Cornell Law Professor Bill Jacobson | Presidential Immunity (+ John Yoo)

Matt Allen interviewed Professor Bill Jacobson (Legal Insurrection) regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling on Presidential immunity. Professor Jacobson has a good post on the topic here:


John Yoo: Jack Smith Charges Will Be Tossed Out (July 1st)

John Yoo on Life, Liberty and Levin. “The charges regardless of whether President Trump has immunity, the charges that Jack Smith has brought are all going to be tossed out.”

Post-Debate Musings via Russell Brand (Plus Rogan & Dore)

Tucker Notices Something About The Debate No One Noticed

Are the Dems now trying to replace Biden? Was it always the plan?


Joe Rogan And Jimmy Dore Laugh At The Media’s Coverage Of President Joe Biden

Via – KanekoaTheGreat 》》Joe Rogan and Jimmy Dore laugh at the media’s coverage of President Joe Biden following his disastrous debate performance.

@joerogan: “When you see Biden, ‘We beat Medicare.’ And they go, thank you, Mr. President. How is that real? The guy locks up like Windows 95, stammers for 15 seconds, and then says we beat Medicare.”

@jimmy_dore: “No one has ever loved Joe Biden. He’s always been a joke and a punch line. And the idea that this is somehow Joe Biden’s truth-telling against Donald Trump. The first time Joe Biden ran for president, he had to drop out because he was exposed for being a pathological liar. He said he graduated at the top of his class. He graduated at the bottom. He said he had three majors. He said he was chosen as the most outstanding in his class. It was all lies. And then he got caught plagiarizing their speeches and their life story. Who does that?”

@joerogan: “Did I ever tell you about the Joe Biden night we had at Stitches Comedy Club in 1988? I would go on stage and do your act, and you would do my act [because he’s a plagiarist]. It was an open mockery that he was a known plagiarist in 1988.”

@jimmy_dore: “I had to tell Cornell West this when he was on my show. Hey, the reason why black and brown people are locked up at way higher rates is because of Joe Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill. Not because of Donald Trump. Donald Trump actually passed the First Step Act, which is probably why he’s getting 20% of the black vote right now. So, you’re right. All of their narratives are falling apart.”


That Moment She Realized Her Hero Doesn’t Like Black People

Others in the rally don’t like her as well? She is at the wrong rally!


Seal Team 6 | Assassins for Hire

Mark Levin states the obvious:

CIGAR SKUNK 2 makes a great point below. Wow. They want the narrative to be about Trump – don’t let it!

  • “This new official-acts immunity now ‘lies about like a loaded weapon’ for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the Nation,” Sotomayor wrote in her dissent.
  • When the president “uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution,” she continued. “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune.”

OK, so why is she upset as Biden is president right now which means that he can send Seal Team 6 to assassinate President Trump and be immune?

No, this is just Sotomayor and Jackson once again demonstrating that they got their law degrees thanks to racial quotas and are your typical incompetent DEI hires.


Simple — assassinating political rivals falls under “unofficial” since the POTUS is not officially permitted to assassinate his political rivals.

Interesting though that the first thing which came to the heads of the liberal justices was using presidential immunity to assassinate political rivals — shows us what they’ve been thinking about.

To bolster the idea above, let me note that most political violence comes from the Left, as well as political assassinations:

…. Even I initially thought that whoever did it was either a Republican or some backwoods, tinfoil-hat-wearing pseudo-Libertarian. Now that it’s come out he is a Democrat/Independent, it’s no surprise; virtually every assassin or would-be assassin of American presidents, both Republican and Democrat, have been leftists (to the extent that their political views are known).

Successful assassins (whose politics we know):

  • John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, shot and killed President Lincoln
  • Charles Guiteau, a member of the communist Oneida Community, shot and killed President Garfield
  • Leon Czolgosz, a leftist anarchist (similar to the useful idiots in the Occupy movement) shot and killed President McKinley
  • Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist, shot and killed President Kennedy.

