Child Abuse foisted on society by the progressive Left, via GAY PATRIOT:
So this mom tried to jump on the trendy transgendered band-wagon, claiming her little boy identified as a girl. You get a lot of high-fives and social kudos in left-wing social circles for this.
Then, the court put the little boy back in dad’s custody. You won’t believe what happened next. (See, I can be a master clickbaiter)
A seven-year-old boy has been removed from his mother’s care by the high court, after he was found to be suffering “significant emotional harm” due to his mother raising him as a girl.
The judge in the case slammed social services who had simply accepted that the boy should be treated as a girl.
The woman had told him that the boy “expressed disdain for his penis”, he said, adding: “I consider that [the mother] has caused significant emotional harm to [her son] in her active determination that he should be a girl.”
“I have been told that [the father] and his partner were shocked when they first saw [the boy] by the extent to which he appeared to be a girl, both in appearance and in mannerism,” said the judge. “However, what is striking is how well [the boy] has settled down.
“I have noted from reports that [the boy] has become interested in Power Rangers, SpongeBob, superheroes and is constantly finding new interests … It is striking that most of [the boy’s] interests are male-oriented.
You gotta feel sorry for kids who become just tokens of their parents desire to embrace social justice culture. I keep thinking of that poor little boy raised by the two man-hating lesbian couple* who, surprise surprise, despises himself and also identifies as transgendered because it’s probably the only way to get his parents to accept him. He’s due for quite a shock later on when he finds out how many lesbians hate trannies. Poor kid….
Here is a partial excerpt from the above via BREITBART:
…Of course many trannies, or those that make up their own new gender, are not actually retarded. But they are deeply mentally damaged, and they are failed by a liberal establishment obsessed with making them feel good about themselves.
Consider how fanatical the liberal establishment, especially on campus, is with pronouns. My pronouns in case you are curious are “Fag, Faggot, and His Royal Fagness”. In the minds of the far left, what is important is not that a person be free to believe what they want about themselves, it is that all of us need to believe what they believe…. OR ELSE.
If trans lobby had its way, misgendering them would land you in jail. How ridiculous is this idea! Forcing people think a certain way, to make another person comfortable.
A tranny may say I am ugly. They’d be wrong of course. But they are free to say it.
More importantly, I do not base my self esteem on the fact that everyone around me is forced to accept whatever I say about myself.
Trannies need to learn to say “So What” if someone doesn’t accept them. But they never will. They are obsessed with being victims and being given special rights.
Everything they don’t like is transphobic. They’ve even invented a swear word for straight people: “cis”.
And if you won’t sleep with a tranny, you are transphobic. They call it the Cotton Ceiling, which is a stupid name. They should just call it: Biology.
My constant refrain is that we must not tailor our cultural norms to the whims of the mentally ill.
We do not require Americans to speak french to mental patients who believe they are Napoleon Bonaparte. We also don’t change that poor soul’s birth certificate to say he was born in France centuries ago.
There is a mental illness in Israel called Jerusalem Syndrome, in which foreigners spontaneously believe they are religious figures from the bible.
Imagine if society had to conform to their lunacy? You’d not only have to speak aramaic or some other dead tongue to them, you’d have to accept their faith. If you are an atheist and someone identifies as Jesus, will you risk disbelieving them, and being labeled a bigot? I think not!
This isn’t to say I don’t have sympathy with trans “folk”, as we are asked to call them.
I’m not, by the way, remotely the most offensive person on this subject.
Real people with the real disorder, that is, not transtrenders in the media, who are simply gay men dressing up for attention. I hate people like that!
I want you to imagine the struggles of a fellow student. They feel they don’t belong in their body. They were born the wrong shape, and when they look into a mirror, they see something alien…. It isn’t them.
This fellow student will go to any lengths to become the person they KNOW they are on the inside. It may involve drug usage, mutilation, or starvation.
You may think I am describing a transexual, but I’m not- I’m describing a young person with Anorexia Nervosa.
Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder. When detected, the sufferer will receive counseling and other mental health treatment to stop their destructive behaviors and learn to recover both mentally and physically.
Many sufferers of Anorexia end up leading normal and productive lives, and even maintain a healthy weight.
Now imagine if Anorexia was on the LGBT spectrum.
How would treatment differ? The Anorexia would not be called a mental disorder, but something else, something non-offensive, maybe a condition.
It would be encouraged by parents and mental healthcare providers. The trans-eating would be praised for their strength and encouraged not to eat. They might even get surgery to remove some ribs to be even thinner.
It’s sick and disgusting, but that largely describes how gender dysphoria, formerly known as gender identity disorder, is treated today.
Even the DSM-V, the manual which is used to diagnose mental disorders, has bowed to the pressure of the establishment, which insists that trannies are healthy and legitimate. Their 2013 edition made the change from a “disorder” (Gender Identity Disorder) to a “condition” (gender dysphoria).
