Here is an excerpt from the John Nolte article Larry Elder reads from at about the midpoint of the audio:
Andrew Klavan adds the following summation of what people get when they treat our Republic like a Democracy:
Here is an excerpt from the John Nolte article Larry Elder reads from at about the midpoint of the audio:
Andrew Klavan adds the following summation of what people get when they treat our Republic like a Democracy:
Gateway Pundit points out that the above people lecturing us on “paying your fair share” are themselves tax cheats. Here are just a couple excerpts on what they owe:
See also HotAir
From the above Rush video description:
Rush Limbaugh (4/22/15): “Toure Neblett owes the IRS $59,000. Joy-Ann Reid owes the State of New York $5,000 in back taxes. Melissa Harris-Perry owes the IRS $70,000, she and her husband together. They’re actively not paying their taxes. Of course, the Reverend Sharpton’s tax bill is upwards of $3 million to $4 million.” 4 MSNBC Hosts Owe IRS Back Taxes, Not Paying “Fair Share”
Via Moonbat:
Via Moonbat and NewsBusters:
This comes way of The Blaze:
Since the Meet The Press panel promptly cut Riley off in the middle of his response to anchor Andrea Mitchell’s question, we reached out to Riley and asked him what he would have said had he been allowed to speak freely. Here is what he told us [emphasis Riley’s]:
I don’t see how you reduce these tensions going forward between these inner city communities and the police…in an environment where the black crime rate is what it is. I mean that is what is driving this.
Blacks are only thirteen percent of the population, but they are responsible for something like half of all murders in America. Half. I mean all manner of violent crime, all manner of property crime, you see black arrests at two or three times their numbers in the population. And until you…address that black crime problem — that black criminality — I don’t know how you’re going to address these other issues that people want to talk about, involving tensions between the black community and law enforcement, or involving racial profiling and so forth.
What is driving those tensions is black crimes. What is driving those perceptions of young black men are these crime statistics.
And if you want to change those perceptions, you need to change the behavior driving those perceptions. And that is not a conversation a lot of people, black or white, want to have. They want to talk about incarceration rates, but not crime rates. They want to talk about tensions in the black community, but they don’t want to talk about the behavior driving those tensions….
Like previous episodes (… the race hustler’s are out again in Ferguson. From Obama to Al Sharpton… Elder rants on racist Democrats.
Video with h/t to Weasel Zippers:
Some quotes via Young Conservatives:
…He disparaged Jews as “diamond merchants” during the unrest of the infamous Crown Heights riots?
…He tried goading NYC’s Jewish community into an all-out fistfight, saying “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house”?
…He referred to the Jewish owner of Freddy’s Fashion Mart, Fred Harari, as a “white interloper” for seeking to expand his business in Harlem? (You may have heard of Freddy’s. It was also known as the Harlem Massacre. One of Sharpton’s followers also disapproved of the “white interloper” and burned the store to the ground, murdering eight people including himself.)
But those tirades were just Sharpton’s anti-semitic ones. He’s also sermonized on “Greek homos” and “crackas” as well as bombarded former NYC Mayor David Dinkins with a barrage of N-bombs.
Video Description;
In this great dissection of the above named people by Dennis Prager, you get to hear how the left thinks. (Posted by:
(Fox News) Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Reverend Al Sharpton, and Richard Dawkins all got together to debate religion and… well, need I say more? Sharpton argued every religion has “zealots,” but Maher insisted it’s not the same and called the comparison “bullshit.” Valerie Plame and Moore also pushed back against Maher, making the point that there are plenty of Christian radicals all over the world. But both Maher and Dawkins argued that unlike Islamic extremists, Christian extremists don’t casually throw out fatwas and death threats when their faith is attacked.
For the readers information on what I noticed in uploading this to YouTube:
A current example of this thinking in the Department of Homeland Security, via Gateway Pundit:
World Net Daily reported, via Religion of Peace:
Department of Homeland Security adviser Mohamed Elibiary has penned yet another controversial tweet, this time likening the Muslim Brotherhood to evangelical Christians and comparing the Brotherhood’s indoctrination to Bible study groups.
WND found that Elibiary tweeted: “Ignorant #Islamophobes (redundant I know) protested my saying #MB like #Evangelicals. Usra like Bible study grp.”
The “MB,” or Muslim Brotherhood, seeks a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Shariah, or Islamic law, and teaches followers to help establish an Islamic state wherever they live.