Video Description;
In this great dissection of the above named people by Dennis Prager, you get to hear how the left thinks. (Posted by:
(Fox News) Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Reverend Al Sharpton, and Richard Dawkins all got together to debate religion and… well, need I say more? Sharpton argued every religion has “zealots,” but Maher insisted it’s not the same and called the comparison “bullshit.” Valerie Plame and Moore also pushed back against Maher, making the point that there are plenty of Christian radicals all over the world. But both Maher and Dawkins argued that unlike Islamic extremists, Christian extremists don’t casually throw out fatwas and death threats when their faith is attacked.
For the readers information on what I noticed in uploading this to YouTube:
- YouTube would not let me save my above description with the word I-S-L-A-M-I-C extremists. So I put the word “Muslim” in the text instead. But YouTube is fine with the phrase “Christian extremist.” YouTube is making the point Prager is making.
A current example of this thinking in the Department of Homeland Security, via Gateway Pundit:
World Net Daily reported, via Religion of Peace:
Department of Homeland Security adviser Mohamed Elibiary has penned yet another controversial tweet, this time likening the Muslim Brotherhood to evangelical Christians and comparing the Brotherhood’s indoctrination to Bible study groups.
WND found that Elibiary tweeted: “Ignorant #Islamophobes (redundant I know) protested my saying #MB like #Evangelicals. Usra like Bible study grp.”
The “MB,” or Muslim Brotherhood, seeks a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Shariah, or Islamic law, and teaches followers to help establish an Islamic state wherever they live.