorts:
Well said. It’s not like there aren’t examples from the past…Harlem at its height was not a ghetto, and Greenwood in Tulsa Oklahoma was known as “Wallstreet” before whites burned it down in 1921. It was the wealthiest black community in the US. I’m sure black multimillionaire sport stars and celebrities give tons to colleges and universities for black scholarships, but I never hear of them giving money to start up grocery stores or pharmacies or 7/11’s in black communities.