Some are still brave enough to say the truth, for example Dr. Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, who has said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are “collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.”
He said that and didn’t get droned by the Obama administration. I’m shocked!
Dr. McHugh and colleagues pioneered gender identity disorder studies in the 60’s. They found no good reason to cut off healthy body parts.
In short, and this is the concept the entire left and LGBT spectrum rejects: reality DOES NOT and CAN NOT conform to delusion.
Trannies can never be women, or men for the small slice of women insane enough to desire to give up female privilege.
Trannies suffer from an astronomically high suicide rate after having their genitals mutilated. Some theorize that they realize they did not magically turn into women, and cannot handle this truth. Regardless of the reason, that this treatment continues is a travesty of medicine.
Every study shows the same thing: post-transition depression and suicide rates do not change or get worse.
One study in Sweden, which ran for 30 years, found the suicide rate of post-op trannies is 20 times higher than the normal population. Is that not the definition of medical malpractice? When a doctor’s operation leaves the patient 20 times more likely to die?
The Williams Institute at UCLA also found unbelievably high suicide attempt rates. More than 40% of trannies attempt suicide, as compared to less than 5% of the general population, and somewhere between 10 and 20% of the gay and lesbian population.
There is a long list of health problems associated with trannies, some mental and some physical.
Researchers at Vanderbilt have documented many of these:
- Problems caused by hormone therapy like liver damage and blood pressure problems.
- Cancer in remaining organs- is it transphobic to tell a trans-man to get checked for cancer of the uterus?
- Drug abuse just to deal with what they are…. Leading to dangerous sex and increased HIV transmission
- Higher rates of anxiety and depression, especially among those without social support.
- Higher risk for heart disease due to hormone use, smoking, and obesity.
No matter how you slice it (pun intended) trannies suffer a tremendous risk of suicide, worsening mental problems, and a massive range of physical issues.
Our medical establishment has taken one of the most vulnerable groups — certainly the most likely to kill themselves — and declared the way to treat their mental illness is to pump them full of estrogen, cut up their genitals, and make everyone call them a woman.
And the LGBT lobby and their friends in the media — the people vulnerable groups in society look to for support — are complicit in this self-mutilation and denial of reality.
These are terribly broken people. They are some of the most damaged amongst us, besides my ex-boyfriends. They need therapy, treatment, and to learn to live with the gender they are.
In my opinion, in future times we are very likely to look back at gender reassignment surgery with abject horror. We will wonder how the people of the time still known 50 years in the future as “current year” were able to justify butchering the bodies of mental patients to play along with their cruel delusions.
It will rank up there with electro-shock therapy to cure homosexuality as a barbaric practical with zero efficacy.
At some point children of both real genders will read about doctors who treated mental illness by surgically building their patients a vagina out of their penis…. A vagina that has to be blocked open for six months lest it heal over. Does that sound like medical treatment or barbaric medieval torture?
Although I may seem cruel to trannies, I say all of this because i recognize they are vulnerable and at-risk, and are treated as pawns by the liberal establishment eager to use them to push thought control on the rest of us.
I wish I could say these adults struggling with identity disorders were the most vulnerable and at-risk, but they are not.
The vogue thing to do these days in is to declare that your child is a transexual. We see them on TV and elsewhere, parents parading their tranny kids around.
It reminds me a bit of the little girls dressed up as pageant contestants, but parents pushing transexualism on their kids is worse…. Much worse.
Children have no idea what they are sexually until puberty. Even the mental health establishment will grudgingly admit that so called “gender non-conforming” children may snap out of it by their teenage years.
I mean, we used to have a word for this: tomboys.
I fear a future in which by the time they snap out of it, mommy and daddy has gotten them a sex change on the taxpayer’s dime.
Imagine the hell these kids will experience, all so that their parents feel special, and part of the tranny movement themselves.
There is no coming back from having your penis surgically removed.
You may have heard of a peculiar mental illness called munchausen’s syndrome by proxy. In this mental illness, a caregiver will fabricate, exaggerate, or directly cause illnesses in their child or other dependant so they can feel special and act as a wonderful caregiver.
I think there is a direct parallel to these parents, we could call it tranny by proxy. They feel special and they feel part of a cultural movement by playing around with the gender identity of their child.
It is sick, just as sick as giving a child a dose of poison so you can rush them to the ER.
Now we’ve been discussing trannies, who are mentally ill and not necessarily retarded. But there are plenty of retards out there.
Deeply narcissistic young people who have latched onto gender identity as a way to be special.
I hate to break it to you– but if you identify as one of these, you as closer to a potato than a regular college kid.
Made-up genders don’t make you special, they make you a retard…