Failed assassins (whose politics we know):

  • Severino Di Giovanni, a leftist anarchist, tried to bomb President-elect Hoover’s train
  • Giuseppe Zangara, a professed anti-capitalist, tried shooting President-elect Franklin Roosevelt
  • Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola, two Marxists, tried killing President Truman at the Blair House
  • Samuel Byck, who tried joining the leftist Black Panther group, attempted to kill President Nixon
  • Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, member of the Manson Family and also a hippie environmentalist, shot at President Ford
  • Sara Jane Moore tried to kill President Ford as well because, as she said, “the government had declared war on the Left.”
  • Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, a leftist connected to the Occupy movement, tried getting a one-in-a-billion shot at President Obama by firing a gun at the White House

The only individual whose political motivations can be deduced as coming from the right side of the political spectrum is Francisco Martin Duran, who claims he was “incited” by conservative talk-show host Chuck Baker, but also claimed that he was trying to save the world from an alien mist which was connected by an umbilical cord to another alien in the Colorado mountains. So there’s that. ….


This is just crazy stuff. See the fuller video at NEWSBUSTERS. I think this is how low they think of Republicans, and are merely projecting… as well as their animosity for the Military. What a horrible statement.

The Reading[s] Of The Declaration of Independence

George Washington Reads The Declaration of Independence

The VOLOKH CONSPIRACY has a must read post!

Senator John F. Kennedy Reading Declaration of Independence, 4 July 1957

Sound recording of Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts reading the Declaration of Independence. A recording of Senator Kennedy’s reading was broadcast on WQXR Radio in New York, on July 4, 1957, as part of the station’s observance of the Fourth of July.

This is with a hat-tip to RED HEADED LIBERTARIAN passing along MICHAEL W. SMITH’S post:

Happy July 4 to everyone here in America. Just a reminder of the price that was paid for our freedom. I honestly just did not know the great sacrifices that these men paidMakes me love this country even more.

What happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence?

This is the Price They Paid

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the revolutionary army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the revolutionary war.

They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners, men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags.

Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

Vandals or soldiers or both, looted the properties of Ellery, Clymer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton.

At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr., noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. The owner quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt.

Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates.

Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: “For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

Should we celebrate the Fourth of July?

Progressivism vs. Declaration (4th of July Primer)

(School is in!) Mark Levin shares his study of the U.S. Constitution and it’s Founding. The American Founding. Levin discusses the miracle of the death of the two men key to the Declaration’s appearance (Jefferson and Adams) on the Fourth of July. He then treads into progressive waters and the current dislike of our American Founding as compared to history. He reads from Woodrow Wilson (our first Ph.D. President) and his disdain for the Founding document and Principles. Then a reading from — really a counter point — Calvin Coolidge to cement the idea that these are eternal principles. Levin wonders aloud how Leftists can even celebrate the 4th in good conscience.

About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers. — Calvin Coolidge (POWERLINE)

BTW, if one does not know the history of the fourth in regard to Jefferson and Adams, or the eternal principles BEHIND the Declaration, here are some decent videos:

4th of July ~ History 101




Just a quick word regarding Mark Dice — who is the guy in the first video (and 3rd n 4th):

While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.

Media analyst Mark Dice asks beachgoers in San Diego, California some basic questions about America’s 4th of July Independence Day celebration and their answers are quite disturbing.



The signers of the Declaration of Independence (ALL BIOS HERE)


George Read | Caesar Rodney | Thomas McKean


George Clymer | Benjamin Franklin | Robert Morris | John Morton | Benjamin Rush | George Ross | James Smith | James Wilson | George Taylor


John Adams | Samuel Adams | John Hancock | Robert Treat Paine

New Hampshire

Josiah Bartlett | William Whipple | Matthew Thornton |

Rhode Island

Stephen Hopkins | William Ellery |

New York

Lewis Morris | Philip Livingston | Francis Lewis | William Floyd |


Button Gwinnett | Lyman Hall | George Walton |


Richard Henry Lee | Francis Lightfoot Lee | Carter Braxton | Benjamin Harrison | Thomas Jefferson | George Wythe | Thomas Nelson, Jr. |

North Carolina

William Hooper | John Penn |

South Carolina

Edward Rutledge | Arthur Middleton | Thomas Lynch, Jr. | Thomas Heyward, Jr. |

New Jersey

Abraham Clark | John Hart | Francis Hopkinson | Richard Stockton | John Witherspoon |


Samuel Huntington | Roger Sherman | William Williams | Oliver Wolcott |


Charles Carroll | Samuel Chase | Thomas Stone | William Paca |

Reagan, Cash, and Harvey

Dennis Prager

Video Description:

Dennis Prager reads from the popular leftist website, VOX. From newspapers such as the N.Y. TIMES, the L.A. TIMES, and the N.Y. DAILY NEWS. These mainstream opinion pieces bemoan and degrade America to the point of hatred. Anti-Americanism is growing on the Left, and in taking these positions these people benighted themselves as our cultural commissars… dishing out their version of history to those unintelligent lap-dog readers they call customers.

