h/t to my most ardent New Zealand reader, Graeme. The first is a musical tribute, the second video is of infantry soldiers giving a Maori Haka in honor of the fallen.
New Zealand Soldiers Send Off Fallen Comrade Awesomely – Watch More Funny Videos
h/t to my most ardent New Zealand reader, Graeme. The first is a musical tribute, the second video is of infantry soldiers giving a Maori Haka in honor of the fallen.
New Zealand Soldiers Send Off Fallen Comrade Awesomely – Watch More Funny Videos
One Engagement in Two Parts:
From the video description:
Hugh Hewitt interviews Karl Rove about the situation in Afghanistan. Dr. Rove gives his unfailing commentary that once again draws our attention to WHY a stable Afghanistan is important. He also makes the distinction between President Bush’s communication skills verses Obama’s. (Posted by https://mii.zkn.mybluehost.me/)
For more clear thinking like this from Hugh Hewitt… I invite you to visit: http://www.hughniverse.com/
What do I mean by “the PC crowd.” I mean that many on the Democratic left view Islamic values as equal to Western ones, or Judeo-Christian ones. So when Ann Coulter says, “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity,” you have the Left in this country up-in-arms. But as you will see in the second video… this is historically how you install justice into a closed society.
In other words, the same people who produce such heart-wrenching clips of women being thrown into jail for rape are not willing enough to unshackle the military’s hands and allow them to do what they did in changing the exact same thing in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and feudalistic Japan. They cannot get one without the other.
A Graphic Video originally posted on Michael Yon’s site, showing a young Afghan soldier stepping on an IED and the American troops saving his life. Caution, it isn’t pretty, but it is what our troops deal with almost daily.