Some More History

I want to thank Israel Matzav for the following, good stuff!

With thanks to the Heritage Foundation:

During the 1700s, Philadelphia was an unpleasant place in the summer. Malaria and yellow fever were rampant. There were no cures and no known ways to prevent infection. Most people of means tried to escape the city, if they could.

But in the scorching summer of 1776, scores of our country’s leading men remained behind closed doors in Philadelphia. They were kept there by their work. And what a monumental work it turned out to be.

The 56 leaders, representing all 13 British colonies, signed a declaration that would birth a great nation and illuminate the very future of humankind. It’s this Declaration of Independence that Americans celebrate each July 4.

The document’s first job was to officially announce to the world that all the colonies had decided to declare themselves free and independent states, absolved from any allegiance to Great Britain. That was momentous enough for the years ahead, since in order to make good on that declaration, the colonies would have to defeat the British in a war that stretched until 1783.

But the greater meaning of the Declaration — then as well as now — is as a statement of the conditions that underlie legitimate political authority and as an explanation of the proper ends of government.

The signers proclaimed that political power would spring from the sovereignty of the people, not a crowned hereditary monarch. This idea shook Europe to its very core.

The Declaration appealed not to any conventional law or political contract but to the equal rights possessed by all men and “the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and nature’s God” entitled them.

What is revolutionary about the Declaration of Independence is not that a particular group of Americans declared their independence under particular circumstances. It’s that they did so by appealing to –and promising to base their particular government on — a universal standard of justice.

It is in this sense that Abraham Lincoln praised “the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document, an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times.”

Of course, it required another war to extend those rights to all Americans, but the fact that they were written down in the Declaration was crucial in 1865, in 1965 and remains so today as well.

“If the American Revolution had produced nothing but the Declaration of Independence,” wrote noted historian Samuel Eliot Morrison, “it would have been worthwhile.”

As Thomas Jefferson, lead author of the Declaration, put it in 1821, “The flames kindled on the 4th of July 1776, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism; on the contrary, they will consume these engines and all who work them.”

Those flames, the flames of freedom and opportunity, continue to spread. That’s a truth worth celebrating on the Fourth — and all year ’round.

From, The Spirit of the American Revolution:

Even the Minutemen reflected strong religious involvement. While they are generally recognized for their exploits as a group, few today know many specifics about them. For example, these men who stood to fight for their liberties and defend their town were often groups of laymen from local congregations led either by their pastor or a deacon!  Records even indicate that it was not unusual that following their militia drills they would go to church “where they listened to exhortation and prayer.”

The spiritual emphasis manifested so often by the Americans during the Revolution caused one Crown-appointed British governor to write to Great Britain complaining that:

If you ask an American who is his master, he’ll tell you he has none. And he has no governor but Jesus Christ.

Letters like this, coupled with statements like that delivered by Ethan Allen, and sermons like those preached by the Reverend Peter Powers (“Jesus Christ the King”), gave rise to a motto of the American Revolution. Most of us are unaware that the American Revolution even had a motto, but most wars do (e.g., World War II—”Remember Pearl Harbor”; the Texas’ war for independence—”Remember the Alamo”; etc.). The motto of the American Revolution was directed against King George III—considered the primary source of the conflict; for it was he who was arbitrarily, capriciously, and regularly violated “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.” The motto was very simple and very direct:

No King but King Jesus!

Sharp as a Tac! Media Malpractice

These videos are very well done and would be funny, save that this guy has a finger on the “red button.” The first video is the standard, via

Tom Elliot:

Matt Orfalea

The Best Biden Ever | “Sharp as a Tack”

The Truth About Joe Biden | Joe vs Joe vs Joe


The “Inject Bleach” Lie Used By Biden | Larry Elder

Larry Elder quickly dispenses with the “inject Bleach” lie Biden used at the debate Thursday. Larry Elder filled in for Dennis the day after the debate, and I clipped this and added to it in “RPT” fashion. Enjoy!

See my previous post that this buttons up:

Larry Elder’s Post Debate Analysis

Post election analysis; Meltdown at CNN/MSNBC; Will Dr. Jill Biden let Dems dump Joe?; What about VP Kamala Harris?; and Tucker Carlson faces Australian media.

What Was the Biggest Lie Exposed from Thursday’s Debate?

To tell you how different – typically, speaking from my own “in house” experience – men and women absorb the world; my wife gets sad when she sees Biden in the state he is: “What if that was your family member/loved one”, she said, watching clips I was playing (here, here, here, and here, for example). She gets upset at “nurse Jill,” for her abuse of Joe, but she ultimately feels sadness.

a) She is not a “politico” like me, and b) even though she [my wife] is tough as nails, us raising two Mil-Boys, she is a good Christian woman who has hidden pockets of care and concern (especially for her boys, me included) for innocent pawns in peoples power plays. So-to-speak.


I have followed or learned of Joe Biden’s destructive past and his almost anti-Christ secular worldview that so corrupts the Left.

I do not have that kind of compassion for a political leader.

Truth is my weapon, and I love to bludgeon those who fight against it.

THE BIGGEST LIE from Thursday?

Probably the biggest lies by those around Joe is just how sick he is.

Everyone saw the “cheap fake” in real time.

All these people would rail against Reagan when it was made known about his cognitive decline.

When they actually SEE IT, crickets and excuses.

One long time Democrat donor spoke his mind about this, brought to my attention via Gateway Pundit:

Billionaire hedge fund manager and longtime Democratic Party donor Bill Ackman has blasted the Democrat party and fake news mainstream media outlets for lying and misleading the country about Joe Biden’s health and mental acuity.


However, big-time lefty and longtime Democratic donor Bill Ackman, who previously said he was open to voting for Trump, has publicly blasted the Democratic party and mainstream media for misleading the country about Joe Biden’s mental acuity and health.

In a scathing post on his X account, Ackman wrote:

“As much as last night was an indictment of the Democratic Party for misleading party members and the country about the mental acuity and health of the president, the media deserve far more derision and scorn.

I and others were repeatedly criticized by the media for questioning the competency of the president. Among other false accusations, I was accused of spreading misleading videos which clearly showed Biden’s deterioration.

Do you remember the heavily excerpted and edited President Biden 60 Minutes interview where the interviewer covered for the president by saying he was ‘very tired?’

60 Minutes knew.

The New York Times knew.

CNN knew.

MSNBC knew.

Left wing media have had total and complete access to the president, his staff, and his administration.

They all knew, but they told you otherwise. They outright lied to you.


Red State writes similar sentiments when they note that Biden did not fail/fall alone on this past Thursday. But that he took the press with him:

…. All of these voices in the media today are in defiance of the very same media voices yesterday. What was witnessed Thursday night confirmed everything the press denied — for weeks, for months, and for the past four-plus years. The journalists currently declaring Biden’s condition was blatant and needing to be addressed were just days ago bleating that this exact same video evidence was fake. 

People noting the videos of Biden’s decrepitude were branded as liars and trafficking in “cheap fake” propaganda. Thursday night was a 90-minute presentation of “cheap fake” evidence, except it was live, uncut, unedited, properly framed, not “taken out of context,” or devoid of any other excuse journalists spat out to describe fully accurate presentations. Chuck Todd, unintentionally, admitted to this being the case.

At the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips tonight, right, this was – you saw it before your eyes.

What Chuck just did in this quote is prove out all of the media prevarications. They told us these descriptions of Biden were a caricature. They claimed the videos of his decline were manipulated and misrepresentations. It was entirely a slander campaign concocted by conservative media. All of that – all of it – was a complete lie told by the press corps. ….


The biggest liar that came out of the debate was “Nurse Jill’s” power craze and the media obfuscating  the real issue.

Biden’s health.

I am gonna do a series on CNN’s “lies list” from the debate., but the below is worth your while:

Alley Cat Morals

Larry Elder filled in for Dennis the day after the debate, and I clipped this and added to it in “RPT” fashion. Enjoy!

Joe “Alley Cat” Biden

I think Joe Biden is a liar about every aspect of his life. At least the stories he expects the voting public who kept him in office to believe is true. For instance, the Republican National Committee put a list together recently of this in their “Rapid Response” section:

Here are 21 made-up stories Biden has told about himself as president.

1. Biden claimed multiples times he spoke to the “inventor” of insulin.

Multiple scientists are credited with discovering insulin; two died before Biden was born and there is no evidence Biden met the others.

2. Biden claimed — on multiple occasions — he “used to drive” an 18-wheeler — sometimes with a woman he calls “Big Mama.”

Biden **rode** in an 18-wheeler once nearly 50 years ago. He’s never driven one.

3. Biden claimed he “had a house burn down with my wife in it” and said they “almost lost a couple firefighters.”

In 2005, Biden’s house had a “small” fire that was contained to the kitchen and “there were no injuries.”    

4. Biden claimed he was “raised in the Puerto Rican community” of Delaware.

There is no evidence of this, of course. In Delaware in 1970, only 2,154 people — 0.39% of the state population — were of Puerto Rican descent.

5. Biden claimed he served as a “liaison” to Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir during the Six-Day War.

Biden was plagiarizing fellow students at Syracuse law school during the war and Meir wasn’t even prime minister.

6. Biden said he remembered “spending time” and “going to” the Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 shooting.

The synagogue said Biden never visited.

7. Biden claimed his “first job offer” came from Boise Cascade, an Idaho lumber company.

The company said they have “no record of President Biden’s application or of him having worked for the company.”

8. Biden said after he was elected VP, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart.

Biden’s uncle — who was not a Purple Heart recipient — died in 1999 and Biden wasn’t elected VP until 2008.

9. Biden claimed he “was appointed to the [Naval] Academy in 1965.

There is no record of Biden being nominated to the Naval Academy, and Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 — making it impossible.

10. Biden claimed at least seven times that he had a conversation with an Amtrak conductor in 2012 or 2013 about traveling over 1 million miles on Air Force Two.

The conductor retired in 1993, passed away in 2014, and Biden didn’t hit 1 million miles on AF2 until 2015.

11. Biden claimed oil refinery pollution is the reason “I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer.”

Biden doesn’t have cancer. He *had* skin cancer, but the cause was sun exposure — not pollution. Biden also previously blamed oil refineries for why he had asthma.

12. Biden frequently claims to have been a “full professor” at the University of Pennsylvania after being VP.

Biden took nearly $1 million from UPenn over a two year time frame when average undergraduate tuition increased by 8 percent, but he didn’t teach a single class.

13. Biden claimed his “great-grandpop was” a coal miner — something he has been saying for decades.

He wasn’t, a fact which Biden even admitted back in 2004.

14. Biden claimed his grandfather was an “All-American football player” at Santa Clara University.

Santa Clara and NCAA records show no evidence of Biden’s grandfather being an All-American.

15. Biden claimed he “could have been an All-American” football player.

Biden played on the *freshman* football team for part of *one* semester in college. That’s it.

16. Biden claimed he almost walked on to an unnamed NFL team and thought he “could make it in the pros.”

There is no evidence of this. Biden barely played any college football before his father forced him to quit the team because of bad grades.

17. Biden claimed he hit a ball 368 feet “off the wall” at his second Congressional baseball game.

Biden actually went 0-2, according to a 1974 newspaper article.

18. Biden claimed he was “shot at” overseas — something he also lied about in 2007.

It never happened.

19. Biden said that when he was a County Council member, a woman once asked him to remove a dead dog from her lawn — but instead of removing it, Biden claimed he left it on her doorstep.

When Biden told the same story a year earlier, he said he removed it. So, which is it?

20. Biden repeatedly claimed he was “involved” in the civil rights movement.

None of that is remotely true. Biden even admitted in 1987 he was “not an activist.”

21. Biden claimed “the first time” he “got arrested” was at a civil rights protest.

There is no evidence Biden has ever been arrested (despite repeatedly claiming he has been), and he was not a civil rights activist.

There are a lot of lies via Biden… but even egregious enough to get Chris Christy in a tizzy! (I uploaded this on April 2021)

See more here:

Nobody, I Mean Nobody, Lies Like Joe



Quoting Jake Tapper On CNN Is Verboten (Updated)

Apparently, Jake Tapper can talk about Trump being like Hitler in some way on air, butt no one can discuss that on-air comment while on the air. You get it? TWITCHY has an excellent post on this topic.

Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s National Press Secretary, went on CNN to preview the upcoming presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump when CNN’s Kasie Hunt abruptly ended the interview…

Larry O’Donnell

CNN Host ENDS INTERVIEW With Trump Spokesperson,
Goes RED IN THE FACE When Called Out for BIAS!

Jesse Watters

Jesse Watters: CNN Slapped A Gag Order On The Trump Campaign